Bertster7 wrote:
Dilbert_X wrote:
lowing wrote:
then don't attack the source, attack the information in the source. Who cares if it from a racist ( which I do not claim it is) if you disagree with the information refute it and lay off of your playbook.
Trouble is you present the source as being some kind of authority, when its actually some unabomberesque nutball.
Then you ignore any information which doesn't agree with yours.
You don't present arguments, you present statements and challenge people to prove them wrong.
A group of nutballs, running a load of related sites. Some of which have been shut down.
There's Glen Reinsford of (shut down) and - which seems to be lowings main source for everything.
There's Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, where we can see numerous references to the fact that cairbaby was shut down and a campaign for web blocks imposed by filtering companies to be removed for the religionofpeace site.
There's also Khalim Massoud of Muslims Against Sharia - a hilarious site obviously not run by Muslims. His responses to emails he was sent regarding defamation law suits are quite in line with what one might expect:
Subject: Re: Law suits, ain’t this grand
Are you threatening me, you little biatch? You must have been sucking cousin dad’s xxxx for too long, if you really think that a demented piece of sxxt like you could scare anyone. And if you weren’t that stupid, you’d know that if you’re a Christian or a Jew, we’re praying to the same God, you retarded inbred. Also, you unhealthy fascination with larva is troubling. You should discuss it with a shrink at the free clinic, you dumb piece of white trash (Bill Warner).
From: Khalim Massoud
[email protected]
From: Khalim Massoud
[email protected]Muslims Against Sharia
To: BW (Bill Warner)
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 7:08 PM
Subject:Re: Law suits, ain’t this grand
You told on me, you little piece of sxxt (Bill Warner)? Obviously a little biatch like you is too much of a chicken sxxt to handle anything herself. I am surprised that you haven’t dug up the “fact” that I’m not a real Muslim, etc. etc. etc..
You (Bill Warner) must have been excessively molested as a child to feel that insecure at your advanced age. Ever considered counseling?
Khalim Massoud
Muslims Against Sharia
[email protected]241732 PO Box, OMAHA, NE 68124
Just a few examples from the website of a Private Investigator who has done some investigating of these dodgy websites. As a result of this, Muslims Against Sharia have had their PO box revoked by the USPS: … &h=485Some people will persist in using stupid sources, rather than mainstream sources. If only there were some criteria on what sort of sources are acceptable, then it would avoid all this nonsense.
Just because some nutjob has a blog does not make them a credible source. That is something that leads to lots of problems in D&ST and perhaps there should be a stickied thread explaining what constitutes a credible source (the sort of things you would imagine are common sense for most people) and that information taken from sources that do not conform with those guidelines should be taken with a pinch of salt?
Yet you hasd no problem hanging your hat on Jim Sutter as an authority...Why was that? Have you shown where was shut down because of racism? Haven't seen that yet. If it were true, and cut and dry why not just simply shutdown the others as well?
You condemn information you disagree with, as nutball, and accept information from a PROVEN fraud and con artist, and poser. as accurate and legit, because you agree with it without proof. This does not speak well of your "open mindedness" that you suggest I do not have.
When Uzi posted his BRILLIANT POST" I admit I was thinking to myself, oh fuck!! Then, I started to look into that information and found what I posted, and could easily dismiss it. You still accept it. Ridiculous.
I use because it addresses absolutely every single one of your arguments you try and use in your apologist attempts for Islam.
Pick any of your arguments and find your answer here. It is funny because everything you try has been tried before and addressed. … s-Play.htm
Last edited by lowing (2010-07-04 09:25:16)