11 Bravo
+965|5557|Cleveland, Ohio
agree but you know the kind the finrays of the world will find some way to do that goofy shit no matter what
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
I'd keep prone and eliminate bunny-hopping.
Fuck Israel
according to me if only the sniper would have prone he wouldn't really be a threat for his abilety to dolphin ...I mean sniper , and besides whats the other classes gonna do with prone , assualt you hear on the name he's no camper , medic he suppost to be the gayone in the rear of the assualt , specops well yeah crawling and sneaking is a part of it but not that importaint since he is supposed to move around alot aswell, and the engineer? aslong as you cant change between crouch stand and prone INSIDE vehicles it's all good with just crouch

alltho the class might be needing crouch for accuracy and the logical use for the weapons supportstand would be the support , and then the solution might be that you had to wait for the character to pull the weaponsupport stand out before able to fire.

sorry for the lack of english
Ive gotta beg to differ with you thepilot91.  Crouch does have its uses.  but, prone is just as much a part of combat.  look at any war video, hollywood or real life and you see men lying down prone behind cover. (Assult troops with m16s, m60s and snipers alike) Not that I think that BF should be exactly like RL combat.  But, I think that bf2 handled the balance half decent with a mix of arcade and RL combat. allowing some run and gun, yet still some natural camping to be effective.  I think the prone delay was effective enough to prevent dolfin diving.  sure people can dolfin dive/bunny hop to a certain degree still, but, not to any extent that prevents me from killing them in their mid air spasm.  Maybe, if they decreaed the accuracy for someone going from standing to prone and visa versa to the level of accuracy of a non-scoped sniper it would solve the problem.  But, I think that prone is something that REALLY liked about bf2.  Most other games don''t have it. (Quake, Half life, unreal tournament., Halo....)  I hate ALL these games... (and might I add ALL these games STILL have the bunny hopping problem) I like bf2 for all the little things it had, (Commander, vehicles, radio rose, and lastly but, not leastly Prone)   Maybe, if they made any hit to the body count as a head shot while in mid air.  Then people might think twice about jumping around like a fool.

Last edited by jaydevil2003 (2010-09-07 22:29:53)


jaydevil2003 wrote:

Ive gotta beg to differ with you thepilot91.  Crouch does have its uses.  but, prone is just as much a part of combat.  look at any war video, hollywood or real life and you see men lying down prone behind cover. (Assult troops with m16s, m60s and snipers alike) Not that I think that BF should be exactly like RL combat.  But, I think that bf2 handled the balance half decent with a mix of arcade and RL combat. allowing some run and gun, yet still some natural camping to be effective.  I think the prone delay was effective enough to prevent dolfin diving.  sure people can dolfin dive/bunny hop to a certain degree still, but, not to any extent that prevents me from killing them in their mid air spasm.  Maybe, if they decreaed the accuracy for someone going from standing to prone and visa versa to the level of accuracy of a non-scoped sniper it would solve the problem.  But, I think that prone is something that REALLY liked about bf2.  Most other games don''t have it. (Quake, Half life, unreal tournament., Halo....)  I hate ALL these games... (and might I add ALL these games STILL have the bunny hopping problem) I like bf2 for all the little things it had, (Commander, vehicles, radio rose, and lastly but, not leastly Prone)   Maybe, if they made any hit to the body count as a head shot while in mid air.  Then people might think twice about jumping around like a fool.
yeah I agree but what I was trying to say is if they are so willing to take away the prone , atleast let the sniper have it since thats what sniping "IRL" is all about (camping with low visebilety) and I love staying back camping in some bush 500 meters away not letting the enemy even hear or see the shot
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6885|Area 51
Entirely removing prone just so we have no 'dolphing diving' and 'bunny hopping' is an insult to the entire FPS gaming industry since it first started. I can remember playing the first UT. That was one big hopping fest and yet..nobody bitched about it. So when did it all go wrong?

Tbh, remove it from the consoles where it might be bloody annoying because it is extremely difficult to keep tracking of jumping players, but on the PC is it just plain simple. All those ideas of prone delay or your accuracy is off might be more realistic but also slow down gameplay, which in terms is just pure shit. Just look at BF2 after they started implementing prone delays and such, the gameplay went to shit.

