+34|6970|Devil's Perch

B.Schuss wrote:

jihad jeeping to get that Expert Explosive,
Agreed, but who'll decide? Grabbing a fast moving vehicle and blowing it up in the middle of a spawnraping (or, for that matter, a "tactically waiting") armored column is not necessarily done with the aim of getting any particular badge but for the simple and even more obvious reason of stopping the armored column which might not have been possible otherwise.
And no, I never did it, cause for some reason *cough* I can't switch between c4-pack and detonator fast enough and am reluctant  to blow up myself usually.
Proud member of a dead community.
+1|7076|The Netherlands
If they really use the rule to not have someone give supplies or repair in a blackhawk how will you ever get your driver special ability points (Medal of Valor).
Because I don't think I ever got them while driving another vehicle. (or does driver kill assist also count?)
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:


§2.1 You may not use any offensive or sexually explicit language in chat or voice mode.

''Right, now how is that going to be checked...ok Chat is easy...but Voice the hell are they going to check...are they going to believe that a Player would Say ''admin this guy said fuck on Voice'' and the admin kicks him? well...then i,m going to tell the admin that everyone is my Squad said something that seems to be Offensive. ''

§ Team switching to gain medals or awards

''And how are they going to know u switch for awards or medals?'' then they should disable that u can switch manualy, when u join the server...the team ur in is your team untill the autobalance moves u to equal the number of players.''

Does EA/DICE think they can solve our personal problems by bringing out some rules what we are allowed and not allowed to do.
i would say Thank You Whiners! about fucking up the Game and EA/DICE thank u for agreeing with these whiners. this game is going to be fucked worse and worse by every patch they bring out. they make this Game look like a 12yrs+ TEEN game.

Because i totally Disagree with the point 3 things for Private Servers, this is pure Whiners Satisfaction.
if ur team isnt capable to create a Teamwork what you most see when they get base raped for Expample if USMC is overpowering Gulf Of Oman and attacking the Airfield (32 slot server) you see the next things of the enemy : 4 people are fighting over the Chopper, 5 are busy with the Jets , and others are busy of the Tank. there are no AT to be seen around, no Mines are layer neither is C4, and they don,t give a shit what happens its personal gain to get the Jet or Chopper or Tank and Fuck the rest of the team.

aslo with the Ucapable base bombing is worthless.
The game is about Wars...they do not make rules in it about what u may attack and what u may not attack.
and also when a pilot sees a tank moving they bomb matter where he is. if they want to kill it...let them kill it. kinda weird ''Americans in Iraq, You may attack everything but not Bagdad! Thank you ''Arab minister of Defence'' its War and it War u kill the enemy no matter where they are..and i will never obey the rule i want to kill , and i dont give a sh!t where they are.

Using C4 on fast moving vehicules is also giving the Tank guy a satisfaction by giving him the protection to not getting blowed up by a guy who helps his team by getting rid of the Tank whos raping a flag. Jihad jeeping is a smart and effective way to get rid of the Tank. IN REAL LIFE ARAB REBELS ram a car in to police buildings/or USMC targets WHY!? To give the target less time to evacuate or shooting down the target.

Now BH flag hopping....this is also a lack of teamwork. especialy in Mosthuur city, there are a lot of .50calls around, and if ur smart with an AT kit u shoot at the Cockpit to kill the pilot the Crew will notice the pilot is dead when the Chopper is moving/leaning a side towards a building/ground.

BH using as an Bomber i agree...but do not prohibit it by a rule, fix it.

Engineers cannot repair the BH while beeing a crewmember, the blackhawk must land and the engineer can only repair it while Outside the vehicule (like Tanks and APC's)
you dont have to prohib/fix the Support while in the BH
When someone is throwing nades/C4 when in the BH just let the C4/Nade stick onto the BH so they would blow up when inside .... that would solve the problem. well not the problem but it will learn the player not to throw things while in the BH.

that's all i have to say
I second that.
you know personally I dont care if you like the rules or not,  if you cant live by them, go play checkers..

end of story..
+0|7002| CDN

IndianScout wrote:

you know personally I dont care if you like the rules or not,  if you cant live by them, go play checkers..

end of story..
Then why ask us for our opinion?
+12|7066|Perth, Western Australia
Why do EA control the rules? I thought all Publishers do are release the game to the public? Wouldn't this crap go under Dice's Jurudstiction?

