
Feel free to discuss subjects relating to marijuana in this thread. It is legal in many countries and decriminalized in many U.S. cities. It has been used for thousands of years in everything from paper to rope to medicine.

There shall be no links to suppliers, vendors, pipe glass companies or anything that could remotely be viewed as bf2s site advocacy for drug use.

If you need drug counseling please seek it out. Please help keep this thread open by containing all topics about marijuana here.

+1,175|6724|British Columbia, Canada
You know why Marijuana is awesome.

Because you can walk into a liquor store high as fuck, reaking of weed and they will still probably serve you.
You can get baked everyday, all day, and still function a normal life.

Try doing either of the above while hammered.
El Beardo
steel woolly mammoth
+150|5882|Gulf Coast

Moderation is key imo, that being said, I'm going to fix myself a nice snack once I get home tonight.

and Inb4Dilbert
Fully Loaded
A NATURAL plant which is one of natures greatest creations.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6699|Long Island, New York
decriminalized in NY...would prefer legal but I don't see it happening

LT.Victim wrote:

You know why Marijuana is awesome.

Because you can walk into a liquor store high as fuck, reaking of weed and they will still probably serve you.
You can get baked everyday, all day, and still function a normal life.

Try doing either of the above while hammered.
i have four dui's, all in cali. i've been to rehab, twice, for coke. i have a job now, that doesn't drug test.
i don't go lookin anymore simply because my wife has asthma. i don't smoke anymore.

i have never been arrested for anything weed related - i had a fucking san diego sherrif roust me for my bud, lucky me, he didn't press charges . . .

I really wanna smoke. It's been a while (2 or 3 weeks, which is a while for me) and I miss it. I prefer sitting around with a small group of good friends and just chilling out and getting high over partying and binge drinking.
Leave it to the citizens to decide what to put in their bodies. There are also plenty of responsible drug users out there (opiates as well but that's a diff topic).

burnzz wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

You know why Marijuana is awesome.

Because you can walk into a liquor store high as fuck, reaking of weed and they will still probably serve you.
You can get baked everyday, all day, and still function a normal life.

Try doing either of the above while hammered.
i have four dui's, all in cali. i've been to rehab, twice, for coke. i have a job now, that doesn't drug test.
i don't go lookin anymore simply because my wife has asthma. i don't smoke anymore.

i have never been arrested for anything weed related - i had a fucking san diego sherrif roust me for my bud, lucky me, he didn't press charges . . .
You lead an exciting life!

ghettoperson wrote:

You've lead an exciting life!
fix't. it was what it was, wouldn't trade it, wouldn't go back. i'll never do a PSA "hay, don't do drugs!!1!" but i will tell anyone, be smart about it. weigh the consequences . . .
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5863|College Park, MD
Can someone explain the difference between decriminalization and legalization to me? How can it still be illegal if it's not "criminalized"?

And ghetto he wasn't hating on weed, he was hating on alcohol and cocaine. Far more powerful and frankly devastating drugs than weed.

That said, I probably won't smoke it out of paranoia. I don't wanna get randomly drug tested (although my school doesn't do that, and I'm not employed) nor do I want it to show up if I ever undergo one of those intense background checks (SSBIs). I mean, hell if I know whether I'll ever work for the FBI or Secret Service or Delta Force, but why take chances?
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6699|Long Island, New York

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Can someone explain the difference between decriminalization and legalization to me? How can it still be illegal if it's not "criminalized"?

And ghetto he wasn't hating on weed, he was hating on alcohol and cocaine. Far more powerful and frankly devastating drugs than weed.

That said, I probably won't smoke it out of paranoia. I don't wanna get randomly drug tested (although my school doesn't do that, and I'm not employed) nor do I want it to show up if I ever undergo one of those intense background checks (SSBIs). I mean, hell if I know whether I'll ever work for the FBI or Secret Service or Delta Force, but why take chances?
there's just a MUCH lesser sentence given...and a lot of the time, cops let you off

the only time they'll really arrest you is if you're some punk kid who deals and you have a shitload of weed on you, or you're just some huge dealer in general
Super Awesome Member
yeah seriously, people on weed cause far less trouble than those drunk
Positive Karma Here!
Legalize. Regulate. Educate & Medicate.
prince of insufficient light
Just because it isn't legal doesn't mean possession has to be a criminal offense.
Why walk when you can dance?
But, but.....stoners kills little children with their support of gangactivity and crime when they buy it.... and it´s making people more fat from the muchies you recieve....lol

Seriously, the only danger with thc, is the law....if you can´t handle thc you really shouldn´t mess with other drugs at all.....

A father to a friend of mine tried talking to us about smoking ganja when we had a gathering, his one and only argument was , "but....you might get arrested" .... thats a really good argument, we can´t smoke it beacuse its illegal, why it´s illegal nobody really knows.....

Join the Tactical Hemp Coalition now - putting smokescreens on the battlefield for the new world order!!!
Meow :3 :3
mm weed.  There is a 420 club at my school and every wednesday at 4:20 about 100 people go to the center of campus and light up a ton of weed in front of everyone and nobody does anything.  pure win

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

And ghetto he wasn't hating on weed, he was hating on alcohol and cocaine. Far more powerful and frankly devastating drugs than weed.
What? I didn't say he was, I just commented that 4 DUI's and two trips to rehab made for a pretty interesting life.

ghettoperson wrote:

What? I didn't say he was, I just commented that 4 DUI's and two trips to rehab made for a pretty interesting life.
thanks, ghetto~ nowadays interesting is browsing the forums, and occasionally eating out. and taking pictures . . .

i've a nephew that saw one of my Nick Nolte'esque mugshots. i'm glad to be an example for him. i'm just saying that, after smoking a small forest of dope, i don't go looking for it anymore. it's a decision i've made for me, and all i can say to said nephew or any forum member is 'be in a good place' if you decide to use.
+5,233|6691|Global Command

burnzz wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

What? I didn't say he was, I just commented that 4 DUI's and two trips to rehab made for a pretty interesting life.
thanks, ghetto~ nowadays interesting is browsing the forums, and occasionally eating out. and taking pictures . . .

i've a nephew that saw one of my Nick Nolte'esque mugshots. i'm glad to be an example for him. i'm just saying that, after smoking a small forest of dope, i don't go looking for it anymore. it's a decision i've made for me, and all i can say to said nephew or any forum member is 'be in a good place' if you decide to use.
Please post that pix.  Please.


j/k, it's in an album somewhere - i'd have to scan it
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6846|United States of America
The only part I'm interested in is the reason why people decide to use drugs. I've never had the desire to use any, but apparently a large percentage of the population has their own explanation as to why.

You really have to try it for yourself. Personally, I'm the kind of person who says things like, "Don't knock til you try it". Doesn't mean I'm going to try every drug under the sun, but weed just seemed like something I'd enjoy. Eventually I did try it and I loved it.

DesertFox- wrote:

The only part I'm interested in is the reason why people decide to use drugs. I've never had the desire to use any, but apparently a large percentage of the population has their own explanation as to why.
Troubles in a shitty life, that's why.

Oh please, don't start with that shit.

Not everyone does drugs to escape a shitty life or anything like that. There are plenty of people who do it socially/recreationally and aren't total stoners who sit around all day doing nothing but smoking so that they don't have to face real life.

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