Jade Goody is some stupid bitch that the media across the pond covers for no good reason? I've seen a bunch of topics here about her and I have no idea who she is. Everytime I read her name I think of Jane Goodall.
She was a 'reality TV star' that came from the bottom-end dregs of society and had the audacity, shamelessness and sheer courage to capitalize on the wanky cultural phenomenon and actually become a millionaire out of it. First ever individual to properly launch themselves in a fully sustainable-way off the back of Big Brother, and other mixed freakshow-exhibition shows such as that. Only problem was, she was always outspoken (in a strictly unintelligent and /facepalm way) and constantly got herself in the papers for her narrowminded opinions, egregious statements and generally-known poor intelligence regarding EVERYTHING. For some reason the Big Brother producers thought it would be a good idea to drag a media-circus such as Jade Goody back into their calamitous form of entertainment and she cropped up on the set of Celebrity Big Brother. A co-contestant was Shilpa Shetty, a Bollywood TV star and generally high-regarded Indian public figure, and Jade made some typically ignorant foul-mouthed comments about Indians-- not with malicious intent as such, it was more like watching a dumb 12 year old perpetuate negative stereotypes through a mixture of ill-humour and sheer absentminded ignorance. One scandal and a shitload of newspaper column inches later and her 'celebrity' status was higher than ever. She even made some bullshit-staged Gandhi trip to India to 'formally apologize', as if she had the intellectual capacity to do such a thing.
Fast forward a few months, she gets terminal cancer, dies. Family continues to plunder her coffers for all of its publicity-article wealth-- apparently now even into the afterlife and supernatural. Is Jade's ghost really roaming the streets of England, reminding us all to not follow in her footsteps and to live self-respecting, graceful and educated lives? Did she really have something left to say to her low-rent scummy crackhead mother? Did she want to thank The Sun and other trashy tabloids for her posthumous family royalties? Probably not.
Last edited by Uzique (15 years, 7 months ago)