
N3v3rF0rg3tUSA wrote:

... so please understand that this is NOT directed at you, rather at the sh1tst1cks who keep spouting typical tard absurdities like "Noobs ruined my game with their bitching".  You my friends are the idiots.  You my friends ruined your own game by exploiting the near impervious flying assets for your own point-whoring gain and I for one am glad that EA/Dice recognized it and did something about it.

Please, will someone who is telling us that 1.12 was "balanced" please explain how the aircraft were balanced? How many times was your plane shot down by land-based AA? You could fly around impervious to AA. Now you have fly low, evade and try and take out the AA before you bomb. Balance! Some level of realisim! Ruined the game my arse.
bad touch

im over the AA thing, now, the PKM accuracy pisses me off. i got outsniped by one, 300 yards
Well I thought the PKM thing was blown out...  until i got picked off at about 250 yrds...   I had my old trusty F2000...   but that is about as accurate a Daisy Red Rider now...

I guess I'll noob it up and use the PKM until the next patch lowers the PKM and improves the MP7 or something...
As far as I can tell from a good solid couple hours for play I to have a few gripes.

- Lack of decent dog fights. First jet to get lock pretty much wins. Any type of move I pulled never evaded missles. Only way to avoid them is to drop flares. On maps like Wake where aircraft take several minutes to spawn and we'll see people die quickly... aircraft aren't going to be that fun to drive.

- PKM accuracy and power. While I was playing medic it seemed like a 1 shot kill. Maybe the people using it were good I don't know. For an automatic gun with a couple hundred bullets in it's clip is seems unnessasary to make it 1 shot 1 kill.

- Dolphin dive. There isn't the same rush as jumping frantically as you run out of ammo and try to knife a guy in the face. Fun factor reduction for me personally.

- Not being able to shoot while tossing. I understand the whole not being able to shoot and jump deal. I severally miss being able to throw C4 a distance rather then pissing it out of your pants right infront of you. A suggestion I would personally make is have C4 be able to be tosses as far as med/ammo packs. C4 tossing is a skill - not an exploit. (I suck at it though ;p)

- Shock Paddles. I missed several revives when trying to revive someone because apparently you have to keep your cursor on them a few seconds rather then quick zap and running away. Recharge thing is pretty sweet.

Those are my personal beefs with the patch. I understand some people may or may not agree and that's fine. Some other things are different and throw my game off but I can learn to deal.

Things I like.

- AA. It actually works now. Maybe they should have required more skill for use. But before, I honestly didn't see 1 guy who was good with it. I'm an avid jet/heli whore as well, but it was always a bummer to be in the other guys shoes. Knowing that the heli circling your spawn is damn near unstoppable. (I do extremely dislike the aircraft armor nerf. Lower armor and better anti-air shouldn't have come in the same package.)

- Snipers. Snipers held no place in BF2 in my opinion before this patch. There was never a time I saw a sniper only grab gold, and I personally was never able to excel with the sniper. Snipers kill infantry at distance. Assault up close.

There are still bugs and issues with this game. I hope they continue to patch.

-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:

look everyone who hates the patch i dont think theres anything we can do. the noobs who sucked and got owned by us in the air and ground are just gonna win because there are too many talentless pussies against us. for the last time, this game was always balanced, its just that the skill wasnt. check the stats of the people who like the patch, they're stats are garbage because they got owned by us and had no choice but to bitch about it instead of trying to get better and own us back.
That's true, the talentless pussies easily overrun the real BF2-heroes (in numbers). However, you said that they (ground pounders, n00bs etc.) should've adjusted to constantly getting crapped upon from the skies. As a matter of fact, they've (we've) been adjusting for that for almost half a year now. And now you say that you have simply too much points to learn to live with the changes? Come on, go buy yourself a decent pair of testicles and f*** them talentless pussies.

Edit: Besides, forget the skill and forget the stats - commercial rules apply. The majority will somewhat rule (and money, obviously, at least in most free countries), no matter what. Not saying that I like it, just saying that I can learn how to live with it.

