+5,233|6842|Global Command
Citizens being bayoneted, martial law, mass arrests...

Not a peep from the forum. 
Also, clerics in Iran call the election results bogus.
Not a peep from the forum.
Obama supports a Hugo Chavez style dictator in Honduras.

I sometimes do not get the attention span from the forum and subjects we choose to argue over.
+33|6670|the Great British Queendom :)
I suppose its a matter that we are distanced from such events, little or no media covereage, vetting of information to the masses?

silly ATG.  china does not involve the US or israel so its meh......

fake forum internet outrage over jews and the evil US.  this place is nothing but racists disguised with links and the use of the word zionists and such.  anyone can see that.  i am amazed you cant tbh.

Just about every DST news thread that somebody else post I see a good while before and pass up the chance to post but I haven't heard a thing about any roits in china.
+250|6724|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
Here's a BBC news article of the event:

And here's a CBC link: … tests.html

It's interesting to see how China takes care of these uprisings with instant maximum force
Muslims, Jews, and anything American are whats "hot."
+250|6724|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

12/f/taiwan wrote:

Muslims, Jews, and anything American are whats "hot."

CBC wrote:

Many Uighur organizations claim Beijing persecutes Muslims with the aim of wiping out their religion and allege none of the jobs in the region’s lucrative oil industry ever go to Muslims.

The Communist government has said it is trying to snuff out terrorist activities in the region and is blaming the incident on what they call "Muslim traders" who are trying to destabilize the country.
Hop to it BF2s!
Ethnic hatred existed between the Muslims in the west and the Han-Chinese before the Communist party took over the country.

The Chinese government's actions to suppress the Muslims in the past 50 years made the powder keg explode.
16 more years
+877|6839|South Florida
This forum is controlled by the government and used to brainwash users into seeing only the news the gov wants you to see. and only the opinions they want you to hear.
15 more years! 15 more years!

Mitch wrote:

This forum is controlled by the government and used to brainwash users into seeing only the news the gov wants you to see. and only the opinions they want you to hear.


And this is coming from the guy who deleted gigs of movies/programs/music all because he saw a black suv outside with a government logo?

Last edited by 12/f/taiwan (2009-07-06 09:11:21)

16 more years
+877|6839|South Florida

12/f/taiwan wrote:

Mitch wrote:

This forum is controlled by the government and used to brainwash users into seeing only the news the gov wants you to see. and only the opinions they want you to hear.


And this is coming from the guy who deleted gigs of movies/programs/music all because he saw a black suv outside with a government logo?
Your joke meter must be malfunctioning i suggest you get it checked out
15 more years! 15 more years!
+3,611|6934|London, England

link52787 wrote:

Ethnic hatred existed between the Muslims in the west and the Han-Chinese before the Communist party took over the country.

The Chinese government's actions to suppress the Muslims in the past 50 years made the powder keg explode.
To be fair, it was the Chinese that invaded and took of Xinjiang in the early 20th century or something. Same with Tibet in the 50's, they expanded alot back then and that's why they're so big geographically today. The fact that their country is a single party dictatorship means that the Tibetans and other Minority regions get screwed over even more.

History dictates that single party dictatorships in multi ethnic-regional countries don't last, the USSR broke up, Yugoslavia broke up, because the individual regions didn't like being ruled in such a way. It's only a matter of time before China goes through some serious problems and either has to abandon its dictatorship or become a smaller country.

Last edited by Mekstizzle (2009-07-06 09:36:57)

I noticed the same thing , but when that neda girl from Iran got killed, news galore , sad at both ends
1. The riots hit the news only very recently. Xinjiang should not and should never have been part of China. Same goes for Tibet. Mao has a lot to answer for. Xinjiang is China's version of Russia's Chechnya. I support their legitimate separatist movements.
2. What is happening in Iran has been denounced by many here. The fact of the matter is that it is an internal matter for Iranians, which will hopefully be resolved in their favour.
3. Manuel Zelaya is the democratically elected head of the nation of Honduras. It ain't just Obama who backs him - it's the entire OAS. I thought the days of military dictatorships in Latin America had come to a close.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2009-07-06 10:32:43)

The town bike
what happens in China, stays in China
I am all that is MOD!

usmarine wrote:

silly ATG.  china does not involve the US or israel so its meh......

fake forum internet outrage over jews and the evil US.  this place is nothing but racists disguised with links and the use of the word zionists and such.  anyone can see that.  i am amazed you cant tbh.
How could he see that in his haze of Mexican-hate?  He posts as if every Latino in California is an illegal alien La Raza fundamentalist.  That's at least as bad as Ramm and AusCh88 and their "I hate zionists, not Jews" argument.

Honduras - there's been at least a few threads on it in the last week or so.