And I think the keyword in all this mess is 'realism' for some reason this has become the keyword in game development these days..everything has gotta be 'realistic' but then again we do get to shout around Javelins at infantry in urban enviroment, because apparantly that is realistic, no wait that is fun! And so is hopping around and dolphing divings just to evade enemy fire plus it offers a form of defence against campers, because we all know it is the campers that hate bunny hoppers and dolphin divers..

Conclusion: just bring it back, because people that do actually know how to aim don't give a rats ass whether you jump or not.

/rant over.
Support fanatic :-)

^^ This ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6108|Catherine Black

RDMC wrote:

Entirely removing prone just so we have no 'dolphing diving' and 'bunny hopping' is an insult to the entire FPS gaming industry since it first started. I can remember playing the first UT. That was one big hopping fest and yet..nobody bitched about it. So when did it all go wrong?
Every UT has been about moving as much as possible to avoid fire, it's part of the game. This doesn't transcend into different games as well, for example CoD would be impossible if you had 50% of the movement you have in any UT game.

RDMC wrote:

Entirely removing prone just so we have no 'dolphing diving' and 'bunny hopping' is an insult to the entire FPS gaming industry since it first started. I can remember playing the first UT. That was one big hopping fest and yet..nobody bitched about it. So when did it all go wrong?

Tbh, remove it from the consoles where it might be bloody annoying because it is extremely difficult to keep tracking of jumping players, but on the PC is it just plain simple. All those ideas of prone delay or your accuracy is off might be more realistic but also slow down gameplay, which in terms is just pure shit. Just look at BF2 after they started implementing prone delays and such, the gameplay went to shit.

And I think the keyword in all this mess is 'realism' for some reason this has become the keyword in game development these days..everything has gotta be 'realistic' but then again we do get to shout around Javelins at infantry in urban enviroment, because apparantly that is realistic, no wait that is fun! And so is hopping around and dolphing divings just to evade enemy fire plus it offers a form of defence against campers, because we all know it is the campers that hate bunny hoppers and dolphin divers..

Conclusion: just bring it back, because people that do actually know how to aim don't give a rats ass whether you jump or not.

/rant over.
I think that gameplay acctually improved when they added the prone delay. I ran into too many people that had prone/jump macro'd to the point where they litterally looked like they were flying.  Seriously, and it made them almost impossible to hit.  To me, this was a issue,  But, I think they handled it fine.  I like how bf2 plays now.  As for UT, No one complained about it cause those that had issues with it, just didn't play it. I for one HATED it.  Everything doesn't need to be realistic, but, I think that there isn't anything wrong with trying to make the game better.  More than campers hate bunny hoppers and dolphin divers.  It got to the point that those that knew how to aim were unable to compete unless they used he same tactics.   Using lag and a hitbox delay glitch in this way takes away from the game more than just its realism.  It makes BF just like Unreal Tournament,CS and Halo.  Simply, If I wanted to play Halo I would buy an X-box.  If wanted to play UT I would play that game.  But, games evolve and developers try to work out old issues like Bunny hopping and diving.  I just don't like that they are just giving up, I agree that it is an insult to FPS game players.   Writing it out completly is simply lazy.  I like more freedom of movement when I play a game (leaning, jumping, prone ect...) not less.  I am willing to accept that leaning makes the game too much of a camperfest and can live without it.  Just as I think that Dolphin diving/hopping makes the game too much of a run and gun(no fear of running out in the open) I think that they will provide us with what we will buy.  If not BF3 then the next game that comes out that manages to tackle making a FPS/bf2 clone with all the bells and whistles the gaming community appreciates.

Conclusion: They should just Fix the issues and not be so damn lazy by just writing prone out of the game completely.

/No rant okay maybe a little but, i'm almost done...

Last edited by jaydevil2003 (2010-09-08 08:52:30)


RDMC wrote:

Entirely removing prone just so we have no 'dolphing diving' and 'bunny hopping' is an insult to the entire FPS gaming industry since it first started. I can remember playing the first UT. That was one big hopping fest and yet..nobody bitched about it. So when did it all go wrong?

Tbh, remove it from the consoles where it might be bloody annoying because it is extremely difficult to keep tracking of jumping players, but on the PC is it just plain simple. All those ideas of prone delay or your accuracy is off might be more realistic but also slow down gameplay, which in terms is just pure shit. Just look at BF2 after they started implementing prone delays and such, the gameplay went to shit.

