lowing wrote:
Nope, everyone got your point, they simply don't agree with it. people working for a living, be it for you or a private company is not on welfare. You have pushed so hard into the realms of the absurd that even those that once backed are now bowing out and distancing themselves form your irrational rants.Diesel_dyk wrote:
I think people are missing the point of the posts.
Lowing you are transposing your own hatred of welfare on what I've posted, IMO there is nothing wrong with welfare and therefore nothing wrong in welfare for service. But your response shows I've hit a nerve because I know that the term "welfare" is a word used to seperate the other and when you hit a nerve that's when you make people think.
Lowing here is the difference between me an you, I don't complain if someone is collecting a govt check, whether serving the country or sitting on welfare. What I am pointing out is that some individuals (meaning that there is a lot of people out there with this view point) who collect govt checks or benefits look down their noses and brow beat other people who are also receiving govt funds. Shit... you could probably find alot of people actually on welfare that hate people on welfare and that's psychotic. IMO these people pretty much lose their credibility to brow beat others and I'm not really interested in beating you up about it or belaboring the point. What I am pointing out to others who are reading these posts that there is some hypocrisy in all this. When you shake things up a little, like viewing all govt pay as welfare for service, it can help you gain new perspective on a subject and highlight areas of inconsistent thought.... But peronsally I'm all for looking out for your own self interest.
So using the union example
1. Individuals receiving the benefit that they would try to withhold from others = hypocrisy
2. Individuals belonging to a union voting for conservative anti-union govts = going against your own self interests
Both don't make any sense
Hey Lowing here's two simple questions
What do you think about the govt paying for a person's post secondary education?
What do you think about the govt paying for someones training?
Because my guess is that the govt paid for your training, and then you went over to a private contractor as soon as you could to make 2 or 3 times the amount that the govt was paying you. That is pretty much the career path right? Now, if that were the case then you as an individual would certainly be acting rationally and in your own self interest and there is nothing wrong with that, save that the policy makers permitted or encouraged people by making it a possibility that you could be trained at taxpayers expense and then permitted to go work for a private contractor hired by the govt.... which is more expensive to taxpayers and so that doesn't make a whole lot sense from a financial standpoint. But the opportunity was there, you took advantage, you made out alright and sincerely good for you.
Point is... If you received benefit of the taxpayer, you should at least be a little gracious when judging others when they are in need of public benefit. Otherwise it simply looks like its OK if you receive the money but totally unacceptable when someone else receives it... and to me that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Hating welfare moms is irrational and in the total scheme of things a few people collecting welfare or having a few social programs are not going to bankrupt the system, if anything, the past few years has shown us what it takes to drives the country to bankruptcy.
IN FACT, the term welfare does not even fit your desired use of it.
3. financial or other assistance to an individual or family from a city, state, or national government: Thousands of jobless people in this city would starve if it weren't for welfare.
4. (initial capital letter) Informal. a governmental agency that provides funds and aid to people in need, esp. those unable to work.
—Idiom5. on welfare, receiving financial aid from the government or from a private organization because of hardship and need.
Niether of those definitions apply to someone with a marketable trade and hires themselves out for compensation.
So really, before we continue, we have to come ot an understandings as to what welfare is, the actual definition and context of the term used by everyone else, or what you say it is.
Todays theme ingredient.... its the The battle of the dictionaries
Here's a definition of welfare
wel·fare (wlfâr)
1. a. Health, happiness, and good fortune; well-being.
b. Prosperity.
2. Welfare work.
3. a. Financial or other aid provided, especially by the government, to people in need.
b. Corporate welfare.
on welfare
Receiving regular assistance from the government or private agencies because of need.
I got it from here http://www.thefreedictionary.com/welfare
And besides there is no rule or law saying that you can't tweak a concept.
Anyway, I don't post things to make friends, I do it to write and play with concepts. To flip things on their ear and see what shakes out and poke at the sticky stuff. You can enjoy them, think about them, learn something, or not. It doesn't matter. But I do love to bounce them off of an absolutist like yourself, but after a while the moment is lost and doing the "yes it is," "no it isn't" gets kind of grating don't you think?