usmarine wrote:
McD's is a choice to eat crap. People think they are eating healthy when they go to the grocery store, and that ain't the case. That's kind of the idea of the movie.
I choose to spend more and eat organic as much as possible. But until the govt does something, it will always cost more.
Of course there are more to it than dining fast food (that was just one example), not sure what regulation you have in the US but we have rules about informing the public on the food what it contains ... I don't buy anything without checking the list of contents ...
We make pretty much everything we eat from scratch with products we know doesn't contain crap ... of course the kids gets their share of candy, chips and such on saturdays but we also limit it to one day a week ... we also try to find the lesser harmful of those products ... it takes a little traning making your own tasty burgers and other meals but I thinks it's well worth it in the long run ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................