
Oisín | Irishpride wrote:

usmarine wrote:

Oisín | Irishpride wrote:

'Simulates drowning'.

I'm sure they didn't just pour water of his face. Anybody got a link or image to suggest what 'Waterboarding' really is?

From my gaming experiences, Americans tend to be wrong, 50% of the time, all of the time!

I'm staying with Method's argument.
i know what waterboarding is.  i went to SERE school back in the 90's.  and from my experience, euros are usually wrong.  but thanks for tossing that stuff in there.
Don't get angry at me because Method > You.
I'm pretty sure Marine has more of a clue what waterboarding is than most of us here.
Germans did 911
+427|6985|Disaster Free Zone

usmarine wrote:


well you missed the fact the guy admitted doing it.  so ya, other then the guy admitting it we aint got shit.  but, then he figured out how to play the system so he gets to sit in jail for a while longer without trial.
Never heard of a false confessions?

They're not uncommon and can be given with as little as a stressful interrogation. Any form of torture (which includes but not limited to: water boarding and sleep deprivation) increases the chances of false confession immensely.
+1,716|7036|St. Andrews / Oslo

usmarine wrote:


well you missed the fact the guy admitted doing it.  so ya, other then the guy admitting it we aint got shit.  but, then he figured out how to play the system so he gets to sit in jail for a while longer without trial.
I'm pretty sure I'd confess anything if I was "waterboarded".
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Cybargs wrote:

Oisín | Irishpride wrote:

usmarine wrote:

i know what waterboarding is.  i went to SERE school back in the 90's.  and from my experience, euros are usually wrong.  but thanks for tossing that stuff in there.
Don't get angry at me because Method > You.
I'm pretty sure Marine has more of a clue what waterboarding is than most of us here.
Why is it comparable to nuclear physics? It's not like it's terribly hard to understand.

Last edited by m3thod (2009-02-09 09:06:43)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Germans did 911
+427|6985|Disaster Free Zone

m3thod wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

Oisín | Irishpride wrote:

Don't get angry at me because Method > You.
I'm pretty sure Marine has more of a clue what waterboarding is than most of us here.
Why is it compareable to nuclear physics? It's not like it's terribly hard to understand.
The only reason I can think of, is hes had first hand experience.
Say wat!?
Im pretty sure waterboarding is horrible and is mental torture added to the fact that its smothering, something I would describe as torture.

Vilham wrote:

Im pretty sure waterboarding is horrible and is mental torture added to the fact that its smothering, something I would describe as torture.
The same kinda torture one must feel when a dull knife is used to saw off someones head slowly. poor waterboarding victims
Say wat!?

lowing wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Im pretty sure waterboarding is horrible and is mental torture added to the fact that its smothering, something I would describe as torture.
The same kinda torture one must feel when a dull knife is used to saw off someones head slowly. poor waterboarding victims
While we are at it, we should make it so our citizens get killed for sex out of marriage, woman should be considered lesser citizens, etc. You know, might as well sink to their level tbh. No point having the moral high ground. We should act like dicks too just because they do.

Seriously what are you? 2? That's the sort of rubbish you hear from children. Then your ignoring the fact that plenty of gitmo detainees have been totally innocent.
Dropped on request

Vilham wrote:

lowing wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Im pretty sure waterboarding is horrible and is mental torture added to the fact that its smothering, something I would describe as torture.
The same kinda torture one must feel when a dull knife is used to saw off someones head slowly. poor waterboarding victims
While we are at it, we should make it so our citizens get killed for sex out of marriage, woman should be considered lesser citizens, etc. You know, might as well sink to their level tbh. No point having the moral high ground. We should act like dicks too just because they do.
That doesn't make any sense. Waterboarding is a joke compared to the torture they do. So we're not acting like them.

"torture" =/= torture
Say wat!?
K ajax have you ever tried to breath in air when its really heavy with water vapour? You can't, it chokes you.

