
Finray wrote:

i just came back from the gym, my new years resolution was to get fit again

i hurt
Dont ever go to a gym as a new years resolution, it will only end in failure because you will see it as a temporary fix of you live pre-2012 and not as the general life improvement that getting fit is.

Either way, make sure you have an idea of what youre doing and not just stroll in there and try out some machines with some smack afterwards (its still scotland)

E: sorry the spelling errors. Typing on phone

Last edited by Kampframmer (2012-01-05 17:09:16)

Artifice of Eternity

Kampframmer wrote:

Dont ever go to a gym as a new years resolution, it will onlu end in failure because you will see it as a temporary fix of you live pre-2012 and not as the general life improvement that getting fit is.
That's some deep shit there, brolosopher!

Last edited by Pochsy (2012-01-05 17:08:43)

The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families

m3thod wrote:

i know right?  who the fuck watches anything outside the 100m sprint final.
Its not just the obsessive over-scientific discussion of a running distance with 0 proffesional competative edge (i.e: people watching it), but the way they over-analyze it and make arguments backed up by far-fetched scientific facts about a little run.

Amazing, i wonder if any of them ever even walked 400m

Pochsy wrote:

Kampframmer wrote:

Dont ever go to a gym as a new years resolution, it will onlu end in failure because you will see it as a temporary fix of you live pre-2012 and not as the general life improvement that getting fit is.
That's some deep shit there, brolosopher!
You dont think 80% (or more) of people with life improving resolutions bail out after 4 months simply because it is a resolution and they stop taking it seriously?
If you dont, youre naive.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Did the Body For Life cardio routine (intense 20-min interval running) followed by the upper body weight training today.

Shoulder still isn't up to speed. Getting very annoyed by that. But still getting good workouts, regardless.

I'm going to hurt tomorrow.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Go Cougs!
+691|6445|Washington St.

Jaekus wrote:

Finray wrote:

i just came back from the gym, my new years resolution was to get fit again

i hurt
New Year’s Resolutions – How To FAIL To Reach Your Goals This Year
I partly agree with this. My only real gripe about new year resolutions that are 'go to the gym/get fit' are people in my way. I don't have an issue with you trying and failing. God knows most people won't even try, gotta give you credit for at least getting out there. But I hate it when people fill up the gym, take forever on the bench or DB's or whathaveyou. I wanna get in, go directly to the bench or machine I want and be able to move to each station I need at my discretion, not have to wait for someone. Because of this I often go about an hour before the gym closes (10pm), and workout when it's empty. My birthday wish is to walk into a gym every time and have it be completely empty and all to myself. Orgasmic.
Dont get a home gym then; you would have sticky trousers every time you walked in.
Go Cougs!
+691|6445|Washington St.
no monies for one. but yeah that would probably be the case
The X stands for
+1,813|6260|eXtreme to the maX

Kampframmer wrote:

m3thod wrote:

i know right?  who the fuck watches anything outside the 100m sprint final.
Its not just the obsessive over-scientific discussion of a running distance with 0 proffesional competative edge (i.e: people watching it), but the way they over-analyze it and make arguments backed up by far-fetched scientific facts about a little run.

Amazing, i wonder if any of them ever even walked 400m
You didn't even read it? It was a discussion about various sports science measures of physical capability.
A bit more scientific than 'zomg my farts smell of chicken'
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

pirana6 wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Finray wrote:

i just came back from the gym, my new years resolution was to get fit again

i hurt
New Year’s Resolutions – How To FAIL To Reach Your Goals This Year
I partly agree with this. My only real gripe about new year resolutions that are 'go to the gym/get fit' are people in my way. I don't have an issue with you trying and failing. God knows most people won't even try, gotta give you credit for at least getting out there. But I hate it when people fill up the gym, take forever on the bench or DB's or whathaveyou. I wanna get in, go directly to the bench or machine I want and be able to move to each station I need at my discretion, not have to wait for someone. Because of this I often go about an hour before the gym closes (10pm), and workout when it's empty. My birthday wish is to walk into a gym every time and have it be completely empty and all to myself. Orgasmic.
I have a home gym so no worries for me there. Has barely been used the past three months but that's all changing now. Just got home and will wait till the sun goes down so it's not so damn hot and then I'll do a workout. I kinda found his tongue-in-cheek tone to the article amusing
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Aaaaaaaaaaand got called into work... tomorrow, I promise!
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5638|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Jaekus wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

