Diesel_dyk wrote:
The dems should let this racism issue drop until after health care reform is passed. Addressing it now will only further muddy the waters on the whole debate and add another layer on top of the lies that need debunking. And go figure, muddying the water and keeping this reform from ever getting to a vote is exactly what the anti-reform, pro-insurance crowd wants. Remember, the fight is to get health care/insurance reform passed, we don't need to try to fix America's racism problem right now, nor try to teach people acceptable public behavior. After all each and every person in America is free to embarrass them self.
Makes you wonder if this agitation is bought and paid for by the insurance lobbyists to deflect attention from the fact that reform will be a win for everyone except the insurance industry, and I think we can all agree that its OK to hate the insurance industry. I'll get the pitch forks, you get the torches and we can start with the HMOs and maybe even AIG.
Fire it up... ready to go.... fire it up... ready to go.
Let's roll!!!
Honestly...this is a ploy by the right and big industry.
The 9/12 rallies you've been hearing about is backed by Freedom Works...whose chairman is Dick Armey....whom is clearly paid off by big insurance and big oil and any of the big corporate sunsofbitches you can think of. These rallies are not meant to take down big government spending...not about socialism or Marxism or Maoism or racism or "oligarhies" (courtesy of Glenn the clown Beck). The orchestrators of these rallies are trying to take YOUR MONEY! YOU!!! YOU!!! and EVEN YOU LOWING!!! Do you really think the right wingers have your best interest in mind? They want YOUR MONEY! The more you shout about Obama being born in Kenya or being Hitler...you're mindlessly playing into their agenda to delay..and ultimate kill ANY heathcare reform that jeopardizes the monopoly of the American Heath Care system.
They're not watching your back...the right wing conservative media are simply soapboxes at the corner of the street spreading the lies about Obama being born in Kenya, supporting Nazi-ism, death panels killing Nana, providing insurance to the illegal brown people etc, in order to discredit anything that they are trying to do to fix the heath care system. All this bullshit swirling around are body blows to the attempts at changing the status quo, that is: the insurance companies' profit margins. All this bullshit swirling around is meant to further extend the insurance companies' reach to take the money you've earned out of your pockets. The sad part is....most of the conservatives are falling for it and falling in DROVES!
So, regarding the 4 years of racism...this bullshit is irrelevant. It's a mere distraction to the bigger issue...and when the LEFT starts ignoring the extreme Right's wild claims, they might...JUST might be able to pull their head out of their asses and muster out a bright idea that can benefit ALL Americans (excluding the sunsofbitches big wig CEOs).
The extent of the racism I see coming from the right is mainly from the rednecks at these rallies being misinformed and LIED to by Fox news and friends...so the actual relevancy is near nill. They just have to accept the fact that the POTUS is a black man...just the same as many of us had to accept the fact that the POTUS was a moron 8 years back.
Long story short: Liberal Dems bitching about racism is stating the obvious and nobody cares cause nobody can do ANYTHING to change the minds of the extreme rednecks. Conserv Reps bitching about the left playing the race card should pull their heads out of their asses, cause lets face it...we are ALL racists to a certain degree, and statistically, historically, geographically, culturally, conservative reps are MORE likely to be racists; so just admit your motivation for disrespecting the the BLACK POTUS in the middle of congress, for claiming the BLACK POTUS was born in Kenya, etc. is just a TAD racially motivated.