Okay, so halfway through my math HW I started to have a problem with writing, I'd have to carve the outline of what I wanted first, then scribble onto another sheet of paper, and quickly fill the gap with what I wanted, shortly after my pen would once again stop writing.
Why does my pen refuse to write on one section of paper and not the other? Is there any combo of pen/paper that you use that doesn't give a problem?
Sounds like a stupid question, but I get so tired of having to rip up my book and start my problem again because all of my work looks messy.
Why does my pen refuse to write on one section of paper and not the other? Is there any combo of pen/paper that you use that doesn't give a problem?
Sounds like a stupid question, but I get so tired of having to rip up my book and start my problem again because all of my work looks messy.