“Oh my god so I was talkin' to Stacey today right, and she was like oh my god, and I was like oh my god what is it baybz and she was like oh my god I'm preggerz and I was like oh my god no way baybz, innit, so like, how long have you been preggerz and she was like I dunno mate, I was just in Maccy-Ds and this guy was like nice one on avin' a baby innit, and I was like oh my god SHADDAP, I ain't 'avin no baby or nuffin so you can just like SHADDAP but then I took this preggo-test what you take when you 'avin a baby, an' I was avin' a baby an' then I came over 'ere to tell you, init! And then I was like, oh my god you total skank.”
Do chavs really speak this way?