Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6820|The darkside of Denver

Kampframmer wrote:

PrivateVendetta wrote:

SonderKommando wrote:

355lb x2 on bench last night.. was supposed to be 1RM but pushed a solid second rep.

PV anyway you can squeeze a fourth day?  Shoulders (delts, rear delts, and traps) and legs (hammies, glutes, quads, and calves) really need their own days to be worked properly IMO.
I could do 4 day split, but i wouldn't guarantee doing all 4 in a week. I could just cycle them.

3x8 to 3x10, could do. Any thoughts on 10-8-6?
Im personally not a fan of pyramid sets. I always think that its not as effective as just keeping 1 weight and 1 amount of reps/set for an exercise, and if you do pyramid do 12-10-8(-6).

If you cant be sure on completenig every part of a split then dont do it. If you cycle it around (so not a weekly basis) you will eventaully make mistakes and you cant really afford to lose a day on a split as you wont be training that muscle (as intense) for a whole week.
Techinically the range of 12-10-8 is still hypertrophy.

SonderKommando wrote:

Kampframmer wrote:

PrivateVendetta wrote:

I could do 4 day split, but i wouldn't guarantee doing all 4 in a week. I could just cycle them.

3x8 to 3x10, could do. Any thoughts on 10-8-6?
Im personally not a fan of pyramid sets. I always think that its not as effective as just keeping 1 weight and 1 amount of reps/set for an exercise, and if you do pyramid do 12-10-8(-6).

If you cant be sure on completenig every part of a split then dont do it. If you cycle it around (so not a weekly basis) you will eventaully make mistakes and you cant really afford to lose a day on a split as you wont be training that muscle (as intense) for a whole week.
Techinically the range of 12-10-8 is still hypertrophy.
Yeah, but I'm still not a fan of it.
3x10-12 > pyramid
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6761|132 and Bush

If I hit a plateau I'll slip in a few descending sets (drop sets). That usually does the trick. We need to switch up your exercises from time to time to help promote muscle confusion.. ofc. It's worked for me over many many years.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Go Cougs!
+691|6451|Washington St.

Kmar wrote:

descending sets (drop sets)
I love doing these. There's something about barely being able to lift 20 pounds with 2 arms (after god knows how many reps at higher weight without rest ofc) that I love.
That first rep immediately after dropping the weight and going,

'Oh man this is easy!'

*3 reps later*

Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6484|New Haven, CT

Kmar wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Hand always gives you .25 or .3 seconds though.

Edit: Not trying to disparage you, I'm just searching for explanations because the fastest NFL athletes barely run a 4.3 at the Scouting Combine.
I know. My boy Warrick Dunn ran a 4.3 forty . I sometimes get flack when telling people that. Luckily I have enough irl friends that know and will vouch for Like I said, speed has always been my greatest advantage. If it makes you feel any better anything over 100 yards I start to get pulled by other track athletes. I'm under 6 foot and I can't compete with larger strides.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
but out of the blocks i'd fuck you up
In football and soccer you don't really need to worry about much more than 40 yards though.
..and no hand does not always cut your time. It's just not as consistent, and that is why it is best to take an average.

btw, i remember being beat once under 100. It was by a guy I worked with at UPS, and it was in the parking lot. I remember thinking what an odd feeling that was.. wtf this dude is passing me (I know it sounds arrogant but that is the truth lol).  He also used to be a wide receiver for the giants, and so a graciously ceded defeat..
Well, when I ran track, they always added .24 seconds onto a hand time to convert it to automatic. I generally tend to think they are more generous. Regarding the speed, I was basically the same way. I'd be competitive in the 100 for the first 30 or 40 meters once I got my starts down, but I didn't have a slightly faster gear to keep me in the whole race; in the 200 I frequently lead off the turn against far better athletes and then got run down in the last 50-70 meters.
So yeah, 3 day split is gonna have to happen.
I was thinking shoulders isn't so bad to put with legs if I'm doing bi's and tri's with chest and back.
Any thoughts on using machines for leg days? Was thinking of squatting as normal, then working round the machines, saves time and makes sure I don't forget anything.

PrivateVendetta wrote:

So yeah, 3 day split is gonna have to happen.
I was thinking shoulders isn't so bad to put with legs if I'm doing bi's and tri's with chest and back.
Any thoughts on using machines for leg days? Was thinking of squatting as normal, then working round the machines, saves time and makes sure I don't forget anything.
Squats are such a great exercise you'll barely need machines.
If you want to isolate parts like calves, do calve raises (not on a machine preferably)
I'm not going to just do squats on leg day..
And I was asking the brawn trust here to recommend me some exercises so i can make a routine
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6484|New Haven, CT
Pick and choose:

The obvious other choice is deadlift, and leg press on the machine is fine as a compliment to squats. Avoid leg curls and extensions, as they work the muscles unnaturally.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6761|132 and Bush

justice wrote:

Ran a 10k today, at the end looked down at my shirt and there was loads of blood around my left nipple (bad day to wear a yellow shirt), and it was painful for about an hour afterwards ...Anybody had that before, any suggestion to prevent that in the future?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
So i made these protein bars yeah. And theyre great.
I've tried making protein bars before and failed but the recipe for these is very similar, yet these taste great.
These are for gaining weight. There's a variation of these thats for cutting, which i might post as well if anyone is interested.

