
DrunkFace wrote:

nlsme1 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Sorry, what was paid was what was charged, and the funding was there for the schools roads, law enforcement etc....
What should exclude healthcare from that list?
It's not how the system is now. ie change is bad.
"he never said reform isn't needed"
You with the face!

lowing wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

lowing wrote:

Govt. is charged with maintaining the infrastructure that we ALL use. this includes roads and bridges.
No they aren't. They do it so they get re-elected.
Or show me the part of the constitution which says that.
It is called the DOT Deparment of Transportation, ever hear of it?

Now, while we are at it, please point the section in the Constitution that grants us the right to govt. healthcare.
We are FAR past the specific authorizations of the Constitution.  The commerce clause has been stretched WAY beyond reasonable limits.  The 9th and 10 Amendments are pretty much dead.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

lowing wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Aced it .. but tbh..

I guessed on:
19. What INS form is used to apply to become a naturalized citizen?
Spoiler (highlight to read):
N-400 "Application for Naturalization"
50/50 between that and the Petetion option.

lowing wrote:

Nothing more needs to be said, except, ya really want this same govt. responsible for your health?
We trust them to manage wars.
National security is part of their function, my retirement, education, etc. is not
It's the  "they cant do anything right" mentality I was addressing.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
The X stands for
+1,818|6424|eXtreme to the maX

lowing wrote:

It is called the DOT Deparment of Transportation, ever hear of it?
Doesn't mean the govt is CHARGED with providing roads and bridges, any more than the existence of ACORN means the govt is CHARGED with giving money to fuckwits.

You clearly don't understand how government works in your country.
Fuck Israel
formerly from OC (it's EXACTLY like on tv)[truth]
+77|5929|Greatest Nation on Earth(USA)
You answered 90% of questions correctly.

Wrong Answer:
Which of the following amendments to the Constitution does NOT address or guarantee voting rights?   
19th Amendment is not correct.
7th Amendment

No GOOGLE, or anything else

Never went over it in either public or private education systems.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6983|NT, like Mick Dundee

lowing wrote:

Flecco wrote:

I'm confused.

lowing argues that public schooling is shit, therefore public healthcare would be shit.

Yet he, with all his staunchly 'conservative' values, is a product of that system. He did fairly well out of it, I guess maybe it's less about education and more about culture.
I argue that despite of govt. I did well. I argue that because the govt. can't even run a cash for clunkers program, or a postal service, or a school, that they should be trusted with managing my healthcare.
It's about money. The US Military is the best in the world right... It's run by the US Fed Govt.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

Flecco wrote:

lowing wrote:

Flecco wrote:

I'm confused.

lowing argues that public schooling is shit, therefore public healthcare would be shit.

Yet he, with all his staunchly 'conservative' values, is a product of that system. He did fairly well out of it, I guess maybe it's less about education and more about culture.
I argue that despite of govt. I did well. I argue that because the govt. can't even run a cash for clunkers program, or a postal service, or a school, that they should be trusted with managing my healthcare.
It's about money. The US Military is the best in the world right... It's run by the US Fed Govt.
I heard that the CIA, FBI and Nasa were pretty hot too. The wide range of federally funded R&D seems to have yielded some spectacular results too.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

I love the insults to the postal service. They employ almost a million people. Not too many companies do anything near their scale as efficiently and at their prices. The USPS is extremely successful when you look at the volume they handle and the percent of time mail delivered is delivered on time. Some people just make it up as they go along. They are the ones who tell you Canadians hate their healthcare system. Again, I do not stand by the current proposed plan. But the aforementioned stuff is getting out of control.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Support fanatic :-)

Kmarion wrote:

I love the insults to the postal service. They employ almost a million people. Not too many companies do anything near their scale as efficiently and at their prices. The USPS is extremely successful when you look at the volume they handle and the percent of time mail delivered is delivered on time. Some people just make it up as they go along. They are the ones who tell you Canadians hate their healthcare system. Again, I do not stand by the current proposed plan. But the aforementioned stuff is getting out of control.
Takes only 1 letter or parcel delivered too late out of 1 million delivered successfully to badmouth the postal service ... 1 Canadian being distrustful towards his government and suddenly they all are ...

Generalizing is our best friend when arguing without credible sources
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

Varegg wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I love the insults to the postal service. They employ almost a million people. Not too many companies do anything near their scale as efficiently and at their prices. The USPS is extremely successful when you look at the volume they handle and the percent of time mail delivered is delivered on time. Some people just make it up as they go along. They are the ones who tell you Canadians hate their healthcare system. Again, I do not stand by the current proposed plan. But the aforementioned stuff is getting out of control.
Takes only 1 letter or parcel delivered too late out of 1 million delivered successfully to badmouth the postal service ... 1 Canadian being distrustful towards his government and suddenly they all are ...

