androoz wrote:
ya i do, no im not gonna decide whether i think you should do it, thats your own choice. if you have a medical problem that can be helped by it then yes i recommend you use it.FatherTed wrote:
do you smoke weed? you think i should do it? i dunno, im worried that ill get addicted and my grades will suffer does it make you cool?androoz wrote:
yes it prolly will help out the economy a good bit, dont really think daily life will change at all tbh. doubt any more people will start smoking often, maybe once in a while thing like alcohol.
neither @ the last one really, people will continue about their day, not every single person is gonna be forced to smoke lol. those who wanna smoke weed already do anyway and more will come out out of the closet so to speak when it passes.
id say amsterdam is a good example kinda. may be a bit weird at first but itll become the norm.
no your grades will not suffer either unless you show up to class high as fk, same thing with alcohol, who the hell shows up drunk? sort your priorities, ie do work first then toke.
@mcminty, im pretty sure the government is gonna tax it in some way or make money out of it. but i think it may be a bit harder to regulate and tax considering some people just may grow it in their own home or have it hidden etc.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella