+6|5889|South Manchester UK

FatherTed wrote:

I hate them. really utterly truely hate them.

Picture the scene, i'm in bed with my whiskey, watching Have i got news for you when the stupid thing goes off. So i'm thinking drill or something pointless, so trackies and a shirt on, doorkey and fags - no shoes.

10mins later we're still all there, i hadnt even put boxers on so my penis pretty much receded into my pelvis, and my lighters out of fuel. And i didn't have anything to light it on, because lo and behold, there's no fire. Just some broken sensor in the roofspace.


And, why the fuck do they never go off at decent times, times when i might not be in bed with whiskey and good tv. Why not 3pm for example, when i'm in the pub, or 9am when i'm in lectures.

Just to clarify, ted, when is it that you are ever up before 9am never mind be in a lecture?
Not really a Brit
The fire alarms go off so often at my residence I just ignore them now. Let all the other poor saps huddle outside in the cold.

Of course one day it might be a real fire... but nah.
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid

david363 wrote:

muhahahaha i made it go off
omg, h4x
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام me the schematic
We had a false fire alarm back at school one day, in fact we 've had them multiple times. Only this time I was bored to death and was told by the janitor which sensor gave the alarm. I assembled a few guys and started a little inquiry. In short, we came to the following conclusions:

1. The fire alarm was set off using a deodorizer
2. We narrowed the number of suspects down to students of a single class.

However, even though these false alarms costs the school quite some money, no one on staff wished to proceed the inquiry, much to my frustration.

I later heard that the rector had been smoking his pipe to fanatically,..
grandmaster league revivalist
What you complaining about? Back when I lived in the hostel in Vienna, the stupid retarded trombone playing dick Asians decided to cook their fish between 3 and 5 am. Always ending up burning that shit, making the alarms go off. At least twice a week!! The alarm was so loud, too, the older neighbours thought the Russians were bombing the city.
And to make shit better, the controls to the alarm where in the janitors office, which of course no fucking one had the keys to, so the alarm needed to shut itself down, which took a good 20 minutes. 20 FUCKING MINUTES!!

I still hear the exact sound of it, when I think back.

I nearly killed people back then. True story.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

ATG wrote:

Next time, wait until you smell smoke.
Smoke inhalation is the leading cause for fire related deaths.
The fire alarm went of in the club I was in on Friday night at about 1:30am. We weren't allowed back in after they'd decided that there wasn't even a fire! 'twas right in the middle of Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger, too!
Missing, Presumed Dead

Pffft, thats bad? We have a fire alarm test EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON at work, and the alarm is on the wall right above my fucking head.
The A W S M F O X
I Won't Deny It

Snake wrote:

Pffft, thats bad? We have a fire alarm test EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON at work, and the alarm is on the wall right above my fucking head.
Every friday wtf do work in a dynamite factory or something.
Missing, Presumed Dead

The A W S M F O X wrote:

Snake wrote:

Pffft, thats bad? We have a fire alarm test EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON at work, and the alarm is on the wall right above my fucking head.
Every friday wtf do work in a dynamite factory or something.
Nope, steel fab - but then I work in the office, so...

So Ive been told, its H&S regs. Bullshit.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Snake wrote:

So Ive been told, its H&S regs. Bullshit.
I think someone there doesn't like you very much.

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