I propose we kill the fucktards who whined about this crap.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7057|Malaga, España

IndianScout wrote:

you know personally I dont care if you like the rules or not,  if you cant live by them, go play checkers..

end of story..
Personally i think if EA/Dice cant create a Decent FPS , Dont even start with the production. Waste of time. and stop bringin out EXPANSION Packs while the MAIN game still has Mayor Bugs.
and stop mixing Game with the packs. because Forcing people to buy it is not good for marketing especialy when ur main GAME still has annoying Bugs that occure a lot!. if you first show ur clients that you fix the Main game. and then bring out the Pack fully tested, people will be more satisfied to buy it!

And for an EA admin ur doing a bad job by asking for an opinion and after my reply you dont care...well what a CUSTOMER SERVICE!
you know feedback and discussion is a great tool, but when all you see are bashing and moronic posts that is not feedback..

I would welcome any constuctive comments as thats why the ROE was put up early to get the communities thoughts and to adjst them in a constructive manner.. 

not to be bashed for all our hard work..

Last edited by IndianScout (2006-02-09 05:29:38)

BTW almost forgot.  to get you guys caught up from the feedback we have received..

The ROE was put up early by request, to get feedback and community input..

thats why a few points have been edited due to the feedback we have received from both EA and BF2RS..

As the Author of the new ROE it will go thru some subtle alterations but will remain for the most part in it's current form..

3 items that have been changed due to community feedback..

1 §Commander flying or in a vehicle instead of commanding

Commaders who do not do their job and spend their time flying around can now be kicked or banned..

2 You can no longer kick or ban someone who refuses to join a squad..

3 The BH ruling was changed due to the confusion it caused on some minor points..


Nicholas Langdon wrote:

dont ever try to tell me the rules for playing a game i payed for........
not using hacks and cheats are all well and good, but i'll use what ever kit i want in a vehicle,and ill do what i want with a vehicle...
HELL YES SIR....  ;(

Sharky1DK__ wrote:

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

dont ever try to tell me the rules for playing a game i payed for........
not using hacks and cheats are all well and good, but i'll use what ever kit i want in a vehicle,and ill do what i want with a vehicle...
HELL YES SIR....  ;(
now thats what I call constructive feedback..

bet this person says the same thing when a cop pulls them over 

I bought this car and I will drive as I please..


Friluftshund wrote:

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

dont ever try to tell me the rules for playing a game i payed for........
not using hacks and cheats are all well and good, but i'll use what ever kit i want in a vehicle,and ill do what i want with a vehicle...
You arn't paying to play on ranked servers... EA doesn't give a damn what you do in singleplayer, but it it defined as a privilige to play on a ranked server - so therefore they have the right to set the rules which all must follow.
Naah                  its a war out there so F... the rules.
+3|7016|Essen - Germany

Sharky1DK__ wrote:

Naah                  its a war out there so F... the rules.
Uhm, sorry to be the one that has to bring you the bad news:
It is not a war, it is a game!

See ya,
+17|7057|Switzerland (Im not swiss tho)
"Using C4 on jeeps, or other fast moving vehicles to take out other vehicles."


I agree with the no cheating/haxxing part of the ROE but I DO NOT agree with it's little "fairplay" rules.

I reject these ROE.
They can suck my cock.
you people make me wonder if you actually read the whole thing or not...

dont you realise that the ROE is broken into 3 distinct parts??

"Using C4 on jeeps, or other fast moving vehicles to take out other vehicles."

is optional in clan ranked servers and not set in globally ranked servers..

I suggest you take the time and read it.
The average person doesn't have the attention span to read a 1 page document, I wouldn't think much of it.
Disallowing team switching is nuts.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

IndianScout wrote:

you know feedback and discussion is a great tool, but when all you see are bashing and moronic posts that is not feedback..

I would welcome any constuctive comments as thats why the ROE was put up early to get the communities thoughts and to adjst them in a constructive manner.. 

not to be bashed for all our hard work..
no one is bashing anyone here. We have our share of ungrateful fucktards, but I do believe that will be the same on the bf2rankedservers forums. Not everybody here holds two degrees, as you so eloquently put it...

We appreciate your hard work, but I also think there have been some constructive comments made here that should not go unnoticed just because you weren't satisfied with the way they were phrased....

Especially the issue around team switching is interesting. People will switch teams for various reasons, even during the last minutes of a map. For example, I might have connected  to the server with 3 buddies, but I was being put on the other team by autobalance. I want to play with my budies, but I can't.  But when the round draws to a close, suddenly there is a slot open on the other team. So I switch so that I can play with my buddies from now on. Now , just imagine the other team would have been the winning team. Would I now be in danger of my stats being reset simply because I wanted to play with my buddies ?
The logs would show that I switched to the winning team just minutes before the round ended.

