Now I've never had sex with an animal and don't plan to, but shouldn't people be allowed to sex a goat if they owned it? You know that whole libertarian thing about being allowed to do anything you want as long as it doesn't affect anyone else, doesn't that apply here? I think so. I believe people should be allowed to sex their pets or livestock if they wanted.From every angle, a ban on bestiality, long pushed by state prosecutors and animal rights activists, seemed poised to finally become law this year, with Republicans and Democrats in both chambers of the Florida Legislature joining forces to push it through.
Yet it failed.
The inability to outlaw something so repugnant reveals how difficult it can be to get even the most carefully crafted, widely supported bill passed in the Florida Legislature.
Its advocates say that in the political stew of a legislative session, the very outrageousness of the topic worked against it.
Lawmakers said they did not want to be accused of wasting time addressing a rare crime when Floridians needed them to help create jobs. They also did not want to debate the icky subject in public meetings occasionally frequented by children.
``I made a personal commitment last year to make sure the House would criminalize that type of disgusting, barbaric behavior,'' he said.
News reports of Floridians having sex with animals are infrequent, but draw fierce outrage all the same.
Last edited by Marlo Stanfield (2010-05-07 15:35:11)