China - apparently China backing the dollar for the foreseeable future is more important than protesters getting beaten in some people's eyes here.

Iran clerics - plenty of info in a handful of threads about the Iranians.

I feel much more qualified bitching about the various ways the US power elite is fucking the public than the same thing happening in China.  It is more relevant to me because SURPRISE! I live in the US.  I've been following along with the events in Honduras and Iran over the last week or so, I just don't feel the need to rush and create a thread to let bf2s know that I am following along.
+3,611|6934|London, England
Yeah I don't get it, there are/were threads about Iran and Honduras. Maybe not about China, but someone was bound to make one. Why is it people always complain about threads about Israel, do you really love the country so much that every thread pains you to see it or what? Who gives a fuck?

Infact people complain more about the Israel threads than there are threads about Israel, that's what I've noticed. I personally couldn't give a shit about those Jews and Arabs though, not anymore, unless something big happens, all the little shit just goes over my head
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6953|Your moms bedroom
but.... Michael Jackson died
Jon and Kate got a divorce
Steve Mcnair was gunned down by his  mistress
Billy Mays died
Palin quit her job because she cant multi-task
Afghanistan has turned into a bloodbath
2 Airbus crashes in a week, one with a sole survivor
Sammy Sosa used roids

Last edited by Locoloki (2009-07-06 11:01:17)

A generally unremarkable member
There are riots in China?
It isnt on CNN, I wonder why?

Im sick of Michael Jackson. I want CNN to just drop the friggin story and concentrate on things like this. They are 10x more important.

Last edited by henno13 (2009-07-06 11:32:34)

Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6944|New Hampshire, USA

henno13 wrote:

Im sick of Michael Jackson. I want CNN to just drop the friggin story and concentrate on things like this. They are 10x more important.
Agreed sir
I am all that is MOD!

-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:

henno13 wrote:

Im sick of Michael Jackson. I want CNN to just drop the friggin story and concentrate on things like this. They are 10x more important.
Agreed sir
You know they allow you to turn off the TV?  Don't like don't watch.  Maybe it's your fault for tuning in to CNN thinking you are going to get some type of informative news story.  Sorry, CNN got out of that business long ago.

Which begs another question: If you know CNN and other mainstream media are providing infotainment at best, why keep tuning into CNN and other stations thinking you are going to get something different?  "Well I rammed my head 4 times into this wall and I keep losing motor skills; maybe if I ram my head a few more times I'll regain it all back."
+5,233|6842|Global Command


usmarine wrote:

silly ATG.  china does not involve the US or israel so its meh......

fake forum internet outrage over jews and the evil US.  this place is nothing but racists disguised with links and the use of the word zionists and such.  anyone can see that.  i am amazed you cant tbh.
How could he see that in his haze of Mexican-hate?  He posts as if every Latino in California is an illegal alien La Raza fundamentalist.  That's at least as bad as Ramm and AusCh88 and their "I hate zionists, not Jews" argument.

Honduras - there's been at least a few threads on it in the last week or so.

China - apparently China backing the dollar for the foreseeable future is more important than protesters getting beaten in some people's eyes here.

Iran clerics - plenty of info in a handful of threads about the Iranians.

I feel much more qualified bitching about the various ways the US power elite is fucking the public than the same thing happening in China.  It is more relevant to me because SURPRISE! I live in the US.  I've been following along with the events in Honduras and Iran over the last week or so, I just don't feel the need to rush and create a thread to let bf2s know that I am following along.
Cheap shot ken, for $50.00.

You are too short sighted to the fact that my beef is with the u.s. Government.

I see a better point to making people aware of the impact of illegal immigration than of pointing to the usual high crimes and such of politicians. I have never said or implied that all hispanics are la raza or illegal. I will continue to point out that 99% of the problems surrounding illegal immigration are from hispanics.

And seriously, the mexicans don't need to be part of la raza because obama wants one on the supreme court.

Universal healthcare will be provided to now illegal aliens because some sort of amnesty is a given.   

What are you, blind?
Commie Killer
US probably wont even put out a statement, the Chinese just backed the US dollar as the world currency, probably just so it would keep us quiet during this little episode.

Ken beat me too it

Last edited by Commie Killer (2009-07-06 13:09:00)

+5,233|6842|Global Command

Commie Killer wrote:

US probably wont even put out a statement, the Chinese just backed the US dollar as the world currency, probably just so it would keep us quiet during this little episode.

Ken beat me too it
To what, being an ass?
+250|6724|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

ATG wrote:

Commie Killer wrote:

US probably wont even put out a statement, the Chinese just backed the US dollar as the world currency, probably just so it would keep us quiet during this little episode.

Ken beat me too it
To what, being an ass?
No offense man, but chill for a sec.

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