uk.solidsnake wrote:
I also like how jumping is completely screwed up and beyond all logic. When you land, it takes a good few seconds to be able to shoot again. I thought to myself, how odd, so I picked up my airsoft rifle, jumped up in the air and aimed at my center speaker as I landed. I was pleasantly surprised, that as a young teenager with barely any infantry training, I could still hit targets after jumping up and down. It seems DICE is under the impression highly trained Marines and Insurgents are incapable of this. I did get some weird looks from my family while I did this, though, and my center speaker took a good bashing as I knocked it clean off my desk.
I suggest you try jumping with combat boots, 40+lbs of gear on your back, and with a real gun that has real recoil. I go shooting often and I can assure you, for absolutelly no reason would I shoot immediatelly after jumping without getting my stance back and my balance back. Oh yea, and I would also have to re-aim the gun since there is no way to jump WHILE aiming the gun. This all takes time of course. Hell, I would never jump while holding the weapon in a shooting position in the first place. Great way to get yourself hurt.
There is nothing wrong with this additition, just another addition to the realism of the game. Shooting is a lot about reaction times, and if I sneak up behind you and start shooting you, it may take you half a second to react and shoot back. If you were to try and jump as I'm shooting you in real life, I would be able to easily follow your movements since they take time, and still manage to shoot you down. In real life, jumping is a complicated process which takes a bit of time. You have to crouch down to get a good push, and then landing takes a bit of time to "recover" from. In BF2ality, jumping takes no time at all since as soon as you press the jump button you are midair. Thus I now have to react and re-aim my gun to compensate for your jump where I had no visual cues that you were gonna do such a move. This gives you a second or so to get your act together, land, and blast me away while I'm still trying to react to your jump. This is the primary reason most people complain about jumpers, because they get more reaction time by doing an unrealistically quick jump.
Same goes for crouching. If you try and crouch right now, it would take you a bit over half a second. Putting a knee down, getting your balance, etc. In BF2, this move is instantaneous, therefore if we're both standing and shooting each other, and you decided to go prone/crouch... you have a slight temporary advantage due to the quick movements that happen. I'll still be aiming where your chest/face was a bit of time after you have crouched/proned, while you can still blast away at my chest and face which have remained in the same spot.
My point with all of this I have forgetten at this point... but in conclusion, jumping is NOT a real war tactic or combat move, and good job to EA for implementing some new control systems.