And I think the keyword in all this mess is 'realism' for some reason this has become the keyword in game development these days..everything has gotta be 'realistic' but then again we do get to shout around Javelins at infantry in urban enviroment, because apparantly that is realistic, no wait that is fun! And so is hopping around and dolphing divings just to evade enemy fire plus it offers a form of defence against campers, because we all know it is the campers that hate bunny hoppers and dolphin divers..

Conclusion: just bring it back, because people that do actually know how to aim don't give a rats ass whether you jump or not.

/rant over.
I like the combination , I wouldn't love bf2 if it was PR but I would fucking hate it if it was like UT jumping on walls and having nothing to stop you from jumping , I like bf2 for the mixture , for example: barrelrolling the cobra is fun as hell and stunting in general but you still have LE GROUND! as your worst enemy wich I think is good , and alot of other things , so I'm not gonna pay a whole lot of cash for bf3 if it's as serious as serious sam
This shit still going?
+508|6319|The Mitten

RDMC wrote:

Entirely removing prone just so we have no 'dolphing diving' and 'bunny hopping' is an insult to the entire FPS gaming industry since it first started. I can remember playing the first UT. That was one big hopping fest and yet..nobody bitched about it. So when did it all go wrong?

Tbh, remove it from the consoles where it might be bloody annoying because it is extremely difficult to keep tracking of jumping players, but on the PC is it just plain simple. All those ideas of prone delay or your accuracy is off might be more realistic but also slow down gameplay, which in terms is just pure shit. Just look at BF2 after they started implementing prone delays and such, the gameplay went to shit.

And I think the keyword in all this mess is 'realism' for some reason this has become the keyword in game development these days..everything has gotta be 'realistic' but then again we do get to shout around Javelins at infantry in urban enviroment, because apparantly that is realistic, no wait that is fun! And so is hopping around and dolphing divings just to evade enemy fire plus it offers a form of defence against campers, because we all know it is the campers that hate bunny hoppers and dolphin divers..

Conclusion: just bring it back, because people that do actually know how to aim don't give a rats ass whether you jump or not.

/rant over.
I like UT (2k4), and I like BF2.
Would I like an Unreal Battlefield Tournament 2? No. Why?
They're different games.
For me, BF2 is all about 'tactics' and squad play - not to say it needs to be "ZOMG JUS LIEK REEL LYFE", but I would like the fact that I'm moving more cautiously instead of running head-first into people be... rewarded? maybe not 'rewarded', but encouraged... because if I wanted to play a game that was all about the 'DAHHH GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!!!111!!!!!!" spray and pray, I would play UT2K4... which I have.
EE (hats
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6885|Area 51

Morpheus wrote:

RDMC wrote:

Entirely removing prone just so we have no 'dolphing diving' and 'bunny hopping' is an insult to the entire FPS gaming industry since it first started. I can remember playing the first UT. That was one big hopping fest and yet..nobody bitched about it. So when did it all go wrong?

Tbh, remove it from the consoles where it might be bloody annoying because it is extremely difficult to keep tracking of jumping players, but on the PC is it just plain simple. All those ideas of prone delay or your accuracy is off might be more realistic but also slow down gameplay, which in terms is just pure shit. Just look at BF2 after they started implementing prone delays and such, the gameplay went to shit.

And I think the keyword in all this mess is 'realism' for some reason this has become the keyword in game development these days..everything has gotta be 'realistic' but then again we do get to shout around Javelins at infantry in urban enviroment, because apparantly that is realistic, no wait that is fun! And so is hopping around and dolphing divings just to evade enemy fire plus it offers a form of defence against campers, because we all know it is the campers that hate bunny hoppers and dolphin divers..

Conclusion: just bring it back, because people that do actually know how to aim don't give a rats ass whether you jump or not.

/rant over.
I like UT (2k4), and I like BF2.
Would I like an Unreal Battlefield Tournament 2? No. Why?
They're different games.
For me, BF2 is all about 'tactics' and squad play - not to say it needs to be "ZOMG JUS LIEK REEL LYFE", but I would like the fact that I'm moving more cautiously instead of running head-first into people be... rewarded? maybe not 'rewarded', but encouraged... because if I wanted to play a game that was all about the 'DAHHH GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!!!111!!!!!!" spray and pray, I would play UT2K4... which I have.
Well your point is valid I guess. However look at it from this way, people that do not wish to spend ages crawling around, or tactical crouching should not be brought at a disadvantage because tactical crawling/crouching w/e is more realistic. I think that it is purely the hitboxes that killed it for BF2. Had the hitboxes been better (as in you could actually gun someone down in mid air, rather than getting pufs of dust) than I think both prone spam and bunny hopping wouldn't have been as effective as they were at the time.