Last edited by McBondi (2006-02-15 23:23:23)

MC Boogs
I thought the game definately needed some rebalancing.  That being said, rebalancing and ruining are different concepts entirely.  Here's me pros and cons of the patch:

-Brought the grenade launcher a little bit back to earth, no more jumping feet shot grenade kills.
-Elimated dolphin diving and bunnyhopping, those didn't necessarily have to go, but definately I think the game is better without them.
-New sniper rifle - fun, cool sound, not unbalancing
-No friendly mine/claymore fire - good because I hated getting punished for a TK that wasn't my fault

CONS [where to begin?]:
-A helicopter and jet should be the most powerful units in the game, they fly.  Someone who takes the time to learn how to use them effectively should be rewarded.  BlackHawkwhoring and such could have been modified without making AA as overpowered as it is currently.  EA instead just decided to go with the whiners and make air vehicles about as useful as a vodnik.  I think they should have made AA a little better, maybe reduced air HPs a little, but not what the have done.  A terrible error on their part that takes away from the game substantially.  A few solutions that would've been better - improve AA tracking on jets only [because helos could be taken out with concentrated HMMV/vodnik fire relatively easily], reduce blackhawk HP/make SRAW/ERYX damage it more, make the MEC chopper's main fun less powerful... plenty of ways without butchering the game

-C4 throwing??!?!?!?  C4 throwing was a fun BF2-only perk... you didn't have it in any other game.  It wasn't really easy to do like shooting the grenade launcher, it was an acquired skill that was used effectively by skilled players.  It was also fun and not unbalancing.  Terrible decision to remove it.

-Grenade throwing distance - Karkand has turned into a grenade lobbing match except in the most organized games.  Roger Clemens couldn't throw a grenade as far as every grunt in BF2 can now.

-FPS problems for a variety of users

-More lag spikes

-More server crashes

-More "red friendly" bugs

-the PKM has become an auto-sniper rifle - way overpowered

That leads me to my biggest complaint and the most unbalancing, stupid, ill-thought out, retarded, and ridiculous thing I have ever seen in a "patch"...

THE MOTHER F#$%#$ AT MINES - you can just litter the map with the little bastards with no way to get rid of em short of running em over or getting out and wrenching em.  You can't shoot em or blow em up.  I don't know what frickin jacka$$ sitting in his cubicle thought that one up, but I hope his children die in a house fire.  Again, play Karkand and you'll see mines everywhere, supply guys with their overpowered PKM constantly resupplying the grenade lobbing match. 

EA really really blew it with this one.  Not since CS 1.6[I think?] has a patch changed a game this substantially and n00bified it to this extent.  Really EA, it is okay if some people dominate a game, that doesn't mean it's bad.  You didn't have to bring it back to the masses.

Tom_CDN wrote:

N3v3rF0rg3tUSA wrote:

... so please understand that this is NOT directed at you, rather at the sh1tst1cks who keep spouting typical tard absurdities like "Noobs ruined my game with their bitching".  You my friends are the idiots.  You my friends ruined your own game by exploiting the near impervious flying assets for your own point-whoring gain and I for one am glad that EA/Dice recognized it and did something about it.

Please, will someone who is telling us that 1.12 was "balanced" please explain how the aircraft were balanced? How many times was your plane shot down by land-based AA? You could fly around impervious to AA. Now you have fly low, evade and try and take out the AA before you bomb. Balance! Some level of realisim! Ruined the game my arse.
Your stats are what we are talking about.......... no skill........ noob rating 98%....... more deaths than kills.... go back and sook to EA ... perhaps they will lower the ranks again for you so you can be an officer
I like the fact that the "hate it" thread is amost 5 times longer thatn the " Love It" thread....that tell you a lil something there gentlemen.  Regardless of what you cant fight simple statistics...SHAME ON YOU DICE....SHAME ON YOU EA.  It sux that they are about to release 2 more additons to BF2 because now they lost at least 25% of their supporters.  Great economic decions there...Im sure the guys down in marketing are just kickin back in their chairs smokin' a cigar on a job well done.  Or maybe they are sucking on eachothers cigars...cause they sure as hell aint workin on making quality gaming networks.
MC Boogs
Hawk - they're probably dropping AT mines, throwing grenades, and shooting AA.

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

I like the fact that the "hate it" thread is amost 5 times longer thatn the " Love It" thread....that tell you a lil something there gentlemen.  Regardless of what you cant fight simple statistics...SHAME ON YOU DICE....SHAME ON YOU EA.  It sux that they are about to release 2 more additons to BF2 because now they lost at least 25% of their supporters.  Great economic decions there...Im sure the guys down in marketing are just kickin back in their chairs smokin' a cigar on a job well done.  Or maybe they are sucking on eachothers cigars...cause they sure as hell aint workin on making quality gaming networks.
Suck it!!  The reason that the hate it list is longer, is because the love it crowd are actually playing the game instead of whinging and bitching like the talentless and skill lacking pussies we, who actually know how to play the game, always knew they were.  You had your stats-whoring toys made into something that actually has a defense, and you can't even master the simplest of evasive maneuvers.