Let me tell you I'd be pissed if my stats got reset because of something like that.

rules are important, and I am glad and thankful that EA is adressing the padding/exploiting/cheating issue, but too many rules can destroy the gaming experience altogether.

If you want to keep the game fun for the majority of the community, you will have to live with the occasional stat-padder, I guess.

I know it is difficult to find the right balance between regulations and freedom ( in a gameplay sense ), but I do believe that less is more here.

Fix the bugs, make sure people can't use exploits and support anti-cheat software. you will never be able to 100% control what a player does online. And if you want people not to do a specific thing in-game, there is a simple solution. make sure through respective coding that it can't happen.

the question behind all of this is what you want the game to be. Is it a war simulation or a fun shooter ?

For example, personally, I am opposed to repairing vehicles from the inside ( BH ) and also opposed to be able to repair your jet by simply passing the runway. I do believe you should have to land the vehicle and repair it on the ground. That would be more realistic. Then again, BF2 is not supposed to be real. it ain't a war simulation. it's a game and as such supposed to be fun. In reality, war ain't fun. So there is no need to create a game that resembles real war. No one would want to play it.
Hence the spawn system, med packs, revive, engineers with wrenches, supply boxes, etc....

If the 1.2 patch delivers what it promises to do, the game will be quite good already.

EDIT: One last thing. Want to get rid of these problems ? get rid of the stats system, the ranks, the awards, all of it.

joking, of course...that's never gonna happen. people love their bling-bling, and it's a great sales pitch...
+557|7046|Oslo, Norway
that's it i never read it, i'll say

IndianScout wrote:

Sharky1DK__ wrote:

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

dont ever try to tell me the rules for playing a game i payed for........
not using hacks and cheats are all well and good, but i'll use what ever kit i want in a vehicle,and ill do what i want with a vehicle...
HELL YES SIR....  ;(
now thats what I call constructive feedback..

bet this person says the same thing when a cop pulls them over 

I bought this car and I will drive as I please..

Quick thought, IndianScout.  Not to impugn your character, but, your logic is wrong.
We all paid our respective $40-50 for BF2, and most of us also paid $25-30 for BF2:SF.  Upon installing we agreed to a EULA and a TOS to register for the game (with EA) to play.  "Nicholas Langdon" has an extremely valid point: we paid for the game and were only required to agree to be bound to EA/DICE's EULA/TOS... Not a "Rules of Engagement" of ingame play.

For you to refute Nicholas' and Sharky1DK's statements and equate them with fallible logic such as you have demonstrated is a poor response.  This is because when we buy cars, there is a lengthy process involved... call it a EULA if you will.
1) We agree to be bound to a loan (either through the dealership or our private banks) to pay the cost of the vehicle.
2) Simply to be able to drive the vehicle, we are required to gain a driver's license from a state (more than likely, the state where the car is being bought, if we don't previously have a valid license).  In the process of obtaining a license, we agree to be bound to the de facto standard's of driving: laws and codes of the road.

Do you see my point?  Sure we can "drive as [we] please", but to argue so would make us a fool, as we have already agreed, legally, to a "EULA" of driving laws.
One more thought, on a slightly different note.

IndianScout, I submit the following to you:

IF the Rules Of Engagement which you have authored on the website IS an official statement, sponsored and to be enforced by EA Games, then why is there no support shown (or yet to be found) on the EA Games Battlefield 2 section of their website??

I concur with all those previous posters calling for a more professional writing style, and reference those statements to the fact that IF this ROE were supported, let alone propagated, by EA, then it would take on a form more recognizable (such as a EULA, which we witnessed upon installation of EA's BF2 game).

While I support the notions and wishes held therein by your Rules Of Engagement, I think it would be wise to clarify just how EA is involved and how EA is going to manage to enforce said rules.  More so, if EA has decided as of late that these rules NEED to be implemented into their game, then why aren't they part of the announced and in-test v1.2 patch which EA intends to release to the public in the coming weeks?

To me (and I hope, to many others), these are questions which hold a high importance.  Can you answer these questions for we of the BF2S and Battlefield 2 communities at large?
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7058|Houston, TX
Indian Scout - I believe you are doing an amazing job.  The amount of feedback you get is statistically bound to have a percentage of "asshats" who wouldn't have the foresight to realize the effect of the words/comments/"constructive criticism" that they posted to you.  Don't let em get to you.  You guys have an impossible task that you're trying to accomplish, and you're still willing to give it your best.  But please, remember not to post something that would compromise your standing with this community as a representative from EA.