Also you claim to say that BF2 isn't run and gun. I partially agree, if we take a look at BF2 when it came out in 2005 it didn't look much like a run and gun game, however with the introduction of IO, in my opinion it did actually turn into a run and gun game and at that point the bitchin' and the moaning became increasinly more, resulting in more delays and restrictions which eventually slowed the game and dare I say, dumbed the game down.

And for me a game should be able to offer me both, going slow but sure or run and gun into a place and either kill or be killed. But the way it is going now we are heading more and more into slow but sure, which eventually leads to extreme amounts of camping with no way to counter said camping. Atleast IMO.

RDMC wrote:

Morpheus wrote:

RDMC wrote:

Entirely removing prone just so we have no 'dolphing diving' and 'bunny hopping' is an insult to the entire FPS gaming industry since it first started. I can remember playing the first UT. That was one big hopping fest and yet..nobody bitched about it. So when did it all go wrong?

Tbh, remove it from the consoles where it might be bloody annoying because it is extremely difficult to keep tracking of jumping players, but on the PC is it just plain simple. All those ideas of prone delay or your accuracy is off might be more realistic but also slow down gameplay, which in terms is just pure shit. Just look at BF2 after they started implementing prone delays and such, the gameplay went to shit.

And I think the keyword in all this mess is 'realism' for some reason this has become the keyword in game development these days..everything has gotta be 'realistic' but then again we do get to shout around Javelins at infantry in urban enviroment, because apparantly that is realistic, no wait that is fun! And so is hopping around and dolphing divings just to evade enemy fire plus it offers a form of defence against campers, because we all know it is the campers that hate bunny hoppers and dolphin divers..

Conclusion: just bring it back, because people that do actually know how to aim don't give a rats ass whether you jump or not.

/rant over.
I like UT (2k4), and I like BF2.
Would I like an Unreal Battlefield Tournament 2? No. Why?
They're different games.
For me, BF2 is all about 'tactics' and squad play - not to say it needs to be "ZOMG JUS LIEK REEL LYFE", but I would like the fact that I'm moving more cautiously instead of running head-first into people be... rewarded? maybe not 'rewarded', but encouraged... because if I wanted to play a game that was all about the 'DAHHH GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!!!111!!!!!!" spray and pray, I would play UT2K4... which I have.
Well your point is valid I guess. However look at it from this way, people that do not wish to spend ages crawling around, or tactical crouching should not be brought at a disadvantage because tactical crawling/crouching w/e is more realistic. I think that it is purely the hitboxes that killed it for BF2. Had the hitboxes been better (as in you could actually gun someone down in mid air, rather than getting pufs of dust) than I think both prone spam and bunny hopping wouldn't have been as effective as they were at the time.

Also you claim to say that BF2 isn't run and gun. I partially agree, if we take a look at BF2 when it came out in 2005 it didn't look much like a run and gun game, however with the introduction of IO, in my opinion it did actually turn into a run and gun game and at that point the bitchin' and the moaning became increasinly more, resulting in more delays and restrictions which eventually slowed the game and dare I say, dumbed the game down.

And for me a game should be able to offer me both, going slow but sure or run and gun into a place and either kill or be killed. But the way it is going now we are heading more and more into slow but sure, which eventually leads to extreme amounts of camping with no way to counter said camping. Atleast IMO.
I beg the differ with the camping part altho it was less of it back in the days but then instead it was all about BOING BOING BOING all a-fucking-round  . I think it's quite okay the way it is now but as you say reg , but on the other hand if you look in the damage charts it would be a deadsentence to miss just one shot in cqc fights , for example the AK101 kills in a maximum of 5 shots ( atleast for light/medium armor) I've never been able to experience the killing or constant deaths with such reg so I don't know if it'd be better or worse tho
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
Bunny-hopping is just frigging annoying and has no connection with the real world, its a video-game atrtifact.
Either omit it or fix the hitbox lag.
Fuck Israel
never understood the bunny hopper issue ..... you just shoot at the top of their arc ....... now the tank black hawks full of wrenching engi's  THAT was annoying until it got nerfed

HaiBai wrote:

1UP: What We Want For Battlefield 3
1UP has posted their own version of a wishlist for BF3, which also has a lot in common with the BF community. Check it out!