Generalizing is our best friend when arguing without credible sources
You DO NOT have to tell me that. Trust me.. I dealt with that for years at UPS. People are generally clueless with such things.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

Varegg wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I love the insults to the postal service. They employ almost a million people. Not too many companies do anything near their scale as efficiently and at their prices. The USPS is extremely successful when you look at the volume they handle and the percent of time mail delivered is delivered on time. Some people just make it up as they go along. They are the ones who tell you Canadians hate their healthcare system. Again, I do not stand by the current proposed plan. But the aforementioned stuff is getting out of control.
Takes only 1 letter or parcel delivered too late out of 1 million delivered successfully to badmouth the postal service ... 1 Canadian being distrustful towards his government and suddenly they all are ...

Generalizing is our best friend when arguing without credible sources
You DO NOT have to tell me that. Trust me.. I dealt with that for years at UPS. People are generally clueless with such things.
I remember watching a show about the UK Royal Mail in which they found something like 3 people out of millions who had posted parcels and they'd gone missing. The program was presented as if this showed that the Royal Mail was utterly unable to ever deliver anything.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

^ That sounds about right here as well. Misdelivery rates are incredibly low.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Support fanatic :-)

Kmarion wrote:

Varegg wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I love the insults to the postal service. They employ almost a million people. Not too many companies do anything near their scale as efficiently and at their prices. The USPS is extremely successful when you look at the volume they handle and the percent of time mail delivered is delivered on time. Some people just make it up as they go along. They are the ones who tell you Canadians hate their healthcare system. Again, I do not stand by the current proposed plan. But the aforementioned stuff is getting out of control.
Takes only 1 letter or parcel delivered too late out of 1 million delivered successfully to badmouth the postal service ... 1 Canadian being distrustful towards his government and suddenly they all are ...

Generalizing is our best friend when arguing without credible sources
You DO NOT have to tell me that. Trust me.. I dealt with that for years at UPS. People are generally clueless with such things.
Wasn't telling you anything, I was supporting your post underlining the point you made ...

Kmarion wrote:

Trust me
I do
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

I know, was just saying.. 13 years of
Xbone Stormsurgezz
The Year of the Cow!
+175|6698|MN … le/140510/ … 093008.htm … s-in-2007/ … cleID=4525

In summary:  Since the re-organization in 1971, the post office has operated in a deficit for every year with the exception of 2004 and 2005. 

Now I am not saying they are inefficient or unable to provide the service they intend.  I just think this is more along the lines of what Lowing was talking about.  I am just stabbin' in the dark though, you never know where he is coming from sometimes. 
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6919|132 and Bush

Hello email. The usps does not operate for profit (revenue-neutral). Try comparing their prices with any competitor and see just how bad they could rip this countries economic ass apart. It's not even close.

According to the laws under which it now operates, the U.S. Postal Service is a semi-independent federal agency, mandated to be revenue-neutral. That is, it is supposed to break even, not make a profit.

... Still, the US Postal Service has averaged a profit of over $1 billion per year in each of the last five years. … sabout.htm
Xbone Stormsurgezz
The Year of the Cow!
That was helped significantly by the 3.1 billion profit for 2004 and the 1.4 billion profit in 2005.  The other 32 years were operated in a deficit.

USPS wipes out $1 billion/year average profit over 5 years in 1 year

Last edited by LividBovine (2009-09-24 02:56:25)

"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)

LividBovine wrote:

That was helped significantly by the 3.1 billion profit for 2004 and the 1.4 billion profit in 2005.  The other 32 years were operated in a deficit.

USPS wipes out $1 billion/year average profit over 5 years in 1 year
As a not for profit entity, if they made profits one year then they should use that extra profit to subsidise subsequent years (ie. use the extra money they gained to keep mail prices lower for a few years, running at a loss for that period). Seems to make lots of sense, they are passing the previous profits back to the populace in the form of lower mail prices for a few years.
Mass Media Casualty

Stupidity exists in all sectors be they government sanctioned or not. I went to a public school that happens to be one of the most highly rated schools in the country.

I took that test that Locoloki provided. Loving how in question 9 one of the collectons of the 13 original states included New Zealand.

I got 16/20 by the way - one question off becoming a US citizen but pretty good for a spur-of-the-moment test score.
[Blinking eyes thing]

Dilbert_X wrote:

lowing wrote:

It is called the DOT Deparment of Transportation, ever hear of it?
Doesn't mean the govt is CHARGED with providing roads and bridges, any more than the existence of ACORN means the govt is CHARGED with giving money to fuckwits.

