unnamednewbie13 wrote:
It seems the children of holocaust survivors can be accused of anti-semitism now.
Goddamit the Obama administration is full of anti-semites.
http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/12/0 … 1B20111203
Now there's one saying Israel is a theocratic non-democracy, and getting worse.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne … untry.html
But you're not allowed to say Israel is in any way to blame, thats anti-semitismThe White House has rejected Republican calls to sack the US envoy to Belgium over remarks he made last week on anti-Semitism in Europe.
Ambassador Howard Gutman said failure to resolve the Middle East conflict was breeding a new type of bigotry.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney accused the envoy of downplaying anti-Semitism.
But the Obama administration said it had "full confidence" in the diplomat, and that he was expressing his opinion.
"He was sharing his views on an issue," state department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters on Monday. "Our commitment to Israel's security is ironclad."
The diplomat said a new form of anti-Semitism was growing, in which Jews were being targeted because of resentment over the Arab-Israeli conflict.
"It is the area where every new settlement announced in Israel, every rocket shot over a border or suicide bomber on a bus, and every retaliatory military strike exacerbates the problem and provides a setback here in Europe for those fighting hatred and bigotry," he said.
"Were a lasting peace in the Middle East to be reached, were joint and co-operative Israeli-Arab attentions turned to focus instead on such serious, common threats such as Iran, this second type of ethnic tension and bigotry here in Europe - which is clearly growing today - would clearly abate."
Goddamit the Obama administration is full of anti-semites.
http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/12/0 … 1B20111203
How can anything be Israel's fault? Thats anti-semitism right there.U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta urged Israel on Friday to get back to the "damn" negotiating table with Palestinians and take steps to address what he described as the Jewish state's growing isolation in the Middle East.
Panetta, addressing a forum in Washington, also made one of his most extensive arguments to date against any imminent military action against Iran over its nuclear program, saying he was convinced that sanctions and diplomatic pressure were working.
"You always have the last resort ... of military action. But it must be the last resort, not the first," Panetta said.
Militarily strong, Israel is battling a diplomatic storm as Arab uprisings upset once-stable relationships in the Middle East. But Panetta warned Israel against viewing uprisings like the one in Egypt that toppled president Hosni Mubarak as an excuse to enter a defensive crouch.
"I understand the view that this is not the time to pursue peace, and that the Arab awakening further imperils the dream of a safe and secure, Jewish and democratic Israel. But I disagree with that view," Panetta said.
He said Israel needed to take risks, including by breathing new life into moribund peace talks with Palestinians. When asked by a moderator what steps Israel needed to take to pursue peace, Panetta said: "Just get to the damn table."
"The problem right now is we can't get 'em to the damn table, to at least sit down and begin to discuss their differences," Panetta said.
Now there's one saying Israel is a theocratic non-democracy, and getting worse.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne … untry.html
Goddam these liberals.Israeli government ministers have reacted with fury to comments made by Hillary Clinton expressing her concern for the state of democracy in Israel and the status of Israeli women.
The US Secretary of State reportedly criticised legislation proposed by Benjamin Netanyahu's government that would curb funding from international bodies to organisations working to promote human rights withn Israel.
She told the audience of US and Israeli officials on Saturday of her shock on hearing reports of gender segregation on buses operating in Jerusalem, which she claimed was "reminiscent of Rosa Parks", the African American woman who refused to give up her seat on to white passengers on a bus in 1950s America.
Mrs Clinton went on to claim that recent incidents of gender discrimination against female Israeli soldiers reminded her of the situation facing women in Iran.
A spokesman for Israeli prime minister declined to issue an official response to Ms Clinton's remarks, claiming they were made in a private forum. However speaking off the record, an official within the foreign ministry claimed the Israeli government was "astonished" by her remarks.
"We fail to see why this is a matter of such importance for the US Secretary of State. Does she deal with the same urgency to the social problems in states other than Israel?