Battlefield 3, long rumored, is finally on its way. We always assumed DICE was secretly tinkering with this while making the Battlefield Bad Company series, and while there's been off-the-cuff remarks from ex-DICE personnel, EA itself hasn't formally acknowledged the game until last week's announcement of the BF3 beta being bundled with the limited edition of Medal of Honor. But that's all that's been said about it -- so we're still pretty much in the dark as to what we'll get with Battlefield 3.

All we know is that BF3 seems to be a multi-platform release (by virtue of being bundled with Medal of Honor), so it will not only be on PC, but also on PS3 and 360. That, and it's likely to use the Frostbite 2.0 engine (as good as Bad Company 2 was, it was still technically Frostbite one-point-something). Basically, we want the aesthetics and destruction of BC2 with the scope and scale of BF2. At the moment, we're going to roll with a near-future setting; even though BC2 does a pretty good job with the modern-to-future gear, we'd like those aesthetics to be brought into a deeper and more interesting game in BF3. Anyhow, here are some more of our humble suggestions to DICE.

More players: First off, let's bring back the idea of 64 or more players in a BF match. BF2 demonstrated that absolute madness and memories come about from jamming tons of people onto a map and watching chaos ensue, and the 24-player limit of BC2 pales in comparison to the best of BF2. MAG has shown that it's possible to do 256 players in a single session on a console, so BF3 needs to step up its player numbers. I realize it's unreasonable to ask for 256 players plus fully destructible environments, but surely we can get a decent chunk more than BC2's 24, and still maintain fidelity in demolition.

More command: With all the craziness going on, it's time to bring back the Commander. Have a player call the big shots for his team out in the field. Have him survey the map, and perform his BF2 duties of calling in bigger artillery, dropping in supplies, and using radar to guide everyone. But in addition, let's give him more cool tasks. How about calling in (and guiding) a cruise missile? Or maybe designating squad deployment areas -- so that individual soldiers can opt to either spawn on top of their squad like in BC2, or jump into one of the Commander's designated spot.

More vehicles: To complement the massive map size, let's get back to having something like 30-plus vehicles of all kinds. Why limit the game to light tanks and jeeps? Let's have APCs and boats and gunships. Let's have multiple types of heavy tanks. Bring back the glory days of coordinating vehicle rides to cross the expansive maps. Heck, let's bring back jets. Air power shouldn't just be helicopters -- BF3 could herald the glorious return of F-15s and the A10 while also adding things like the AC130 or a B2. Sure, people will still invariably suck at piloting them, but man alive, the ability to pound the map with 105mm howitzers will make up for lackluster pilots. Read the rest...

More tracking: In light of all the new toys and activities we're asking for, it'd make sense to up the stat tracking. BC2 does a pretty nice job, but with all the weapons, vehicles, and commander actions, it's time to adopt a detailed-MMO-level approach to stat tracking. Dogtags, pins, unlocks, kills, streaks, support actions -- have it all feed into some sort of "Encyclopedia Battlefieldia."
Welcome to 2005 1UP.
Wrench turnin' fool
Lol an AC130 or a B2 that would be gawd awful.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
11 Bravo
+965|5557|Cleveland, Ohio
i agree.  more players
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6885|Area 51
More players: Awesome!
Commander: Awesome!
Vehicles: Mmm..AC130, B2. I can see this being very exciting as long as they can be shot down by the fighter jets/AA. That would make for some cool combat I reckon.

Oh and please let them bring back portable AA. I loved the linebacker to death, well apart from the fact that a chopper outgunned any AA vehicle lol.

