also, pulling out works just fine for me.
If you lose your balls and the human race is attacked and nearly wiped out and all that is left on the planet is you and a beautiful woman you will not be able to repopulate the earth.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
There is a lot to enjoy in life that isn't naturally driven isn't there?Superior Mind wrote:
Why do anything when you can just sleep in stasis with an IV hooked up to you?Why deal with even the stray thought if you don't have to? It's not about self-control, it's about not dangling a huge bar of chocolate in front of you without any purpose.Macbeth wrote:
Have some damn self control and you won't have to worry about sticking your dick into any other woman or men. Whatever floats your boat.
Why do I think this entire topic is one big damn loaded question?
All the reasons so far are old to me, the ones that aren't so difficult to come up with. I only made the topic with the expectation of being ridiculed to see if anyone could bother to come up with something new.
Frankly, I don't think there is any good reason. I think a lot of ideas are absurd because there is no good argument against them.Oh my god that is the whole fucking point, to not have sex. Not for that reason, but that is the obvious result.Roc18 wrote:
that's why dogs get castrated so they don;t feel like having sex and don't produce offspring. That would be a clear determent to having sex after chopping your balls off in addition to the above posts.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
"deed" referring to the much more weighty act of chopping off your balls, not fucking your woman.
Will work on reading comprehension.
Will work on reading comprehension.
Will work on reading comprehension.
Will work on reading comprehension.
Will work on reading comprehension.
Will work on reading comprehension.
Last edited by Macbeth (2009-02-17 21:02:47)
Destroying the will to reproduce is seemingly destroying the purpose of existence, to spread our genes. Every life form to date has had that one purpose. Evolution is just a way for genes to find a better way to pass it self on. Without a will to reproduce you may as well be a machine.
Why have sex and produce offspring the natural way when we can cut off our balls, take our semen samples and inject it in her when we are ready to have children?
Last edited by Roc18 (2009-02-17 21:03:57)
You don't have to get all sweaty.Roc18 wrote:
Why have sex and produce offspring the natural way when we can cut off our balls, take our semen samples and inject it in her when we are ready to have children?
I understant your point on how once its gone we wont miss it...but actually if i was to have my head removed, i would not miss is also, but i sure do not want that to happen, nor do i want my balls to be chopped off for no reason. Castration should only be used on sexual predator, raepist etc etc...
Vasectomy, sure ++++
Castration - - - -
Castration - - - -
.....Which head??..Roger Lesboules wrote:
I understant your point on how once its gone we wont miss it...but actually if i was to have my head removed, i would not miss is also, but i sure do not want that to happen, nor do i want my balls to be chopped off for no reason. Castration should only be used on sexual predator, raepist etc etc...
Last edited by xBlackPantherx (2009-02-17 22:00:00)
That seems to be a very convoluted and round about way of saying you are either baffled by or sick of women.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
This day in age semen can be stored and artificially inseminated later. Disregarding the cost and effectiveness, which will more than likely decrease and increase respectively over time, why would you not be castrated?
You can't really miss it. You don't waste an awful lot of time, mentally and physically. Finding a special someone would be a lot more about finding a special someone than finding something to fuck. You are less yet another cancer risk.
It would destroy your hormonal balance.
a)Finding a special someone.
Absolutely not interested TBH, not really interested in growing old with anyone, there are enough people in the world - my contribution is not required.
b)Finding something to fuck.
I'm fine with this.
a)Finding a special someone.
Absolutely not interested TBH, not really interested in growing old with anyone, there are enough people in the world - my contribution is not required.
b)Finding something to fuck.
I'm fine with this.
Fuck Israel
The OP is living up to their name. Also, get laid!
Castration has a lot more physiological (and psychological) side effects than a vasectomy.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
This day in age semen can be stored and artificially inseminated later. Disregarding the cost and effectiveness, which will more than likely decrease and increase respectively over time, why would you not be castrated?
You can't really miss it. You don't waste an awful lot of time, mentally and physically. Finding a special someone would be a lot more about finding a special someone than finding something to fuck. You are less yet another cancer risk.
Does a dog without his equipment really miss it?
DAST because this is one of the few things I can't rationalize myself into the opposite position of, after trying for some time. Probably have to move to EE in the morning, but eh who knows.
Did you mean "sterilized" instead of "castrated"?
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein
Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
― Albert Einstein
Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Men can't get pregnant FM so don't you worry
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
*seahorseVaregg wrote:
Men can't get pregnant FM so don't you worry

Do you just dream up random shit to post? Or is this your way of coming out of the closet?