You take a bowl.
And in that bowl you put:
.5 cup of peanutbutter
3 cups of oats
3 scoops of whey protein (any flavour is good, although chocolate works best)
1.5 cup of (whole) milk
a dash of cinnamon

And then just stir until its all mized together properly.

Then theres the way of making them bars. I put them in a ziplock bag and flatten it to create a big flat square which i can later cut into 8 bars. You can also use something like a dish (has to be freezer proof though!)

Then stick it in the freezer until its hard and voila. protein bars.

Now the downside to these is that theyre like ice cream. theyve been frozen, so once you take em out, it will melt. It wont really turn into goo again, but it will get really sticky and leaky. So i dont recommend taking these to the gym or work.
sounds good. what's the other recipe?
Changing it so thats its suited for a cut is real easy.

Switch out the whole milk for skimmed or even water (they wont taste as good as with milk)
Dont add peanutbutter (or make it a lot less)

And of course you can always fiddle around with the amounts to make smaller bars etc.
+947|6672|Gold Coast
looking to begin going to the gym

Any simple tips/tricks for a gym noob? I've been very slack regarding exercise in the previous 12 months.
Get a trainer to show you round and make a routine based on what you want. Get started that way, choose how many times a week you're going to go and stick to it!
Then when you know a bit more, think of your own routine or change it up and learn some new exercises.

My advice for a noob anyway.
And post the routine he'll give you here so we can snobbishly criticise it.
Go Cougs!
+691|6451|Washington St.

Kampframmer wrote:

And post the routine he'll give you here so we zimmer can snobbishly criticise it.
Un Moderador

pirana6 wrote:

Kampframmer wrote:

And post the routine he'll give you here so we zimmer can snobbishly criticise it.
I try and give sound advice here, not be snobbish about it. If you're going to do something, do it right.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

PrivateVendetta wrote:

Get a trainer to show you round and make a routine based on what you want. Get started that way, choose how many times a week you're going to go and stick to it!
Then when you know a bit more, think of your own routine or change it up and learn some new exercises.

My advice for a noob anyway.
Yeah good advice. When I joined a gym some years ago a trainer showed me about the place and organised a routine for me, including working out what weights I should use and when to increase them. It's a good starting point to get you into it and down the track, once you've done some reading about exercise and diet you'll feel more comfortable moving onto a different routine that suits your goals better.

Kmar wrote:

justice wrote:

Ran a 10k today, at the end looked down at my shirt and there was loads of blood around my left nipple (bad day to wear a yellow shirt), and it was painful for about an hour afterwards ...Anybody had that before, any suggestion to prevent that in the future?
I'm sooo doing this next I time a run a race
I know fucking karate
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6897|Oxferd Ohire

Jaekus wrote:

PrivateVendetta wrote:

Get a trainer to show you round and make a routine based on what you want. Get started that way, choose how many times a week you're going to go and stick to it!
Then when you know a bit more, think of your own routine or change it up and learn some new exercises.

My advice for a noob anyway.
Yeah good advice. When I joined a gym some years ago a trainer showed me about the place and organised a routine for me, including working out what weights I should use and when to increase them. It's a good starting point to get you into it and down the track, once you've done some reading about exercise and diet you'll feel more comfortable moving onto a different routine that suits your goals better.
I'm a little skeptical on the routine advice that they give you. Most PT's tend to give shit routines (there are exceptions).
There were like 4 PTs at my former gym and 2 of those gave shit advice, 1 squatted 300 and DL about 400 he knew his stuff but he was a dick that would rarely help anyone and if he did he would give shitty routine anyway and then there was one that actually gave good advice about form, routines and nutrition.
So just 1 out of 4 was actually useful. And from what i've heard, thats not too bad.
Just to give you and idea, and why you should post the routine he/she would give you here.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
and i love being a snob

Last edited by Kampframmer (2011-09-21 13:14:46)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Well it's better than getting in there without a clue and just trying a few machines out, is what I'm saying. Once you get into the habit of a routine then you can change it up.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
bloody nipples when running is a common problem … amp;tab=wi

just slap a plaster over it.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Just smashed a workout.


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