Last edited by RDMC (2010-09-12 00:34:00)

The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
One thing which grated was lack of points benefit for being a squad leader, commanders get points, why not squad leaders based on how well they achieve their objectives?
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

One thing which grated was lack of points benefit for being a squad leader, commanders get points, why not squad leaders based on how well they achieve their objectives?
I agree.  I always thought that a squad leader should get a point for completing a commamder's flag cap/defend order.  Meaning if a commander tells you to cap a flag or defend it.   Then, your squad completes the order then you as squad leader should get a point for not rambo'ing to a  different flag and acctually following orders.(wouldn't it be nice as commander to tella squad to DEFEND a flag and have the squad acctually follow that order!  Think of how much that would improve tactics if people were rewarded for not playing rambo) Maybe, do the same or something similar for squad members.  Meaning if a squad leader tells you to defend/attack a positing and you follow orders maybe you should get a extra point for following orders. (+1 per kill in a 50 yard zone designated by the SL or something?)   I think this would encourage teamplay ALOT. I thought that bf2 was great for having the commander screen/SL order screen.  I just thought that it was more useful to those that used it appropiately.  I think that It would be great to keep these functions and do more to encourage others to follow orders.

Last edited by jaydevil2003 (2010-09-12 06:12:51)

The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
If the members of a squad got a share it would encourage a bit more teamwork also.
Fuck Israel
'Light 'em up!'

2142 gave out squad leader points if I remember right.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6885|Area 51

M.O.A.B wrote:

2142 gave out squad leader points if I remember right.
You do remember right. And even there it barely helped teamplay. Only a mere 10% would actually grasp the concept of gaining extra points via teamplay, which resulted in 1 or 2 full squads leaving you with the loners.
Frosties > Cornflakes

jaydevil2003 wrote:

RDMC wrote:

Entirely removing prone just so we have no 'dolphing diving' and 'bunny hopping' is an insult to the entire FPS gaming industry since it first started. I can remember playing the first UT. That was one big hopping fest and yet..nobody bitched about it. So when did it all go wrong?

Tbh, remove it from the consoles where it might be bloody annoying because it is extremely difficult to keep tracking of jumping players, but on the PC is it just plain simple. All those ideas of prone delay or your accuracy is off might be more realistic but also slow down gameplay, which in terms is just pure shit. Just look at BF2 after they started implementing prone delays and such, the gameplay went to shit.

And I think the keyword in all this mess is 'realism' for some reason this has become the keyword in game development these days..everything has gotta be 'realistic' but then again we do get to shout around Javelins at infantry in urban enviroment, because apparantly that is realistic, no wait that is fun! And so is hopping around and dolphing divings just to evade enemy fire plus it offers a form of defence against campers, because we all know it is the campers that hate bunny hoppers and dolphin divers..

Conclusion: just bring it back, because people that do actually know how to aim don't give a rats ass whether you jump or not.

/rant over.
I think that gameplay acctually improved when they added the prone delay. I ran into too many people that had prone/jump macro'd to the point where they litterally looked like they were flying.  Seriously, and it made them almost impossible to hit.  To me, this was a issue,  But, I think they handled it fine.  I like how bf2 plays now.  As for UT, No one complained about it cause those that had issues with it, just didn't play it. I for one HATED it.  Everything doesn't need to be realistic, but, I think that there isn't anything wrong with trying to make the game better.  More than campers hate bunny hoppers and dolphin divers.  It got to the point that those that knew how to aim were unable to compete unless they used he same tactics.   Using lag and a hitbox delay glitch in this way takes away from the game more than just its realism.  It makes BF just like Unreal Tournament,CS and Halo.  Simply, If I wanted to play Halo I would buy an X-box.  If wanted to play UT I would play that game.  But, games evolve and developers try to work out old issues like Bunny hopping and diving.  I just don't like that they are just giving up, I agree that it is an insult to FPS game players.   Writing it out completly is simply lazy.  I like more freedom of movement when I play a game (leaning, jumping, prone ect...) not less.  I am willing to accept that leaning makes the game too much of a camperfest and can live without it.  Just as I think that Dolphin diving/hopping makes the game too much of a run and gun(no fear of running out in the open) I think that they will provide us with what we will buy.  If not BF3 then the next game that comes out that manages to tackle making a FPS/bf2 clone with all the bells and whistles the gaming community appreciates.

Conclusion: They should just Fix the issues and not be so damn lazy by just writing prone out of the game completely.

/No rant okay maybe a little but, i'm almost done...
It was my understanding prone was removed because it made the charecters too difficult to make out on the consoles due to there lower resolutions (mind you I would of thought a prone sniper on PC with full settings having all the lighting effects cover him would be damn hear impossible in it's self).  Rather than any type of game play ''balancing''.

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