Indian's reference to making the game fair for ALL SKILL levels makes me nervous because it has been said to me by BF2RS that a group of highly skilled players playing on the same side especially if they are affiliated is unfair. That using squad swapping tactics is unfair. Repairing a BH while in flight is unfair.
i hear what you're saying - i'm not even that good, but i get accused of cheating and threatened with kick/bans all the feaking time. if ea cracks down every time some kid who can't play well cries "cheater!", then this game will get so crap that no-one except for maladjusted 12 years olds will play it.
example: using an apc in the water (i.e. where spec ops can't walk up to you) to shell the island on Ghost Town while team mates took the flag, nearly got me banned for "spawn camping". This is absolute rubbish. We took that flag, and the whining
continued because the tactic earned me 35 kills and 3 deaths in about 4-5 minutes. I was accused of cheating because i had "not made any effort to cap the flag", even though my squad took it (*slaps forehead, shakes head*). Soooo
stupid. Not to tread over old ground, but there is no such thing as spawn raping a cappable flag. kids just whinge because they couldn't use their brains to counter the tactic of armour covering infantry during an assault.
You can't make the game "fair for all skill levels" precisely because there are differnet levels of skill. There are very few
if any advantages to having "illegally" earned ribbons and badges - getting rid of "padded points" won't make poor players play better when they're getting owned by someone with much more skill. It's just a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME (and an insulting one at that to those who did things that are
not in any way clearly "illegal" but are considered so by
some) .
Last edited by oberst_enzian (2006-02-06 22:25:58)