sgk479 wrote:
your another gay fuckin homo.
right you've never heard about muslim charity organisations?COZ WE DONT FUCKING ADVERTISE TO EVERY FUCKER WHAT WE DO!!! charity aint something like you advertise it on TV... "oh we help 10000000000 each year save lives..we also do this and fuck that....blah blah blah..." thick asshole charity and gving donations are something that you should , stupid low expectation ever motherfucker you know what, you come out with the most fucked up excusez av ever heard, here give you a charity name now yh?muslim hands, theres many more gay boy you aint gonna help eitha of em so no point me tellin you hahaha wenz the last time you donated? and all these big charity organisations you know what the fuck they behind the TV?! they feed our muslim brothers and tell em they can only fucking eat if they convert to christianity?did you no that gay boy? bet you did your just too fuckin embarresed to admit it fella, get pissed and jerk yar fuckin dad off fella haha
I think you missed my point and yet validated it at the same time. The point was...there is not much positive that I hear about Muslims and Islam. Again, perhaps we are completely sheltered by our media in the United States...but I don't hear it. Hence, if you are not advertising it, my point is confirmed that Muslims and Islam have a very bad reputation in the world. If all we hear about the religion is always BAD and you don't advertise what is GOOD...then our perception is BAD. You can make as many excuses as to why you don't advertise your good deeds as much as you want, but it doesn't change the reality of the situation.
sgk479 wrote:
Beatdown Patrol you say islam is in the past? then y the fuck are your people in the fucking pentagon studyin the quran???science is still agood two hundred years behind the quran, what science has found in the present about nature, the quran had it 1400 years ago hey asshole like i said,we brought education into your shit hole, lol
I did not say that Islam was in the past. I said that Islam is philosophically stuck in the past. That has nothing to do with who reads the Koran. I have nothing against the Koran or the Bible and I completely respect both as books of great wisdom. However...there things in both the Koran and the Bible that people interprete literally in a modern world and that is sheer lunicy. The Bible has no problem with slavery, believes that whores should be burned at the stake, all homosexuals should be killed, and some other unsavory things that might have been acceptable at the general time, but it sure isn't now.
sgk479 wrote:
with all due respect, i have read most of this forum and just because the other members are not using phrases such sa 'fuck', 'dick' etc doesnt mean theyr not insulting, read carefuly what they are jst as carefully sa you read what i wrote ok? dont take offence of this message i aint accusing you of anything are joking, right? It is very brazen of you to even USE the word "respect" given the path of verbal destruction that you have wrought through this thread. Just because somebody is saying something that you don't like or don't agree with, that doesn't mean that you DISRESPECTFULLY disagree. I never called you any names and I believe I voiced my opinion(s) in a very respectful manner. For believe that gives you the green light to call me "another gay fuckin homo" along with a plethora of viscous insults to others in this thread. I don't claim to agree with what you say, but I am not going to call you an asshole or gay or MF'r just because you don't agree with what I say.
Greenie_Beazinie wrote:
Beatdown Patrol wrote:
Muslims MUST change their mentality that you are either Muslim or an infidel because their current philosophy is a big fat double standard. They feel morally justified in anything they do in the name of Islam and Muhammad because if you are an infidel, you are pretty much trash and you have no rights to co-exist with them anyhow. In their minds, an infidel's opinion and rights don't count. Why Muslims feel the need to enact God's "will" of removing infidels from the Earth is beyond me. I would figure that if we were so horrifically bad, God is more than powerful enough to smite us from the planet like the dinosaurs and be done with it.
- Beatdown
Sounds like alot of christians...
Except good muslims read the bible as well as the koran
While I am sure that many religions (Christians included) that put people into two categories of "believer" and "non-believer", that label has nothing to do with their daily living or their feelings of human equality. I do not believe that Christians consider "non-believers" to be worthy of destruction and condemnation by humanity. To many radical Muslim group DO believe that "non-believers" are fit for nothing more than chattel or death. Unfortunately, the radicals have the ear of the media and their acts of violence are specifically done to gain them publicity. So unfortunately, the reputation left in our minds of Muslims is not positive at all.
If you want to go back into history, there are PLENTY of examples of cultures doing horrible things in the name of Christ and God. The entire founding of the "New World" (and the subsequent annihilation of its indigenous people) was on the premise of God and country...and it was completely wrong. That was then. THIS...IS...NOW. Modern day Christians don't call for Jihads, Fatwahs, burn flags, or the annihilation of entire countries. They don't riot as a religious group or entity. They don't bomb civilians every half hour. They don't decapitate innocent people in the name of God. What is it that I am saying that it out of the ordinary here?
sgk479 wrote:
Beatdown Patrol you wrote sumat bowt we muslims see others as trash yh, bt now bein honest wiv you, we dont, we respect others just like our selves, to you I may be an asshole or sumat yh,hw do you think christianz convert to islam???you ever thought y they do it?the person who converts a christian into a muslim obviously setz a good example, treats him with respect, now if you ever came out of the blue and knocked on my door askin for some help, or even if you were gonna discuss sum matters, ad invite you in to ma house,ad offer you food and drink and treat you with respect, no we dont see every non-muslim in a bad way bt theyr are some mother fuckers who really aint got shit to talk bowt bt dis other religions, and yh Beatdown patrol, your 1 of them many, many wankers
That is nice and all, but unfortunately, you are not the global image for Islam. Right now, it is the terrorists that bomb, kill, and maim in the name of Islam and Allah. They are the ones that have world's ears and eyes. I believe that it is up to you and other...ahem..."nice" Muslims to take your religion back, because right now it is being held hostage.
- Beatdown
Last edited by Beatdown Patrol (2006-02-07 15:11:45)