
Are you working, unemployed or underemployed.

working same pay same hours61%61% - 40
Working Cut hours6%6% - 4
Unemployed20%20% - 13
Underemployed(not making as much money12%12% - 8
Total: 65
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Just wondering if the recovery is really back on track..

life's gotten more hectic for me. we're hiring people here, and at our satellite offices, every Monday.

Null; student.
Fully Loaded
Got a promotion from retail assistant to team leader last month with a nice pay rise.

The recession is over.
Scratching my back
2 Pay rises this year, same job, same hours...more money. Cant complain

mtb0minime wrote:

Null; student.
+5,233|6662|Global Command
I'm seeing a big increase in my workload. It will take months of being busy to get out of trouble, but yes, something has changed.
Monkey Spanker
Show it to the nice monkey.

ATG wrote:

I'm seeing a big increase in my workload. It will take months of being busy to get out of trouble, but yes, something has changed.
It's good to see the self employed work load pick up. Over here in the UK My dad is a painter & decorator & he has seen his work load pick up during this supposed financial downturn he is booked solid until next autumn. It seems more people are spending money on their own houses updating them rather than moving to a new property.
Quote of the year so far "Fifa 11 on the other hand... shiny things for mongos "-mtb0minime
Red Forman

smuder201 wrote:

It seems more people are spending money on their own houses updating them rather than moving to a new property.
which is what they should have been doing.  but, house flipping became the cool and in thing to do.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6798|NT, like Mick Dundee

Things didn't change that much here where I am now.

Where I used to live, my employer went from 30 employees to 4, that number is rapidly rising now...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
I'm a student but I've been trying to get work.

Most of the on campus jobs have had their budgets cut and I'm not willing to work off campus in the ghetto-town my school is located in.

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

I'm a student but I've been trying to get work.

Most of the on campus jobs have had their budgets cut and I'm not willing to work off campus in the ghetto-town my school is located in.
What school?
+129|6850|Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX
Needs a student option.
Would I like a job and more money?  Yes.
Do I have time for a job right now? No.
what has changed is a quadrupling of the deficit. have fun until the bear market sell off and you guys all get re-fucked

inb4 the majority of obamas economic admin was bushs admin

"From now on, depressions will be scientifically created." — Congressman Charles A.

Last edited by SealXo (2009-09-28 15:12:39)

Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5835|College Park, MD
Unemployed but that's cos I haven't bothered looking for a job. Mostly cos I'm in school ("student" is not an occupation I know a fair few people holding part time jobs who are also students) and it's a bit of a bitch getting anywhere around here without a car.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6734|132 and Bush

Depends on the range. Over the last year underemployed. Over the last four months or so.. moving closer to normalcy.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Say wat!?
just signed a contract today. So working.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

Kmarion wrote:

Depends on the range. Over the last year underemployed. Over the last four months or so.. moving closer to normalcy.
Yeah right now they're saying that the slight raise of market values is due to the 8k rebate..
Unemployed, even though i'm a college student, i'll be getting a job when I move out next year, moving from where the cows roam in Cali to, where the hot chicks roam in So Cal
My mom owns a chinese restaurant and business is booming again, but in reality, the recession didn't do much to the restaurant, business was actually better in a way, plus now we just got a call from a company who can save us lots of money with our credit for the restaurant(no clue what any of that means but thats good right?!)
Sup guies
+157|5767|Southern California
I'm working less hours, too many shitty films coming out.
+429|6580|Chicago, IL
I quit my job, hours cut, and any money I make is subtracted from my student aid
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6671|Long Island, New York
Working after school/on weekends part time.
over worked currently
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5491|London, England
My GI Bill benefits just tripled so I'm living easy
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Red Forman

S3v3N wrote:

over worked currently
sand pit

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