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2011-12-05 15:49:39)
Fuck Israel
god damn mooslims
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
...show me the schematic
...show me the schematic
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-16456100Israel has said it will respond to cyber-attacks in the same way it responds to violent "terrorist" acts after the credit card details of thousands of its citizens were published online.
A hacker named OxOmar claiming to be Saudi said on Thursday he had leaked the private information.
Credit card companies say at least 6,000 valid cards have been exposed.
Reports say OxOmar may be a 19-year-old living in Mexico.
Such cyber-attacks are "a breach of sovereignty comparable to a terrorist operation, and must be treated as such", Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon has said.
"Israel has active capabilities for striking at those who are trying to harm it, and no agency or hacker will be immune from retaliatory action," he added, without giving further details.
Crikey seems a bit of an over-reaction, so I guess an Iranian strike on Israel would be justified by the Stuxnet attack?
Fuck Israel
Cyber sovereignty and reaction to attacks/attribution is an entire thread unto itself, really.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein
Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
― Albert Einstein
Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Didnt America already say cyber attacks would be considered an act of war?
Damned Americans!Beduin wrote:
god damn mooslims
Cheeky_Ninja06 wrote:
Didnt America already say cyber attacks would be considered an act of war?
Israel and Palestine threadFEOS wrote:
Cyber sovereignty and reaction to attacks/attribution is an entire thread unto itself, really.
America's views on what is an act of war and what isn't (particularly wrt cyber) are pretty irrelevant.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein
Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
― Albert Einstein
Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Who would deserve a radioactive wasteland?slayerslayer wrote:
nuke israel and give it back to the ppl that deserve it, not greedy and dangerous lunatics.
Some of the Jews have been living there for a half century. It's kind of late to remove either side, which is why people are pushing for the two state solution.slayerslayer wrote:
that's the only problem lol.Turquoise wrote:
Who would deserve a radioactive wasteland?slayerslayer wrote:
nuke israel and give it back to the ppl that deserve it, not greedy and dangerous lunatics.
find some way to get rid of the jews then give it back to the muslim/god's people and the palestinians, etc.
Why?slayerslayer wrote:
fair enough i'd rather there not be any jews there at all.Turquoise wrote:
Some of the Jews have been living there for a half century. It's kind of late to remove either side, which is why people are pushing for the two state solution.slayerslayer wrote:
that's the only problem lol.
find some way to get rid of the jews then give it back to the muslim/god's people and the palestinians, etc.
I wish my schools paper didn't have an oped article every week from a Jewish kid defending Israel and another from an Arab attacking it.
If you care so much about them go live there and spare the rest of us from your shitty little ethnic struggle.
If you care so much about them go live there and spare the rest of us from your shitty little ethnic struggle.
Last edited by Macbeth (2012-02-28 15:21:24)
Who makes the better case?

The Jewish kid thinks bringing up the holocaust and accusing everyone of antisemitism is a great debate tactic. The Arab is under the delusion that anyone cares about the plight of the Palestinian people and that people give a shit about stolen land.
That said, they are both failures.
That said, they are both failures.
If I could string that out to 700 words I could send it in to be published.
You're delusional if you think no-one cares, not everyone is a sociopath.
Fuck Israel
I'd bet a leg upwards of 90% of people don't give a shit about Israel. It's also pretty cringe worthy seeing either side get worked up over it. Makes me want to vomit.
You're right, 90% of people don't give a shit about Israel.
Fuck Israel
Israel is planning to demolish 'illegal' solar panels that are the only source of electricity for Palestinians in West Bank villages
http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-develo … lar-panels
Can anyone say ghetto?
http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-develo … lar-panels
Can anyone say ghetto?

This weeks article from the Jewish kid: Why NYPD surveillance of Muslim university groups is a good thing for the country and universitiesMacbeth wrote:
The Jewish kid thinks bringing up the holocaust and accusing everyone of antisemitism is a great debate tactic. The Arab is under the delusion that anyone cares about the plight of the Palestinian people and that people give a shit about stolen land.