Edit:  There are still alot of valid arguments and points to be made.  Those are the gems to take the time to notice and read for content.  (I don't want the intellegence that visits these forums to think I'm discrediting their statements.)

On the topic of ROE.
Do commanders no longer have the ability to ride in flying craft?  From time to time, I've been known to get an sky-high command position from the gunner's seat, or riding in a transport chopper (unless of course the team has even a semi decent aircraft crew).  The mile high view gives me a good look at an enemy tank column that needed defeating, thus enabling me to spot and direct my assets into a better counter strike position.  I'd never fly the aircraft myself, but if my pilot is doing his thing (piloting) and I'm commanding and using tv missles inbetween my arty strikes and supply drops, does this qualify as kick/bannable?


Edited for spelling and to add the section about valid arguments

And then again after reading the post below.

Last edited by Kung Jew (2006-02-09 08:56:56)

youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster

IndianScout wrote:

you know personally I dont care if you like the rules or not,  if you cant live by them, go play checkers..

end of story..
If most companies handed that out as customer service they would be bankrupt by now......

EG ..Macdonalds are foods sh.te and we dont care we will sell it anyway and if you dont like it go to burger king and personally we dont care what you think or any of our customers......some time later Ronlad macdonlad is seen diving in dustbins for scraps
+101|6989|Southern California

[)r@ke wrote:

IndianScout wrote:

Sharky1DK__ wrote:

HELL YES SIR....  ;(
now thats what I call constructive feedback..

bet this person says the same thing when a cop pulls them over 

I bought this car and I will drive as I please..

Quick thought, IndianScout.  Not to impugn your character, but, your logic is wrong.
We all paid our respective $40-50 for BF2, and most of us also paid $25-30 for BF2:SF.  Upon installing we agreed to a EULA and a TOS to register for the game (with EA) to play.  "Nicholas Langdon" has an extremely valid point: we paid for the game and were only required to agree to be bound to EA/DICE's EULA/TOS... Not a "Rules of Engagement" of ingame play.

For you to refute Nicholas' and Sharky1DK's statements and equate them with fallible logic such as you have demonstrated is a poor response.  This is because when we buy cars, there is a lengthy process involved... call it a EULA if you will.
1) We agree to be bound to a loan (either through the dealership or our private banks) to pay the cost of the vehicle.
2) Simply to be able to drive the vehicle, we are required to gain a driver's license from a state (more than likely, the state where the car is being bought, if we don't previously have a valid license).  In the process of obtaining a license, we agree to be bound to the de facto standard's of driving: laws and codes of the road.

Do you see my point?  Sure we can "drive as [we] please", but to argue so would make us a fool, as we have already agreed, legally, to a "EULA" of driving laws.
@drake,  doh, you had to play the "logic" card - nice try but your argument is Apples and Oranges   lol 

Driving in the U.S. is a priviledge not a right and there are Motor Vehicle Codes (rules of behavior, no?)  which are not in the U.S. Consititution or Bill of Rights (EULA OK?)  that can be easily equated to the purpose of a "Rules of Engagement". A ROE is a set of rules of behavior. There is your logic. Owning an automobile is not a prerequisite of posessing a DL.  Accordingly by your logic, if someone didn't buy BF2 and was playing it they would not be bound by the EULA. Yes, we CAN drive as we please but we MAY not drive outside of the Motor Vehicle Code without probable consequences.

bud there are rules to writing rules lol, and maybe a little bit of an Art too. I gotta hand it to you for having the unusual courage to stand in the middle and take the heat. You know my opinion, EA/Dice is trying to patch the game with Social Engineering. That said, I admire a company who doesn't walk away from their product and overall the changes and rules do represent a better environment in the long run.

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-02-09 09:21:15)


Some comments...

1)  Last minute team-switchers do harm those who don't team-switch.  I can't count the times I've lost a match after being switched the last minute due to team-switchers and those disconnecting.  Best solution is to have the system disable team-switching and auto-balance after the losing team has lost 90-95% of their points.   

2)  Vehicles should not cap flags.  This would encourage more groundpounding.  Works wonderfully in Battlefront II.   I've gone 50-0 using the landspeeder, supported by a fellow gunner.  But my gunner had to step out to cap the flag.

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