You clearly don't understand how government works in your country.
Thats funny, I was thinking the same about you. You hold me to a standard of proof, ( which I provided) that you do not hold yourself to.

So we have a  govt. agency responsible for and funded for, among other things, the highway system but this is not proof enough that this is part of govt. function.

yet you insist the govt. is responsible for healthcare and provide nothing showing that.

Last edited by lowing (2009-09-24 07:00:09)

The X stands for
+1,818|6424|eXtreme to the maX
You just don't get it.
The fact that there is a govt agency responsible for something does not necessarily prove its part of the govt function.
Govts choose to do certain things, others they choose not to.

So, the US govt could choose to be responsible for healthcare, set up a Department of Healthcare, then by your limited logic it would be a 'govt function' for all time?

Congrats, you just beat your own inane argument

PS I did not insist the govt is responsible for healthcare, I've said it should be though. I did ask you to show us where in the constitution it says the govt has a duty to administer roads and bridges though.
Fuck Israel
You with the face!
Well, the US interstate system was partially created to help with military transportation.  You could probably get that out of the Consitution fairly easily.
So some kids doesn't know who the first president of USA was?

Well if he's similar to me he'll be like this.

History is BORING, it really is. What use do I have of knowing who was the first at becoming President of USA? None really.

I'd rather spend my time learning about Space, computers, anime, 4chan, games, todays stuff, weapons, tanks, nano tech, evolution and so on. But normal history is boring.

I actually have a problem with history. In the way that I can't for anything remember about it. History is just so boring it slips of my mind the moment it enter it.

For Cartoons like Futurama I can remember pretty much EVERYTHING about it. This goes for all episodes too. >.> The same goes for other things I enjoy. I remember them like I just have played them.

Besides people doesn't seems to learn from history as we are STILL in war and it doesn't seems to change.

Now my school didn't have bad education, no, it was actually pretty good. Just that I didn't give a damn about history. Or that much about political stuff. I still have problem differ Right Wing from Left Wing style democratic. It's boring.

Dilbert_X wrote:

You just don't get it.
The fact that there is a govt agency responsible for something does not necessarily prove its part of the govt function.
Govts choose to do certain things, others they choose not to.

So, the US govt could choose to be responsible for healthcare, set up a Department of Healthcare, then by your limited logic it would be a 'govt function' for all time?

Congrats, you just beat your own inane argument

PS I did not insist the govt is responsible for healthcare, I've said it should be though. I did ask you to show us where in the constitution it says the govt has a duty to administer roads and bridges though.
Infreastructure IS a function of OUR govt. as shown. Healthcare IS NOT a function of our govt. as of yet. This is what the fight is over.

So again based on your requirements, about the constitution, where is healthcare a right?
Mass Media Casualty

Zefar wrote:

So some kids doesn't know who the first president of USA was?

Well if he's similar to me he'll be like this.

History is BORING, it really is. What use do I have of knowing who was the first at becoming President of USA? None really.

I'd rather spend my time learning about Space, computers, anime, 4chan, games, todays stuff, weapons, tanks, nano tech, evolution and so on. But normal history is boring.

I actually have a problem with history. In the way that I can't for anything remember about it. History is just so boring it slips of my mind the moment it enter it.

For Cartoons like Futurama I can remember pretty much EVERYTHING about it. This goes for all episodes too. >.> The same goes for other things I enjoy. I remember them like I just have played them.

Besides people doesn't seems to learn from history as we are STILL in war and it doesn't seems to change.

Now my school didn't have bad education, no, it was actually pretty good. Just that I didn't give a damn about history. Or that much about political stuff. I still have problem differ Right Wing from Left Wing style democratic. It's boring.
Wow. My smug sense of self-superiority just skyrocketed while reading that.

I think the attitude that something has to be entertaining to be worth anything is a real problem in students. If they're always looking to get something for nothing how can we say that they have a realistic outlook of the "real world"? I'm not saying that everyone should take classics or history or politics if that doesn't interest them, what I'm saying though is that you should never think that something which you percieve as "boring" lacks value and sometimes you should force yourself into doing things you don't enjoy because most times the value you get out of it is well worth it.

My understanding of history has given me insight into so many different things; literally everything, including Futurama. After all everything is a product of that which has preceeded it.

Anyway we'll see how far your encyclopaediac knowledge of Futurama, anime and 4chan gets you. Then see how far my Poltical Science/History degree gets me. We'll both probably end up working at McDonald's but I'll be your manager. We can swap cartoon trivia.
[Blinking eyes thing]

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