That said, they are both failures.
(╯°□ °)╯︵ ┻━┻
I know I tend to bitch about the Jewish one more than the Muslim but the Jewish one's articles are the ones I tend to catch more often...
More from the same kid
‘Occupy Wall Street’ breeds anti-Semitism among protestors '
‘Occupy Wall Street’ breeds anti-Semitism among protestors '
Anti-Semitism is on the rise in the United States and around the world. According to the Anti Defamation League, 2010 saw a spike in anti-Semitic behavior for the first time in six years. The ADL documents incidents of assault, vandalism and harassment reported during a calendar year. However, this list of anti-Semitic incidents does not take into account the subtle anti-Semitic behavior so heavily utilized by anti-Israel and anti-banking movements throughout the world.
There are many different types of anti-Semites, but in America today there has become an accepted norm in negatively stereotyping Jews and the lone Jewish nation. The working definition of anti-Semitism — regardless of what anti-Semites might tell you — is simply put, hostility or prejudice toward Jews. This type of hostility has manifested itself in a plethora of ways, and today the largest challenge posing hatred toward the Jewish people is the rise of the “Occupy Wall Street” and anti-Israel movements.
I would first like to make it clear that highlighting disagreement with specific Israeli policy is not anti-Semitism. Every government makes mistakes, and Israel is no exception. The difference between the two is also simple: It is OK to have anti-Israeli policy, but it is anti-Semitic to be anti-Israel.
A columnist for The Daily Targum said last Wednesday that establishment of Israel in 1948 was “illegal.” I will not discuss the numerous United Nations resolutions, agreements between Israel and the Palestinian Authority or Israel’s peace agreement with Jordan that the author carelessly left out of her article. It could be that she honestly doesn’t know they exist, and since she shamelessly denies Israel’s right to exist, that thought doesn’t surprise me. What does surprise me is the blatant anti-Semitism the author displayed by denying the Jewish right to self-determination and the indisputable double standards she levied on Israel. It should also be noted that this is not my idea of what anti-Semitism is, but what the U.S. State Department’s report on Global Anti-Semitism declared in 2004 and the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia declared in 2005.
The author, however, is just a small voice vomiting fringe information from the sterile trough of the anti-Israel movement. Unsurprisingly enough, this same movement has joined hands with the throngs of intellectually destabilized “Occupy Wall Street” protestors. I call this move unsurprising for two reasons. First, many of the anti-Israel movements believe in Marxist, Leninist and Maoist ideology — strong characteristics of those protesting Wall Street as well. The second reason is because if you look at the history of anti-banking sentiment, it has predominately been directed at Jews under the common mantra that Jews control the money and the economy.
I wish I could say that instances of anti-Semitism at “Occupy Wall Street” are isolated and do not represent the group as a whole, but unfortunately that would be a fabrication. On the “Occupy Wall Street” website, a protestor rhetorically asks the question, “Who are we?” He answers with, “We are open to all ideas. We are the ideas. We have no leader. We are the leaders. We stand united. We stand as a voice of the people.” Apparently one of those ideas is that the “I think that the Zionist Jews, who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve, which is not run by the federal government … need to be run out of this country,” as protestor Patricia McAllister said at “Occupy Los Angeles.” At “Occupy Chicago,” organizers joined forces with an anti-Israel/American protest, where activists were handed flyers that read: “Refuse to pay taxes, Destroy Israel.” At Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan, one “Occupy Wall Street” protestor is seen in a video-chanting that the Jews control Wall Street.
Perhaps it is for the aforementioned instances that on Sunday, Oct. 16, the American Nazi Party released a statement endorsing “Occupy Wall Street” claiming it is “Taylor [sic] made” for their cause. They enthusiastically continue, “After all — just who — are the Wall Street bankers? The vast majority are Jews — and the others are spiritual Jew materialists, who would sell their own mother’s gold teeth for a profit. And more and more people are aware of this truth, are not only not afraid to talk about it — they’re shouting it on Wall Street!”
