Ever wonder how in some people's screen shots there are large kill messages?
Do you want them too?
Doesn't the big kill letters improve your self-esteem?
Also Known As Changing Localization Files: Does not effect game play, scores, or game functions. Only visual effects.
[Any text in brackets is an author's note to reader]
Follow the instruction below:
1. Right click your BF2 Icon and click open file location.
2. You are in "Program Files => EA Games => Battlefield 2" Directory, from here click the "mods" folder.
3. Click the subfolder "bf2"
4. Click the subfolder "Localization"
5. Click the subfolder "English" ~ If you play in other languages click the appropriate language.
6. Find and click the file "ENGLISH", a UTXT file approximatly 440KB. Open the file in wordpad
7. Change this section. Effects:
- Actions reciving +1 point(s) to your score will display "You got a ------- Point! (+1 Bonus) ~ With +1 Bonus in orange
- When teamkilled or teamkilling someone else will display what weapon the teamkiller used.
First Section: About 30 Lines below the first one or press ctrl F and search healing point.
Second Section: Press ctrl F, and search for "you killed" and change your lines to the one shown below: To produce large names and orange +2 bonus.
8. Save the text file and test you game.
9. Please do not change anything else unless you are absolutly sure what you are doing!! I DO NOT CLAIM RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN THE CODE LINE ABOVE. IF YOU NEED HELP I WILL GLADLY BE ABLE TO HELP YOU ON THIS THREAD.
10. If this has worked for you and liked it, please post your results or screen shots of it in action.
Examples in next post ~~
Do you want them too?
Doesn't the big kill letters improve your self-esteem?
Also Known As Changing Localization Files: Does not effect game play, scores, or game functions. Only visual effects.
[Any text in brackets is an author's note to reader]
Follow the instruction below:
1. Right click your BF2 Icon and click open file location.
2. You are in "Program Files => EA Games => Battlefield 2" Directory, from here click the "mods" folder.
3. Click the subfolder "bf2"
4. Click the subfolder "Localization"
5. Click the subfolder "English" ~ If you play in other languages click the appropriate language.
6. Find and click the file "ENGLISH", a UTXT file approximatly 440KB. Open the file in wordpad
7. Change this section. Effects:
- Actions reciving +1 point(s) to your score will display "You got a ------- Point! (+1 Bonus) ~ With +1 Bonus in orange
- When teamkilled or teamkilling someone else will display what weapon the teamkiller used.
First Section: About 30 Lines below the first one or press ctrl F and search healing point.
HUD_HUD_REPLENISH_GOT_HEALING_POINTYou got a healing point! (§C1001+1 Bonus§C1001) HUD_HUD_REPLENISH_GOT_REPAIR_POINTYou got a repair point! (§C1001+1 Bonus§C1001) HUD_HUD_REPLENISH_GOT_AMMO_POINTYou got an ammo giving point! (§C1001+1 Bonus§C1001) HUD_HUD_REPLENISH_DRIVER You got a driver ability assist! (§C1001+1 Bonus§C1001) HUD_HUD_REPLENISH_REVIVE_SCOREYou got a revive score! (§C1001+2 Bonus§C1001) HUD_HUD_CONQUEST_DEFENDED_FLAGDefended flag! (§C1001+1 Bonus§C1001) HUD_HUD_CONQUEST_FULL_CAPTURE You have received points for Flag Capture! (§C1001+2 Bonus§C1001) HUD_HUD_CONQUEST_CAPTURE_ASSISTYou got a capture assist point! (§C1001+1 Bonus§C1001) HUD_HUD_CONQUEST_NEUTRALIZE You got a neutralize point! (§C1001+2 Bonus§C1001) HUD_HUD_CONQUEST_NEUTRALIZE_ASSISTYou got a neutralize assist point! (§C1001+1 Bonus§C1001) HUD_HUD_TEAM_DAMAGE_PLAYER Team damage! Don't hurt your teammates! (§C1001-2 Penalty§C1001) HUD_HUD_TEAM_DAMAGE_VEHICLE Team vehicle damage! (§C1001-2 Penalty§C1001) HUD_HUD_ASSIST_KILL_DRIVER_PASSENGERYou got a driver kill assist! (§C1001+1 Bonus§C1001) HUD_HUD_ASSIST_KILL_KILL_DAMAGEYou got a kill damage assist! (§C1001+1 Bonus§C1001) HUD_HUD_ASSIST_KILL_TARGETING You got a targeting assist! HUD_HUD_KILLEDBY_KILLS §0#PLAYERNAME1# [§1#WEAPON#§0] #PLAYERNAME2# HUD_HUD_KILLEDBY_TEAMKILLS §0#PLAYERNAME1# [§1Teamkills - #WEAPON#§0] #PLAYERNAME2#
HUD_CHAT_YOUGOTAKILLSCORE §2You killed §2#PLAYERNAME#§2 (§C1001+2 Bonus§C1001)
9. Please do not change anything else unless you are absolutly sure what you are doing!! I DO NOT CLAIM RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN THE CODE LINE ABOVE. IF YOU NEED HELP I WILL GLADLY BE ABLE TO HELP YOU ON THIS THREAD.
10. If this has worked for you and liked it, please post your results or screen shots of it in action.
Examples in next post ~~
Last edited by BlooIggy (2009-11-30 19:10:52)