They learned that making a game that only the best computers can run will give you publicity?S.Lythberg wrote:
Optimum graphics only on the bleeding edge cards? Didn't anybody learn their lesson from Crysis?
My poor old 8800 is apparently the bare minimum.
God dammit. One more game I can't have. PUT IT ON THE BLOODY PS3!!! *rage quit*
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
It looks so much more awesome when you are personally moving the sun around.
This seemed like the most appropriate thread :S
Also, Timelord_ please diaf.
It looks so much more awesome when you are personally moving the sun around.
This seemed like the most appropriate thread :S
Also, Timelord_ please diaf.

Timmmah what GPU you rocking? 5870 right?

Just helping out, that's allTimmmmaaaaH wrote:
I figured the combination of 1920x1200 and likely disinterest meant no need for embedding.
But go ahead.
Pretty nice FPS bro. I get about 25 with 8xAA @1680x1050TimmmmaaaaH wrote:
Yes.Finray wrote:
Timmmah what GPU you rocking? 5870 right?
No special edition or anything, just stock.

Oh dear.THQ wrote:
* Core i7 CPU
* NVIDIA DirectX 11 compliant graphics card (GeForce GTX 480 and 470)
* As much RAM as possible (8GB+)
* Fast HDD or SSD
S.Lythberg wrote:
Didn't anybody learn their lesson from Crysis?
So go buy another 4gigs of 1600 DDR3? and a dx11 card?Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:
Oh dear.THQ wrote:
* Core i7 CPU
* NVIDIA DirectX 11 compliant graphics card (GeForce GTX 480 and 470)
* As much RAM as possible (8GB+)
* Fast HDD or SSDS.Lythberg wrote:
Didn't anybody learn their lesson from Crysis?
Yeah let me go get the $700 I keep in my shoebox for just such an occasion...GR34 wrote:
So go buy another 4gigs of 1600 DDR3? and a dx11 card?Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:
Oh dear.THQ wrote:
* Core i7 CPU
* NVIDIA DirectX 11 compliant graphics card (GeForce GTX 480 and 470)
* As much RAM as possible (8GB+)
* Fast HDD or SSDS.Lythberg wrote:
Didn't anybody learn their lesson from Crysis?
apparently if you buy this game on launch day in the UK you get a free copy of red faction: guerilla.
my steam says if you preorder you get a free copy of RF:Gruisleipa wrote:
apparently if you buy this game on launch day in the UK you get a free copy of red faction: guerilla.

coolaerodynamic wrote:
my steam says if you preorder you get a free copy of RF:Gruisleipa wrote:
apparently if you buy this game on launch day in the UK you get a free copy of red faction: guerilla.
Too bad RF:G sucked.aerodynamic wrote:
my steam says if you preorder you get a free copy of RF:Gruisleipa wrote:
apparently if you buy this game on launch day in the UK you get a free copy of red faction: guerilla.
This game is really fun and scary. I like.
Tried it today after getting it for free from the FB promotion. I like it a lot more than I thought I would, I was hearing it was like Borderlands with TONS of made-up guns that do weird shit but this game is reasonable with how custom-made the guns are. Gunfights are hard as shit though, not enough health to work with it seems like
ammo is too hard to come by