That's all just money though, I know that they get their money directly and indirectly from loads of sources, both intentional and unintentionally, but in terms of the actual weapons themselves, It's gotta be a mix of old Soviet weapons, old US weapons from the Soviet War (CIA) and new US/NATO weapons from the current War. Maybe the odd shady Arms dealer who's only interested in money.Lai wrote:
1. Former Northern-Alliance Warlords and Afghan officials seeking for new funds to maintain their expensive prestige postion.Mekstizzle wrote:
Makes you think who really are Supplying the Talibanblademaster wrote:
yea should of learned it from Russians, plus U.S. was helping Taliban then against Russians, if the Russians were supplying Taliban secretly U.S. would loose soooo many more troops
2. Western aid groups, sending money and naïvely transporting "aid goods" through the country.
3. Italians.
But in terms of actual Governments, probably the closest you'll get is certain members of the Afghan government playing both sides, and also Pakistan and their ISI, I dunno.
They can have all the money but they still need to find someone willing to take it from them in return for goods.