Ya don't have skill, cuz ya can't adapt.  You're the perfect example of a pencil-dick pulling spotty little virgin that only knows one trick.

And I, for one, love it.  I am laughing so very very much, and this thread is providing me endless enjoyment.

You are all whinging little babies who have had their shiny toys taken away, and like spoiled little kids you are, the only thing you can do is scream louder.



Last edited by CombatQuokka (2006-02-15 23:49:18)


Tom_CDN wrote:

N3v3rF0rg3tUSA wrote:

... so please understand that this is NOT directed at you, rather at the sh1tst1cks who keep spouting typical tard absurdities like "Noobs ruined my game with their bitching".  You my friends are the idiots.  You my friends ruined your own game by exploiting the near impervious flying assets for your own point-whoring gain and I for one am glad that EA/Dice recognized it and did something about it.

Please, will someone who is telling us that 1.12 was "balanced" please explain how the aircraft were balanced? How many times was your plane shot down by land-based AA? You could fly around impervious to AA. Now you have fly low, evade and try and take out the AA before you bomb. Balance! Some level of realisim! Ruined the game my arse.
Tell me how many american planes where shot down by the Iraqi AA , and hell it where loads off AA back then before they all got fucked up by planes

|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

Tom_CDN wrote:

N3v3rF0rg3tUSA wrote:

... so please understand that this is NOT directed at you, rather at the sh1tst1cks who keep spouting typical tard absurdities like "Noobs ruined my game with their bitching".  You my friends are the idiots.  You my friends ruined your own game by exploiting the near impervious flying assets for your own point-whoring gain and I for one am glad that EA/Dice recognized it and did something about it.

Please, will someone who is telling us that 1.12 was "balanced" please explain how the aircraft were balanced? How many times was your plane shot down by land-based AA? You could fly around impervious to AA. Now you have fly low, evade and try and take out the AA before you bomb. Balance! Some level of realisim! Ruined the game my arse.
Tell me how many american planes where shot down by the Iraqi AA , and hell it where loads off AA back then before they all got fucked up by planes
Tell me why the Russians are no longer in Afghanistan fool.  And why did the Americans retreat from Somalia?



Last edited by CombatQuokka (2006-02-15 23:52:18)


CombatQuokka wrote:

|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

Tom_CDN wrote:


Please, will someone who is telling us that 1.12 was "balanced" please explain how the aircraft were balanced? How many times was your plane shot down by land-based AA? You could fly around impervious to AA. Now you have fly low, evade and try and take out the AA before you bomb. Balance! Some level of realisim! Ruined the game my arse.
Tell me how many american planes where shot down by the Iraqi AA , and hell it where loads off AA back then before they all got fucked up by planes
Tell me why the Russians are no longer in Afghanistan fool.

cause they were so stupid to attack on land aswell , and didnt throw 20000 pound bombs?

And they dont hide behind civillians like those somalians did?

Last edited by |DL|Krokkieboy (2006-02-15 23:54:26)


|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

CombatQuokka wrote:

|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

Tell me how many american planes where shot down by the Iraqi AA , and hell it where loads off AA back then before they all got fucked up by planes
Tell me why the Russians are no longer in Afghanistan fool.

cause they were so stupid to attack on land aswell , and didnt throw 20000 pound bombs?
Cuz the afghanis finally had shoulder-fired stingers, and the Russians lost control of the skies.  Which you would know if you weren't some talentless and skill-less little pencil-dick school-boy virgin.  The retreat happened 2 years after their introduction after running for almost 10.



Last edited by CombatQuokka (2006-02-15 23:54:59)


CombatQuokka wrote:

|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

CombatQuokka wrote:

Tell me why the Russians are no longer in Afghanistan fool.

cause they were so stupid to attack on land aswell , and didnt throw 20000 pound bombs?
Cuz the afghanis finally had shoulder-fired stingers, and the Russians lost control of the skies.  Which you would know if you weren't some talentless and skill-less little pencil-dick school-boy virgin.  The retreat happened 2 years after their introduction after running for almost 10.


sure show me ur stats and we talk further , talentless...LOL

|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

CombatQuokka wrote:

|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

Tell me how many american planes where shot down by the Iraqi AA , and hell it where loads off AA back then before they all got fucked up by planes
Tell me why the Russians are no longer in Afghanistan fool.

cause they were so stupid to attack on land aswell , and didnt throw 20000 pound bombs?

