want to go heads up?
+11|7047|cairns australia
i was going to post some chatter about armoured fury and euro forces but i think i am in the wrong forum
Armoured Fury Will Make EA $$ from all the tank Huggers
Nukes are the dumbest cop-out ever invented.. and it seems to be the only thing Americans fall back on.
I enjoy this douchebag agememnar from quebec whom spews ignorance at every turn. Give an example of constantly falling back on nukes please ...nuclear threats ? cold war was posturing. US has been involvded in many conflicts and post ww2 has never used them / threatened to use them. It has even been proven that using the 2 nukes against japan saved many more lives on both sides than an invasion with the inevitable outcome.

Now i understand that being from quebec you wish you were french and are frustrated with your total irrelevant and powerless position in the world. It must be really confusing hating a country just across your border thats considered the world superpower while at the same time envying a country across an ocean whos never won a war and and surrenders constantly. But jealousy and envy are not reasons to go around forums spreading lies..

Actually In reality China has the largest armed forces (just 2 billion in its army alone)
I have plenty of respect in refrence to chinas role in the world, however your numbers are halarious. Chinas total population is 1.3 billion. The estimated number of men enlisted in the PLA is 1.8 million. China is certainly on the rise but thier people still live in poverty with a population 4 times the US and a gdp 1/2 the US's. Maybe if they make strides in thier economy and finally drop communism they could surpass the US but it would still take many years.
+5|7000|Pennsylvania - Hershey!

-]Eucalyptus[- wrote:

(BRU)Timothy wrote:

Nukes are the dumbest cop-out ever invented.. and it seems to be the only thing Americans fall back on.
We also fall back on the mightiest military ever known to man, in the history of empires.

Flecco wrote:

Just want to point out to Eucalyptus, this is the Chatter, start a thread in serious debate about nukes if you want to.
I know, I just wanted to make a comment on how unrealistic the AF booster pack is (yes i know bf2 overall is unrealistic, its a game, but the premise for the booster pack is just off in the way world.) You guys are at fault. You've opposed my opinion, forcing me to respond lmao

Skruples hits it on the spot. Your discussion on establishing a beachhead, supply lines and fighting on the defensive, on own turf, reminds me of a paper I've written on Operation Sealion, a proposed invasion plan of England by Germany during WWII. It is later known that they have encountered many problems in it and postponed it indefinitely due to the recurring problems of establishment of a beachhead, supply lines and fighting an enemy on it's own turf. And all this because of the ENGLISH CHANNEL.
I did NOT write that (BRU)Timothy quote, someone else did.
+17|7057|Switzerland (Im not swiss tho)

Yeah sorry I was copying and pasting names to quote using BB code instead of the "Quote" button. Apparently I accidentally copied your name instead of <{SoE}>Agamemnar.

I couldn't be bothered remembering all thsoe <s and {s and to even remember how to spell "Agamemnar" wtf lol.

And before any of you numbnuts criticise my name, -]Eucalyptus[- is easy to spell, stfu.

Last edited by -]Eucalyptus[- (2006-02-11 07:58:42)

Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7093|Great Brown North
why are we talking so much political crap here? this is for armoured fury not omfg america is the roxors or america suxxxx

so far i think i'll like armored fury more then euroforce, but only time will tell
Dirtier than thou

-]Eucalyptus[- wrote:

DazBurt wrote:

^^Your Boring^^

If America goes down the world goes with it, pffffft

Accept the fact that a power is undefeatable.

Humble yourself ^.^
Huble yourself?  You're the shmuck who just declared that America can never be defeated.  It's clowns like you who give Americans a bad name.

Calm down kid.
Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7058|I'm worldwide, beotch

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Nukes are the dumbest cop-out ever invented.. and it seems to be the only thing Americans fall back on.
Yeah, the US has all the nukes.

And also, we're going around threatening everyone with them.

You, sir, are an assclown. A dumb one, at that.
Have a nice day!
i burnt mu lip on a hot glas of spring tea...
+17|7057|Switzerland (Im not swiss tho)

BiRdMaN829 wrote:

Huble yourself?  You're the shmuck who just declared that America can never be defeated.  It's clowns like you who give Americans a bad name. Blah blah blah, I'm gay and I licked John Kerry's ass.
I said other people should humble themselves. The strong and undefeatable don't. The weak should know their place.


To other people: I don't really believe all what I say sometimes, I'm just saying stuff to piss people off ^_^)
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7030|Riva, MD
This just made the think Euroforce is shit too.  New vehicle classes, who doesn't want THAT?
You am dee best!
+34|7009|RCM Headquarters
The solution to the nuke problem:
ROFLMFAO!!!!! That made my day right there, lol
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7027|Purplicious Wisconsin

Tyferra wrote:

Yeah, it does sound cool. I want an American urban map - with skyscrapers. Now that would be fucken awesome.

On a more pressing matter, what colour do you thing the "2" will be this time. We've had Red, Green and Blue, so I reckon Yellow now.

And in no way will China be the next superpower. It's too pollouted, corrupt and environmentally un-friendly. Just because it has manpower does not mean it can get all it's shit together.

And yeah, MEC dosn't exist, and nor do any of the battles that we have fought so far in the BF2 world. Strictly fictional, so why the Hell can't the US be invaded? If the US is not going to be invaded in real life, we can make it be invaded virtually.

Anyway, think about the coloured "2" thing...
I have a good feeling it will be 2
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7058|I'm worldwide, beotch

armin wrote:

I hope the MEC and PLA KICK US ASS...

next boosterpack we need to invade fuckin Israel.
Lol stfu before we own your country.. again.
bad touch

ST19AG_WGreymon wrote:

Doesn't China have the second largest army?
the largest, by far
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
Chitlin you just got served by Agamemnar... lol

The 2 expansions will rock but I think Euro Force will be better than Armored Fury... gg kthxz
I can't wait.  My friend used to have this game on PS2 where the Soviet Union invaded US, and you had rogue soldiers fighting off the communists, the battles took place in NYC, game was awesome.
They'll both probally be good, AF's cursor color will be white (red and blue are taken)
I didnt think China had a Large army cause you never hear anything about them is there army bigger then the states?
I'm sorry fruitbasket but quebec isnt a race its a shithole province. So keep your retarded stab at calling me a racist to yourself. As to what you being from quebec has to do with anything should be pretty obvious when you who are from a nation who wants to be soveriegn from the rest of canada goes around gerenalising and badmouthing americans that your own nationality will be in question.

As an american i can say i never hear anyone talk about nuking anyone in a serious manner ... You proably got your narrow minded opinion from watching that video where americans screw up placing countries on the map.  Most americans are proud of our soldiers and know they are among the finest trained in the world. We dont "allways fall back on nukes" and saying so displays your ignorance about americans in general.

Quebec's gdp is 5th among canadien provinces. In a country that ranks 13th in gdp. Had you became sovereign tomorrow that would rank you at 43rd in the world. Hmm leme see 43rd or 1st im not sure who id rather be. Having national pride is great but Quebec is not in any position to be in this judgemental condencending mode i see so often.

The mistake bewteen billion and million is not a typo .. its a mistake and you dont have a clue if he thought it was billion or million or not asswipe..

And China is a COMMUNISM. China recently switched to a capitalist economic system to try alleviate poverty but thier government is still the very same communism that Mao instituted in 1949 with the PRC.

As to me being "uneducated" I've done 2 years in college. How educated are you ?
+31|7002|Phoenix, AZ

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