'I thought bc2 was probably the worst fps game to come out in the last generation'.Uzique wrote:
nope, sorry. nothing about 'uber coolness' here. i come to bf2s because it's (supposedly) full of dedicated battlefield players, to talk about the new battlefield game. well, talking about bf3 from the perspective of someone that played bf2 hardcore, to people that i assume are at least 'enthusiasts' for the series... it's a disappointment. but then again i thought bc2 was probably the worst fps game to come out in the last generation of eye-candy game vacuums. bf3 is NOT the long-awaited sequel of bf2. that's it as far as i'm concerned. will it give 100 hours of play, whilst you rank through the pointlessly intricate ranking/unlocks system? of course. will you ever reach a rank or weapon unlock at which point the game starts to provide the quality and experience of bf2, or any previous generation fps game? nope. you just keep spinning that wheel though and chasing that carrot. maybe when you get to max rank and unlock all weapons, badges and awards, it'll finally start to feel fun and enjoyable. that's what happened with bad company 2 on pc, right? lol.Nic wrote:
Its the whole uber-cool cynic in the both of you.
Why are all of your arguments always based at one extreme of the spectrum?
With you, it's never 'The game isn't great' 'The game is okay'.
Instead it's always 'This game is fucking terrible, it's the worst thing since aids'.
I'd understand if there was some factual evidence behind your arguments, but instead there isn't. It's just some angry guy who feels that everyone needs to here his crazy critical view on every game ever released.
You're like the guy from Zero Punctuation, just less coherent and with no tongue-in-cheek value to what you are saying, (That said, you could be a decent guy in RL).
I think you might need to take a break from gaming, it's clearly causing you far too much stress and anger.