And seriously lol. Its LEGALLY CLASSIFIED as torture. Whether you like it or not. So actually WRONG, you are acting like them. Doesn't surprise me though, there are totally morally deficient dicks wherever you go in the world. The funny thing is when people with no morals think they are better than the other people with no morals.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
We are not THEM.  Just because they are low enough to use torture it is NOT an excuse for us to use it too.  You like to call yourself the good guys, then why don't you fucking act like it.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

m3thod wrote:

We are not THEM.  Just because they are low enough to use torture it is NOT an excuse for us to use it too.  You like to call yourself the good guys, then why don't you fucking act like it.
Err, taking down a 'brutal' dictator  and then publically hanging him? Ding ding ding, welcome to the flawed mentality that rots the whole fucking affair.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6943|Your moms bedroom
Im a little late to this thread, but nowhere in the article did it state that the terrorist was walking.
+7|5967|Western North Carolina
We (the US) screwed up, no doubt about it. 

First off, the front line soldier made some attempt to keep a captive alive as did other world LE officials away from the front lines.  These surviving individuals made it to detention and incarceration somewhere.  Big mistake.

Secondly, we considered treating them with some form of legal proceeding.  Unfortunately, it took longer than 24 hours to make a decision.  Bigger mistake.

We allowed the ilk of AP to learn of their existence by any fashion.  Even bigger mistake.

In the future perhaps we'll learn from our mistakes.  Solving our first mistake is a good beginning.

NgoDamWei wrote:

We (the US) screwed up, no doubt about it. 

First off, the front line soldier made some attempt to keep a captive alive as did other world LE officials away from the front lines.  These surviving individuals made it to detention and incarceration somewhere.  Big mistake.

Secondly, we considered treating them with some form of legal proceeding.  Unfortunately, it took longer than 24 hours to make a decision.  Bigger mistake.

We allowed the ilk of AP to learn of their existence by any fashion.  Even bigger mistake.

In the future perhaps we'll learn from our mistakes.  Solving our first mistake is a good beginning.
So what you are saying is "sure, we broke all the rules, our only mistake was getting caught"... Nice attitude. Perhaps the Nazis should have been more discreet while carrying out the final solution being that the end would have justified the means?
+7|5967|Western North Carolina
I believe in efficiency and cost effectiveness.  Hypothetically, a 9mm is about $.0286 after an initial $2.731MM for live capture, followed with an additional $5MM for a period of detention and further followed by a media infested trial (which the end results would not be acceptably the same to everyone) $10.6MM.

Works for me.
Semper Fi!
m3thod have you ever known anyone who has been killed by these people? Have you ever met anyone, been friends with, talked to and hung out with someone that has been shot, blown up or otherwise hurt by these hostile combatants? I lost my first friend to them before I graduated high school, I lost several of my friends from boot camp within two years from graduation. One killed by a roadside bomb, one killed by an assault on one of our FOBs, they sent in two explosive laden vehicles one after the other.

You lose friends and keep your moral high ground, or are you so sheltered that you'll never lose one of your country club friends to something like this? You are so secure in your belief that you and your friends will never fall victim to a terrorist attack, foreign invader or other event? Ok, be secure in your ideology and belief that humanity will prevail in time. I mean history is in your favor right, the Greeks are still around right? Yeah, I mean Greece and Athens are still there. Oh and Rome did an excellent job of spreading democracy and freedom, it never infringed on anyone's rights. The Medieval Age of Europe was a stark advancement in technology and human rights. Its not like Middle Eastern Countries are going through a Medieval Age currently in their governing [high value on religious law].

Oh fuck it, you won't listen anyway.
+7|5967|Western North Carolina
"Oh fuck it, you won't listen anyway."

Bingo ! Not just pertaining to m3thod - this forum is full of trolls.
+5,233|6832|Global Command

NgoDamWei wrote:

"Oh fuck it, you won't listen anyway."

Bingo ! Not just pertaining to m3thod - this forum is full of trolls.
Says the pot to the kettle.
+7|5967|Western North Carolina
can't beat 'em, join 'em.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Ridir wrote:

m3thod have you ever known anyone who has been killed by these people? Have you ever met anyone, been friends with, talked to and hung out with someone that has been shot, blown up or otherwise hurt by these hostile combatants? I lost my first friend to them before I graduated high school, I lost several of my friends from boot camp within two years from graduation. One killed by a roadside bomb, one killed by an assault on one of our FOBs, they sent in two explosive laden vehicles one after the other.