And they dont hide behind civillians like those somalians did?
Can you say 'Blackhawk down'?  Sorry... I couldn't hear you over the squealing.


|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

CombatQuokka wrote:

|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

cause they were so stupid to attack on land aswell , and didnt throw 20000 pound bombs?
Cuz the afghanis finally had shoulder-fired stingers, and the Russians lost control of the skies.  Which you would know if you weren't some talentless and skill-less little pencil-dick school-boy virgin.  The retreat happened 2 years after their introduction after running for almost 10.


sure show me ur stats and we talk further , talentless...LOL
Ya can't even figure out how to find them kiddy, and they're right in front of ya.  And funnily enough... no-one can see yours.

Which proves that you're not only a cry-baby, but you're stupid as well.


Last edited by CombatQuokka (2006-02-16 00:04:25)

+0|6965|Minnesota, US
Maybe if they fix it so anything that has to do with jumping or proning doesn't feel glitchy I'll start to complain less, but it feels like the game has taken a few step backwards when it comes to progress.
I have just over 100 hours on each gun and I thought with 1.12 each class was just about perfect.  Yes.. the support gun was subpar, but that was more than made up for by being able to nade whore, so on balance, the support class was better than average.  Now they have noobified the entire game so people can get lots of kills with no skill or practice.  BF2 has become just another frag fest.

I rarely ran into bunnies or dolphins, and when I did, big deal.  They were easy to kill.  Now this whole jump and no shoot, and get stuck in prone position is retarded. 

I thought I would try the medic class after being noobed by every PKM under the sun.  You can't jump on a guy, shock him, and bounce back up anymore.  Now you lie in the street waiting to get shot.  It took me about 5 minutes so say the hell with reviving teammates, as I was not going to die with them.  The unintended consequences of anti dolphin is that they ruined the medic.

Not being able to jump and toss and medic bag or a supply box is stupid.  Again, ruin teamplay.  I hardly ever saw the c4 tossers.  And when you did they could be dealt with.  Big deal.

Being able to jump and shoot around a corner was fun.  Now that is gone. 

The ridiculous grenade toss and the suped up support gun has now turned city maps into nade whoring fests and support gun snipers.

The noob tube fix is stupid.  The egg delay is like a bad piece of programming that makes you feel like you lagged.

They should have only changed 3 things in the game and left the gameplay alone.  Those 3 things were the red tag bug, eliminate getting TK'd by the M95 out of a vehicle since that happens so often it makes me want to puke, and make the AA better. 

Instead they ruin the game by eliminating many fun aspects of each kit, powering up the weapons so that all noobs can instantly get kills with no practice, and not fixing the real issues that do ruin the game. 

I can't even fathom what a bunch of morons these guys were to pick the "fixes" they did.  Did they have some focus groups with 10 year old kids or something to do what they did?  Obviously they did not play the game themselves.

After 800 hours, very little in the air, I am done.  I never did learn to be a dolphin, bunny, or toss and now I never will.  I am going to find a different game to play and it will not be from EA Lames.

I would love to hear from EA Lames how many total hours, and # of players, and hours/player/day are playing patch 1.2 vs. 1.12.  I would bet $100 right now that the numbers drop like a rock.

CombatQuokka wrote:

|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

CombatQuokka wrote:

Cuz the afghanis finally had shoulder-fired stingers, and the Russians lost control of the skies.  Which you would know if you weren't some talentless and skill-less little pencil-dick school-boy virgin.  The retreat happened 2 years after their introduction after running for almost 10.


sure show me ur stats and we talk further , talentless...LOL
Ya can't even figure out how to find them kiddy, and they're right in front of ya.  And funnily enough... no-one can see yours.

Which proves that you're not only a cry-baby, but you're stupid as well.

lol Im not hiding mine , its same as my name , but since you're to retarded to get how to find it , ill just give a link for you

|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

CombatQuokka wrote:

|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

sure show me ur stats and we talk further , talentless...LOL
Ya can't even figure out how to find them kiddy, and they're right in front of ya.  And funnily enough... no-one can see yours.

Which proves that you're not only a cry-baby, but you're stupid as well.

lol Im not hiding mine , its same as my name , but since you're to retarded to get how to find it , ill just give a link for you
PS.  Just saw your stats!!

hahahahahaha... ha ha ha ha... hahahahahahahahaha.... ha ha ha... hahahahahahaha... hahaha... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... hahahahahahahahahahahaha...