You see, the problem with having a “leaderless” movement with one unified voice is that it gives the American Nazi Party and anti-Israel movement equal leverage as those who want to reform banking regulations and political contributions. The “Occupy Atlanta” crowd censored civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., because the majority didn’t want to hear him speak. If a simple majority can censor a prominent civil rights leader, what would happen if a simple majority begins to agree that the Jews control Wall Street? Herein lies the dangerous problem with the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. As the group adopts more radical ideas and dangerous anti-Israel rhetoric, the protestors are legitimizing anti-Semitism and taking it mainstream. I am not blowing anti-Semitism at “Occupy Wall Street” out of proportion, I am only doing what they ask — looking at the movement as leaderless with one unified voice.
Last edited by Macbeth (2012-03-20 15:12:31)
I hate to say it but Israel will do nothing but justify anti-semitism if they choose to singlehandedly start World War 3
U.S. War Game Sees Perils of Israeli Strike Against Iran
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/20/world … amp;st=cse
U.S. War Game Sees Perils of Israeli Strike Against Iran
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/20/world … amp;st=cse
But the game has raised fears among top American planners that it may be impossible to preclude American involvement in any escalating confrontation with Iran, the officials said.
There is no such thing as anti-semitism in the broad sense, they simply have a knack of making themselves unpopular and then seek to characterise any antipathy as irrational.
Are the Palestinians 'anti-semitic' because they don't like having their homes bulldozed and their children shot in the head?
Is Spearhead 'anti-semitic' because he objects to Israel's 'right' to attack any country they feel like?
Either they've managed through their own actions to antagonise every race and civilisation they've come into contact with over the last 2,000 years, or anti-semiticism is a genetic trait in every race except the jews.
It basically stems from their central belief that they are superior beings and every other race exists only to serve them - its just inevitable thats going to put peoples backs up.
On the forthcoming attack on Iran, its pretty much a given that the US will be involved, the only question is overtly or covertly.
Are the Palestinians 'anti-semitic' because they don't like having their homes bulldozed and their children shot in the head?
Is Spearhead 'anti-semitic' because he objects to Israel's 'right' to attack any country they feel like?
Either they've managed through their own actions to antagonise every race and civilisation they've come into contact with over the last 2,000 years, or anti-semiticism is a genetic trait in every race except the jews.
It basically stems from their central belief that they are superior beings and every other race exists only to serve them - its just inevitable thats going to put peoples backs up.
On the forthcoming attack on Iran, its pretty much a given that the US will be involved, the only question is overtly or covertly.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2012-03-21 01:19:52)
Fuck Israel
Greatest post in the history of this forum.Dilbert_X wrote:
There is no such thing as anti-semitism in the broad sense, they simply have a knack of making themselves unpopular and then seek to characterise any antipathy as irrational.
Are the Palestinians 'anti-semitic' because they don't like having their homes bulldozed and their children shot in the head?
Is Spearhead 'anti-semitic' because he objects to Israel's 'right' to attack any country they feel like?
Either they've managed through their own actions to antagonise every race and civilisation they've come into contact with over the last 2,000 years, or anti-semiticism is a genetic trait in every race except the jews.
It basically stems from their central belief that they are superior beings and every other race exists only to serve them - its just inevitable thats going to put peoples backs up.
On the forthcoming attack on Iran, its pretty much a given that the US will be involved, the only question is overtly or covertly.
Holy shit.
Too funny.
I'm not someone to spew "anti-semitism!" at any criticism of Israel. I criticize their government plenty and can't stand Netanyahu. I have even been called an anti-semite before on another forum because of my criticism of the 2006 war with Lebanon. But a post like this? I think it's pretty clear why you're obsessed with Israel.
First time I have seen Poseidon in DST in months and of course he's accusing someone of antisemitism.