I AM A POLOT, but i do get on the ground A LOT.  I cant tell you how many time a base is being over runed and they said we need help, next this you know you see me coming in hot with after burners on in my F15 droping my load on two tanks an APC and some 1 or 2 gound squads. That is so fun to do and knowing you saved that out post, Now it is shit.

=[4th]=SlayThem has a point about the arty this is really bad because befor it took skill to catch a polot in stright line long enough to fire. It was rewarding it made you fell like you did something with skill. I would be in dog fight dor 7-10 minutes and no one make a mistake and you both are watein for each other to slip or to not shake when you should and when you catch that strigh line your like HELL YEAH and you fire 2-3 time and BOOM. I had time when i yelled HELL YEAH! Now it is just shit.

Im not saying the AA should not be there and fixed because i like a challange, but THIS IS JUST TO GOOD.

here is a good qqute you boots on the ground should look at

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

All of you ground pounders.
How would you feel if there was a rocket/bullet that seeked your body/vehicle and killed in one or two hits and you had no way of getting away from it. Think of arty on steroids. Think of arty that can shoot through buildings(meaning no place to hide) think of arty being able to drop on your EXACT location and follow you around as you moved. THINK OF ARTY AS BEING ABLE TO BE FIRED EVERY 2 SECONDS!
Add all those things about arty and you have something that doesn't even equal the power of the new AA versus jets. Helos have a bit of a better chance because their flares load faster.

Last edited by airborne916 (2006-02-14 09:57:27)

+1|6737|Canada, Eh.
Oh, I get it. Now that people no longer have an unfair advantage in the air and can get killed as much as infantry can it's bullshit right. I mean, come on now, you won the race or TKed for that jet fair and square. You should have the unfair advantage for the whole round, after all, you are king of the world. You should never have to face danger because you are so ub3r 1337 you can fly a jet.

Guess what, just because you get to the jet first or TK for it doesn't mean you have the right to be invincible, sorry.

For the record I fly helicopters a fair amount so I'm not biased towards infantry. I think it is more fair now than it ever was. Yes, they get shot down too easily, but it's better than it was.
I'm sorry, what's a POLOT ??

The AA is for shooting down aircraft, as it was before it was almost impossible to do so, if this stops your dog fighting abillity then its serving it's purpose.

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

All of you ground pounders.
How would you feel if there was a rocket/bullet that seeked your body/vehicle and killed in one or two hits and you had no way of getting away from it. Think of arty on steroids. Think of arty that can shoot through buildings(meaning no place to hide) think of arty being able to drop on your EXACT location and follow you around as you moved. THINK OF ARTY AS BEING ABLE TO BE FIRED EVERY 2 SECONDS!
Add all those things about arty and you have something that doesn't even equal the power of the new AA versus jets. Helos have a bit of a better chance because their flares load faster.
Those where called airplanes and before those AA tower where useless. You needed to fire more than 3 of them to hit and when you did hit they just went to repair them. We ground untis have always hated those planes because we couldn't do nothing against you guys, as soon we heard the plane we could just decide where to spawn next

Zukabazuka wrote:

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

All of you ground pounders.
How would you feel if there was a rocket/bullet that seeked your body/vehicle and killed in one or two hits and you had no way of getting away from it. Think of arty on steroids. Think of arty that can shoot through buildings(meaning no place to hide) think of arty being able to drop on your EXACT location and follow you around as you moved. THINK OF ARTY AS BEING ABLE TO BE FIRED EVERY 2 SECONDS!
Add all those things about arty and you have something that doesn't even equal the power of the new AA versus jets. Helos have a bit of a better chance because their flares load faster.
Those where called airplanes and before those AA tower where useless. You needed to fire more than 3 of them to hit and when you did hit they just went to repair them. We ground untis have always hated those planes because we couldn't do nothing against you guys, as soon we heard the plane we could just decide where to spawn next
ever think of your own planes? you fighers and bombers trying to help. I just saying it is too much is  like flip floped so is is very unblanced. Just dont bitch when that F15 could of been inbound on your target and blow up every living think on the other team, that help wll not come but will be shot down by a noob with 12 minutes play time with the game. So just think about when your ass needs to be saved.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6719|Espoo, Finland
What they should have done IMO was to put more AA vehicles on maps and boost their AA lock and make the cannons they have VERY effective against jets. 5 hits with the USA gun should atleast bring a jet down.
Renaissance Soldier
+2|6812|Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
I can see the next "fix" already...

Personally I hope that they restore the HP of helos and jets to their old values (where 2 AA still took them out, none of this 1 + bullet from handgun or some shit), and reduce the targeting distance of the AA but leave the accurracy as good. Haven't played with it enough to know if the lock time should be adjusted.