No one runs at 100% flat out for a 400m sprint from the starting line, they save it for the final burst to the finish.
nah, there's actually a technique.  first six seconds you always run at 100% because you're body is running off of ATP energy.  then you slow down a bit but keep pace with your competitors.  then you start to go 100% at about the last 100m.

so in reality, we aren't running at 100% the entire time, but i think that's because the "run as hard as you can technique" won't result in completing the race in a quicker time.  it's still pretty hard though.  i remember that after my first 400m ever, i felt like i was about to faint.  there was blackness eating away the corners of my eyes and i just fell to the ground and rested.  thankfully i didn't faint, as that would've been really embarrasing
So you're saying you lied? Cool, thought so.
not really, it was more of a clarification.  we're running for the best time possible, and we try as hard as we can to do that.  that can easily be interpretted as '100%'
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5638|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Kampframmer wrote:

I love how the last page is nothing but the over-analyzation of a 400m sprint.
It's high-school level biology all over again, only this time it's invading PE for some odd reason.
oh cool, you must be one of those guys who 'lifts weights' and 'eats healthy' without any type of science to backup your workout plan

Kampframmer wrote:

m3thod wrote:

i know right?  who the fuck watches anything outside the 100m sprint final.
Its not just the obsessive over-scientific discussion of a running distance with 0 proffesional competative edge (i.e: people watching it), but the way they over-analyze it and make arguments backed up by far-fetched scientific facts about a little run.

Amazing, i wonder if any of them ever even walked 400m
yeah, i ran a sub 50 400m, along with 3 years of track.  i think i have enough experience to have a discussion about sprinting.

either way, i can't believe it bothers you so much.  stop being a kid and ignore it.  damn bro
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
lies do tend to annoy people.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5638|Bolingbrook, Illinois
good thing i didnt lie
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

HaiBai wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

nah, there's actually a technique.  first six seconds you always run at 100% because you're body is running off of ATP energy.  then you slow down a bit but keep pace with your competitors.  then you start to go 100% at about the last 100m.

so in reality, we aren't running at 100% the entire time, but i think that's because the "run as hard as you can technique" won't result in completing the race in a quicker time.  it's still pretty hard though.  i remember that after my first 400m ever, i felt like i was about to faint.  there was blackness eating away the corners of my eyes and i just fell to the ground and rested.  thankfully i didn't faint, as that would've been really embarrasing
So you're saying you lied? Cool, thought so.
not really, it was more of a clarification.  we're running for the best time possible, and we try as hard as we can to do that.  that can easily be interpretted as '100%'
Interpreted? Son, we're talking about actual 100%, not the interpretation of it.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5638|Bolingbrook, Illinois
the actual 100% can be perceived as doing whatever possible to get the best time

i'm not sure if you're playing stupid or if you are just stupid
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

HaiBai wrote:

the actual 100% can be perceived as doing whatever possible to get the best time
So you're palming off as your lack of understanding as "interpretation". Good one champ.

100% is measurable in terms of heart rate, etc. It's a pretty easy concept to grasp.

I'm not sure if you're playing stupid or if you are just stupid. Probably the latter.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
So I've been using that Jefit to log my workout it's pretty cool!
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Nice! I've been using iFitness for months now, it's good to see your progress (or in my current case, setback ) over the months
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Jaekus you used to be the main contributor of this thread! Sort it out!
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I've been super slack and partying too much but I'm back into it now -  just had my pre-workout shake
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

About to go to the gym.

Do not want to go to the gym.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
You orrible caaaaaaan't
What's up lol i just woke up don't want to go myself. My friend is properly nagging me. You'll feel better once you are there.
Press up supersets is where its at ladies.

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