ATG wrote:
Actually, the local cops have been told to not do the feds job, prior to this. A cop would pull somebody over who was speeding, he would write a ticket to a person who was using a stolen i.d. who would never appear in court.
Driving without a license is a crime.
Driving without insurance is a crime.
Identity theft is a crime.
I agree, cops don't need a shit system like this. Arizona, Texas and soon Utah are simply pointing out that the epic failure of the feds is no longer acceptable.
The SLCPD’s own data shows that in 2008 44.25% of the crime in Salt Lake City was committed by Hispanics. To verify this, I contacted BCI which had the total crime in Salt Lake City as 46.78% with 81.82% of the murders and 75% of rapes being committed by Hispanics (see attached spreadsheet). … civil.htmlWhat that means is that we now have a crisis that is ripping this country apart.
81.82% of the homicides in Utah, where I am moving, are committed by hispanic illegal aliens.
My main gripe with you has always been that you equate hispanic to illegal. You read 44.25% of crime was committed by hispanics, you equate it to illegals. That's what I gather when you say the cops aren't doing the federal governments job. Or is it the federal govt's responsibility to make sure hispanics don't commit crimes?
Then you take a stat that shows 81.82% of murders were committed by hispanics and you say:
ATG wrote:
81.82% of the homicides in Utah, where I am moving, are committed by hispanic illegal aliens
I don't give a fuck if your wife is Mexican, you are a bigot.
Guess you did read the state senators article. Those are not by stats bud.
Even if the number of hispanics that are illegal is 25% it is a number in the millions of people.
You are okay with a system that exploits illegals aliens. You are okay with double standards in law enforcment and business law. Or, you are okay with anarchy and lawlessness.
Or is it that you like your boss hiring illegals to clean your office toilets for shit money?
Your parents likely have your lawn kept by illegal alien gardeners, who the fuck are you kidding?
I challenge you kenny. Go ask your parents gardeners for a drivers license. Post it.
If I am a racist, you sir are an ignorant fool.
It aint just my wife. It my kids you idiot. They are part hispanic.
Here's another challenge; go to any random home depot and give me a rough count on the numbers of asains, slavs, jews, middle eastern or eskimos standing around.
You know what else I do?
I use e verify to make sure the documents my workers provide aren't phony. If they are, fuck them. I would rather close my business than be part of the exploitation and rape of this country.
Btw, I fly out next month on the 11th. California is a lost cause, ruined by brain dead politicians, capitalist exploiters, sissy white douches who don't want to work and illegal aliens.
Say goodbye to another business bud. I did over one million in 2006 and I am out. I aint talking shit, I have started the process and invested the money.
Havig fun watching this paradise implode. People like you ruined it.
Weighing all odds, there is no reason to run a business here, besides the weather. You know it. Ask any of your spoiled south county associates.
You can't eat the weather or use it for gas in your vehicle.
RIP California. Died of apathy and stupidity.