I've seen many a groundwhore complain about planes going heavily after AA turrets already, this patch will only encourage this behavior even more.
because it locks so good, u get 5-6 TKs per each jet u shoot down.
so go ahead and shoot.

was playing on OMAN now and what do u know, still cant shoot me down
+10|6809| Going Feral
I think the only time airplanes were a problem was when one side had a good pilot and the other side had pilots that sucked or only cared about bombing runs.  The job of the planes is to try and neutralize the other side's planes, not just bomb infantry out in the open.  The good pilots would always harrass the other planes into uselessness, and then, on the way back to reload, find some infantry or armor to bomb.

luckybaer wrote:

I think the only time airplanes were a problem was when one side had a good pilot and the other side had pilots that sucked or only cared about bombing runs.  The job of the planes is to try and neutralize the other side's planes, not just bomb infantry out in the open.  The good pilots would always harrass the other planes into uselessness, and then, on the way back to reload, find some infantry or armor to bomb.
But if im in a F15 and the other guy is in a J-10 im not going even try to get near him much less get in a dog fight with him. Thats just crazy im saying hey sir "HELLO" can you kill me pleas.
Only way pilots can break the lock-on is to go behind objects, i reckon the good pilots will be learning low level flying from now on.

I think pilots will work out routes which are safe on certain maps, and actually plan an attack a bit more than they do now. (Dragon Valley is a good map for pilots wishing to avoid the central AA)

I don't fly often, but after years of Combat Flight sims with a Sidewinder F/F joystick, when i do fly in BF2, i find low level flying excellent fun, only problem is that lag is deadly.....

I actually find this upgraded threat a challenge, and perversely look forward to flying more often in BF2.

Quit moaning....adapt.
Destroy Noob Cannons
Did we really need to bring this in a new thread?
Moderator, please lock.
we have a 6 or so page discussion about this in the "omfg (aa)" thread.

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2006-02-14 11:09:06)

Destroy Noob Cannons

RonSeal wrote:

Only way pilots can break the lock-on is to go behind objects, i reckon the good pilots will be learning low level flying from now on.

I think pilots will work out routes which are safe on certain maps, and actually plan an attack a bit more than they do now. (Dragon Valley is a good map for pilots wishing to avoid the central AA)

I don't fly often, but after years of Combat Flight sims with a Sidewinder F/F joystick, when i do fly in BF2, i find low level flying excellent fun, only problem is that lag is deadly.....

I actually find this upgraded threat a challenge, and perversely look forward to flying more often in BF2.

Quit moaning....adapt.
I take it you have yet to play the patch.
Low to mid level flying means death. if you can see the ground, you're dead.
True, yet to play it.

I just presumed i can still fly from the Chinese airbase on Dragon Valley to the USA docks, at low level, without once being spotted by AA.

Unless there are new AA Locations, that route should still be a goer.
except it was impossible to shoot down a j10 if the pilot had even a vague idea how to avoid aa.
this will seperate the real pilots from the idiot jet-whores.
+18|6681|Baton Rouge, LA, USA
I'm sorry but I just don't see how a halfway decent jet pilot  should have an automatic gold medal because he can base rape all round long (see ChimPanzeEe) and never have to worry about AA because they suck ass

and I just don't see how somebody on the ground should have to be the one to suffer because he doesn't want to get in the AA and get booted from the server from trying to kill the jet but end up killing their own aircraft instead

but then again....I might want to pilot too....and I don't want to have to be rolling and flipping and flaring all the time while I'm in the air...

but I've yet to try it so.....
You're a polot is that a new type of a pilot some one who smokes pot wile piloting?
Got milk?
Try to fly near Essex now....
I've always liked when some air support would come in to help;  that was great.  However, I'd have to say that the vast majority of the time, despite endlessly spotting whatever chopper or jet was obliterating my squad, there was no help from the sky. Seems the flyboys were usually someplace else, or certainly not attending to their role as 'air support.'  I always felt like cheap targets were the main interest of many pilots.

The new aa at least gives the groundpounders a chance.  Before you had no options at all but to pray for good luck or die trying to get away.

Just my two cents

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

You're a polot is that a new type of a pilot some one who smokes pot wile piloting?
yeah thats me
+18|6681|Baton Rouge, LA, USA
I agree with tranq

most pilots are too busy raping the bases/airfields getting targets of opportunity and not doing their job of support and anti-helo
What tranq said.

With planes less desireable, maybe now the que at the runways will disappear and more people will actually be out in the field helping their team.  This can only bea plus for the gameplaying experience,

The fact that some people wee willin to go to such great lengths to secure a plane should tell you everythng you need to know about the imbalance inherent in earlier versions of the game.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Read my damn thread which stretched 10 pages.
Why does that Waaaaambulance have able writen on it?
Personally, I think in the past air has been a little too good (especially the jets), but as-is they are way too easily destroyed.

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