Outside of a jet that can't be shot down, you're fn useless.  Which basically means... you're useless.

Classic... this thread has given me two fantastic days of enjoyment.  Thanks mate.

+0|6965|Minnesota, US

VidSicious wrote:

I have just over 100 hours on each gun and I thought with 1.12 each class was just about perfect.  Yes.. the support gun was subpar, but that was more than made up for by being able to nade whore, so on balance, the support class was better than average.  Now they have noobified the entire game so people can get lots of kills with no skill or practice.  BF2 has become just another frag fest.

I rarely ran into bunnies or dolphins, and when I did, big deal.  They were easy to kill.  Now this whole jump and no shoot, and get stuck in prone position is retarded. 

I thought I would try the medic class after being noobed by every PKM under the sun.  You can't jump on a guy, shock him, and bounce back up anymore.  Now you lie in the street waiting to get shot.  It took me about 5 minutes so say the hell with reviving teammates, as I was not going to die with them.  The unintended consequences of anti dolphin is that they ruined the medic.

Not being able to jump and toss and medic bag or a supply box is stupid.  Again, ruin teamplay.  I hardly ever saw the c4 tossers.  And when you did they could be dealt with.  Big deal.

Being able to jump and shoot around a corner was fun.  Now that is gone. 

The ridiculous grenade toss and the suped up support gun has now turned city maps into nade whoring fests and support gun snipers.

The noob tube fix is stupid.  The egg delay is like a bad piece of programming that makes you feel like you lagged.

They should have only changed 3 things in the game and left the gameplay alone.  Those 3 things were the red tag bug, eliminate getting TK'd by the M95 out of a vehicle since that happens so often it makes me want to puke, and make the AA better. 

Instead they ruin the game by eliminating many fun aspects of each kit, powering up the weapons so that all noobs can instantly get kills with no practice, and not fixing the real issues that do ruin the game. 

I can't even fathom what a bunch of morons these guys were to pick the "fixes" they did.  Did they have some focus groups with 10 year old kids or something to do what they did?  Obviously they did not play the game themselves.

After 800 hours, very little in the air, I am done.  I never did learn to be a dolphin, bunny, or toss and now I never will.  I am going to find a different game to play and it will not be from EA Lames.

I would love to hear from EA Lames how many total hours, and # of players, and hours/player/day are playing patch 1.2 vs. 1.12.  I would bet $100 right now that the numbers drop like a rock.
I agree with everything you have to say, I don't care what problems people had with the air before or after, right now the infantry is definately not as refined as it used to be.

CombatQuokka wrote:

|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

CombatQuokka wrote:

Ya can't even figure out how to find them kiddy, and they're right in front of ya.  And funnily enough... no-one can see yours.

Which proves that you're not only a cry-baby, but you're stupid as well.

lol Im not hiding mine , its same as my name , but since you're to retarded to get how to find it , ill just give a link for you
PS.  Just saw your stats!!

hahahahahaha... ha ha ha ha... hahahahahahahahaha.... ha ha ha... hahahahahahaha... hahaha... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... hahahahahahahahahahahaha...

Outside of a jet that can't be shot down, you're fn useless.  Which basically means... you're useless.

Classic... this thread has given me two fantastic days of enjoyment.  Thanks mate.

so wheres yours , too afraid to show it now?LOL
+0|6965|Minnesota, US

|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

CombatQuokka wrote:

|DL|Krokkieboy wrote:

lol Im not hiding mine , its same as my name , but since you're to retarded to get how to find it , ill just give a link for you
PS.  Just saw your stats!!

hahahahahaha... ha ha ha ha... hahahahahahahahaha.... ha ha ha... hahahahahahaha... hahaha... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... hahahahahahahahahahahaha...

Outside of a jet that can't be shot down, you're fn useless.  Which basically means... you're useless.

Classic... this thread has given me two fantastic days of enjoyment.  Thanks mate.

so wheres yours , too afraid to show it now?LOL
Why don't you two take it to PM instead of clogging up this thread with worthless insults.

Khadgar323 wrote:

Why don't you two take it to PM instead of clogging up this thread with worthless insults.
Sorry for offense peepz... Perhaps a little bit of information might be in order for the people that love to complain about the new power of the support class... … 7&st=0

... before the squeals start again.


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