You lose friends and keep your moral high ground, or are you so sheltered that you'll never lose one of your country club friends to something like this? You are so secure in your belief that you and your friends will never fall victim to a terrorist attack, foreign invader or other event? Ok, be secure in your ideology and belief that humanity will prevail in time. I mean history is in your favor right, the Greeks are still around right? Yeah, I mean Greece and Athens are still there. Oh and Rome did an excellent job of spreading democracy and freedom, it never infringed on anyone's rights. The Medieval Age of Europe was a stark advancement in technology and human rights. Its not like Middle Eastern Countries are going through a Medieval Age currently in their governing [high value on religious law].

Oh fuck it, you won't listen anyway.
Yawn.  Sorry, I don't care for your personal losses.  You didn't go thousands miles east to have a party, and more to the point no asked you and certainly no one invited your ignorant arses over.  Boo hoo.  Find someone who cares.  If you think losing your countrymen to terrorists is a free ticket to behave as they do, then you're wrong.  There is no excuse for torture.  EVER.  That goes for both parties.

And the probability of dieing from the terrorist attack is so low it's not worth worrying about, try scaremongering someone else.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

NgoDamWei wrote:

can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Loser talk.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+7|5967|Western North Carolina
That yer best shot ?

m3thod wrote:

usmarine wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Based information extracted by torture.  The American judical system = fail.
wasnt torture back then silly billy  (lol water boarding torture)
So what was it....afternoon tea with extra water?
I wonder if that means they're into 'milkboarding' in the UK.

No really, dairy products can be scary, ask Dolph Lundgren!
Semper Fi!

m3thod wrote:

Ridir wrote:

m3thod have you ever known anyone who has been killed by these people? Have you ever met anyone, been friends with, talked to and hung out with someone that has been shot, blown up or otherwise hurt by these hostile combatants? I lost my first friend to them before I graduated high school, I lost several of my friends from boot camp within two years from graduation. One killed by a roadside bomb, one killed by an assault on one of our FOBs, they sent in two explosive laden vehicles one after the other.

You lose friends and keep your moral high ground, or are you so sheltered that you'll never lose one of your country club friends to something like this? You are so secure in your belief that you and your friends will never fall victim to a terrorist attack, foreign invader or other event? Ok, be secure in your ideology and belief that humanity will prevail in time. I mean history is in your favor right, the Greeks are still around right? Yeah, I mean Greece and Athens are still there. Oh and Rome did an excellent job of spreading democracy and freedom, it never infringed on anyone's rights. The Medieval Age of Europe was a stark advancement in technology and human rights. Its not like Middle Eastern Countries are going through a Medieval Age currently in their governing [high value on religious law].

Oh fuck it, you won't listen anyway.
Yawn.  Sorry, I don't care for your personal losses.  You didn't go thousands miles east to have a party, and more to the point no asked you and certainly no one invited your ignorant arses over.  Boo hoo.  Find someone who cares.  If you think losing your countrymen to terrorists is a free ticket to behave as they do, then you're wrong.  There is no excuse for torture.  EVER.  That goes for both parties.

And the probability of dieing from the terrorist attack is so low it's not worth worrying about, try scaremongering someone else.
Yawn is the best you can do? and forget scaremongering, you label everything into a generalization and dismiss it as an irrelevant tactic by your politic opposite. It is your best form of debating. If you want a list of terrorist actions from Middle East to Western Cultures you can go look it up over a hundred times on this forum alone. Second easiest is going to wikipedia and third would be to go to a US, UK, or EU website relating to the subject. There have been Middle Eastern terrorist attacks on Western culture assets and personnel since the 1970's. Airline hijacks, cruise ships, the Beirut Marine Barracks bombing in the early 80's, the simultaneous US embassy bombings in Africa, the USS Cole attack, London, Madrid, New York and Washington DC, the French riots of the poor lower class Middle East immigrants.  No none of these are reasons to go protect our "ignorant arses". I've only lost one friend in Iraq, two in Afghanistan.

But you are right, we didn't go thousands of miles east to have a party. We went thousands of miles east to go protect the Western Culture which surprisingly includes you. If you want to be morally superior go over there and help the Middle Eastern peoples yourself. Go build them schools, bridges, waterworks that bring clean water to villages, towns and cities. Bring them work, food, and hope you aren't taken hostage for being a different faith, skin color, or social caste. If you do get captured and they start to waterboard you remember that we might capture them but they stand a good chance to be released because they are going to stand more of a civilian trail than a military tribunal.

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