So yeah, anyone here supporting an early Federal Election to decide the carbon tax? You guys ever hear of a referendum?
I'm astounded that with all the bitching and moaning from Abbott and of others about wasteful spending they are actively pushing for a Federal Election less than a year after the last one. The 2004 Federal Election cost $117.3 million dollars. The 2007 Federal Election cost $163 million dollars. I imagine the 2010 one would have cost significantly more than this, not to mention the messing around given the closeness of the result which turned the whole thing into a headache. Why have another one so soon and why on this one issue?
The thing is this isn't being driven by the carbon tax, it's being driven by Tony Abbott's ego and want for a second chance at forming Government before the Coalition realises how fucking useless he is and replaces him. How do I know this? Because no details have been actually been released about the tax - and that's the Gillard Government's stupid fault - and Tony's been harping on about how the carbon tax will add X amount of dollars to the average power, replacing X with whatever number he's managed to fish out of his arse. Abbott's done his job right to be sure, he's successfully opposed the thing, that's his prerogative. My problem is that he's not doing it for the betterment of the country, he's doing it for his own selfish sake.
This is an important issue sure - but a Federal Election? Short of Tony Abbott's ego there is no reason for it. A referendum, a binding referendum? Sure, that's a good idea, I can get behind that. It still costs but a lot less than the cost of a Federal Election. But Abbott isn't pushing for this sensible option because it wont result in him getting another chance to form Government. I've been pretty easy on Abbott in the past, short of calling him a whiner and a poor Opposition leader, but really he has proven himself to be such a wanker in this case.