No thanks, mutilation of the human body is just wrong, and yes that includes circumcision and yes I am derailing this topic into a circumcision topic.
I don't know if F to the M is being serious about this topic, and having balls is more than just about being able to have sex etc.. but if you're so right about it, go ahead and do it and prove us wrong
I don't know if F to the M is being serious about this topic, and having balls is more than just about being able to have sex etc.. but if you're so right about it, go ahead and do it and prove us wrong
Last edited by Mekstizzle (2009-02-18 06:05:17)
Does that not bother you in the least?Superior Mind wrote:
Destroying the will to reproduce is [n]seemingly destroying the purpose of existence[/b], to spread our genes. Every life form to date has had that one purpose. Evolution is just a way for genes to find a better way to pass it self on.
Even if you accept that in its entirety, you can procreate just as easily, if arguably not more easily through artificial means than natural ones.
Or is the will to reproduce exactly what makes us little more than a machine? A being with a single, programmed, tangible purpose.Superior Mind wrote:
Without a will to reproduce you may as well be a machine.
Negatory. Perhaps a result of existential angst if not the interesting logical question as posed.ATG wrote:
That seems to be a very convoluted and round about way of saying you are either baffled by or sick of women.
I contemplated chemical sterilization, but I wasn't sure if that killed your libido. In any case I figured I was going over the edge in making the topic anyways, might as well not half ass it.FEOS wrote:
Castration has a lot more physiological (and psychological) side effects than a vasectomy.
Did you mean "sterilized" instead of "castrated"?
Why should it have any more psychological side effects? Because we define our self-image by our balls?
This is precisely my point. What else is it about?Mekstizzle wrote:
I don't know if F to the M is being serious about this topic, and having balls is more than just about being able to have sex etc..
Uh... ignorance might be bliss, but I'd rather be dissatisfied than blissfully ignorant.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
If you make the leap you don't care anymore yes?Macbeth wrote:
Get laid you will find out how great it is.
Is it not dumb to care about losing something that you don't care about once you have lost it?
Seriously... I know where you're coming from, but the closest thing to castration I'd ever willingly do is get a vasectomy.
But why.Turquoise wrote:
Seriously... I know where you're coming from, but the closest thing to castration I'd ever willingly do is get a vasectomy.
Because I enjoy sex. lolFlaming_Maniac wrote:
But why.Turquoise wrote:
Seriously... I know where you're coming from, but the closest thing to castration I'd ever willingly do is get a vasectomy.
No more testosteron, no more wars!Roc18 wrote:
^_^ thisMacbeth wrote:
Get laid you will find out how great it is.
and why would I want to be castrated?
Apart from that, no more agony caused by slipping of your bicycles peddles on a rainy day!
Taking crack is also enjoyable no? Alcohol? Cheeseburger?
Well, admittedly, sex can be almost as addictive as crack (no pun intended), but I suppose that depends on the person (and who they actually can lay).Flaming_Maniac wrote:
Taking crack is also enjoyable no? Alcohol? Cheeseburger?
As for alcohol, yeah, I enjoy that too.
For the most part, I'm an Epicurean. I believe the point of life is to enjoy it. Since sex is one of the more enjoyable parts of life (for me at least), I'd like to keep my goods.
We all have our personal limits as to what we're willing to do for the pursuit of enjoyment, but I think 99.99999% of us would pass on the castration part. Most of us don't do crack because of the risks involved. Sex obviously has a lot of risks too, but... if you're monogamous, you decrease those risks considerably. There's really not a low risk method of doing crack.
Well it's certainly not like the appendix....or tonsils...F wrote:
This is precisely my point. What else is it about?
Just for the sake of it:
Personally, I'd rather have than have not. If you want to think of it in a way that's not related to sex.. that's how you'd do it...
...but that the end of the day, yes, it's all about the sex. but if I had to think of it in a different way...
By doing so, you neglect the physical side effects of removal of the testes. They are a part of the overall endocrine system, you know.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
I contemplated chemical sterilization, but I wasn't sure if that killed your libido. In any case I figured I was going over the edge in making the topic anyways, might as well not half ass it.FEOS wrote:
Castration has a lot more physiological (and psychological) side effects than a vasectomy.
Did you mean "sterilized" instead of "castrated"?
In a way, yes. Women have much of the same issue when they have a hysterectomy. They suddenly feel as if they are less of a woman. Many men who have to have just a single testicle removed (due to cancer, for instance) have significant emotional/psychological issues along the same vein (no pun intended).Why should it have any more psychological side effects? Because we define our self-image by our balls?
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein
Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
― Albert Einstein
Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular