New photo pages are cool

let's do a picture a day project - as we submit pictures to the pool, rename them XXX/365.
so there isn't any conflicting numbers, post what number you would use.

can we do this? i have over a thousand pictures uploaded to flickr myself - so the point would be to get off your ass, turn off the computer, and find something to shoot. not a beauty contest (although our group manages some pictures) and the only requirements are;

1) the photo must be new
2) the number (xxx/365) must be spoken for
3) the photo must be tagged (bf2sdaily)

there are no prizes for quantity, and you may get karma from me or others for quality (sorry no cash prizes) but
i do think if you take the time and effort to submit, the payoff will be in your photography.
+303|6147|The pool
hmm so like a group 365 project? Sounds good though organizing it might be a little tough. I dont have the time for a real personal 365, so this would be pretty good

Wallpaper wrote:

hmm so like a group 365 project? Sounds good though organizing it might be a little tough. I dont have the time for a real personal 365, so this would be pretty good
i am going to start a new thread - have you noticed, when you post something on flickr it says "new" for days?
+188|6598|EE Chat
Just added the 1000th photo. iphone fashion shoot, yo
+194|5326|Markham, Ontario
I'm going to join this. It looks really well organized and fun. See you guys on it soon!
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

Kimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote: iphone fashion shoot, yo
Like the man said. "talent trumps gear" … e-my-back/

Xbone Stormsurgezz

our project is looking

check it out so far;
i just took a lighting class and discovered how expensive it is to use studio lighting
anyone have a cheapo setup with SB800 or SB-900 flash? think im going to go the external flash route instead of buying 3k of lighting equip. (power supply, lightbox, gridlight)
thinking i could have two speedlights with a pocket wizrd and light meter and be good to go?
+303|6147|The pool
Are you going to be using it for hobby/fun or trying to make money off it immediately?

PS budget?

Last edited by Wallpaper (2010-07-29 11:07:54)

+303|6147|The pool
Double post worthy:

HOLY FUCKIN SHIT. I just found out I have the equipment to shoot at 9X lifesize. 9!! Thats 2.5mm across

M&M at 3x

M&M at 9x

yes, those are 5mb jpegs, no, I dont want to resize

Last edited by Wallpaper (2010-07-30 01:20:55)


i'm sorry Wallpaper - even at 9x, i still can't see

why green m&m's make you horny . .  . awesome capture! what made you realize, that you already had the equipment?
Never regret anything that ever made you smile.

burnzz wrote:

i'm sorry Wallpaper - even at 9x, i still can't see

why green m&m's make you horny . .  .
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.

Wallpaper wrote:

Double post worthy:

HOLY FUCKIN SHIT. I just found out I have the equipment to shoot at 9X lifesize. 9!! Thats 2.5mm across

M&M at 3x

M&M at 9x

yes, those are 5mb jpegs, no, I dont want to resize

no, really

Wallpaper wrote:

Are you going to be using it for hobby/fun or trying to make money off it immediately?

PS budget?
ps those M&M's are awsum however i'z allergic to them
i wonder what a broken open  Almond Joy looks like under that.. ooy gooey coconut shavings

the idea is to make pretty lit subjs
i'd like to spend under 2k hah even then that is alot
my lighting teacher mentioned brands that are very spe$ial saying that you have to get the top of the line for consistency through the years..  yet i live in an area where i doubt people would pay high dolla for portraits.. so this turns into an artsy thaang.

I also need to build a new pc to accommodate the new lightroom and photoshop.. i'd like to get at least 4 GB of ram and a few big ass drives.. win 7   and have the capability to play video games. suggestions welcome eek looks like i should make a build me a pc thread.
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6628|Foothills of S. Carolina

So I just joined flickr and the bf2s group. Will see how much I have a chance to use it.
+303|6147|The pool
Lol Burnzz... 18-55 reversed on 2 sets of extension tubes with a flashlight taped on so I can actually see, and flash taped on to barrel since I dont have a macro mount/bracket. I never tried before because when the 18-55 is mounted normally on 2 sets of extension tubes the focal point is behind the front element, and I thought reversing it would only make it worse since with other lenses reversing it brings the point of focus closer

Kimm: Did you go to a strobist seminar or something? Since you have the money, maybe start off with an SB-900 (Nikon) or 580EX II (Canon), some cheapo wireless triggers and the Cowboystudio umbrella kit. Once you get proficient with that you may want to get a second umbrella and a 430EX II as a slave. Also, depending on your camera I think you might not even need the triggers, I think some newer cameras like the 7D have built in wireless flash sync

FINALLY got my damn umbrella, UPS had it held up in Hodgkins, IL for 5 days:
nice umbrella setup, yo. cannot wait to see what you make.
i had a studio lighting class taught by Tony Corbell(awsum in class we used prophoto lighting(he also recommended $ elenchrome, broncolor brands also)
i use a d90 and have a sb-800 atm
in reference to the cowboy lighting kit  -  saw this beginner's kit online thru adorama for under 500$
Flashpoint 620M Portrait Wedding Monolight Kit, with Two 620M Monolights, Stands, Umbrellas, Snoot Etc

they also have a sim kit that has portable battery packs

Kimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:

nice umbrella setup, yo. cannot wait to see what you make.
i had a studio lighting class taught by Tony Corbell(awsum in class we used prophoto lighting(he also recommended $ elenchrome, broncolor brands also)
i use a d90 and have a sb-800 atm
in reference to the cowboy lighting kit  -  saw this beginner's kit online thru adorama for under 500$
Flashpoint 620M Portrait Wedding Monolight Kit, with Two 620M Monolights, Stands, Umbrellas, Snoot Etc … r_embedded
they also have a sim kit that has portable battery packs
whatdya think bout the flashpoint getup wallpaper? 
shooting dirtbikes this weekened.  goin to use the wide angle and sb-800. this year no polarizers up in the mountains and f16 instead.!! have you shot fast action? tips?

Last edited by Kimmmmmmmmmmmm (2010-08-03 14:12:55)

+303|6147|The pool
Sorry, missed the post before. I honestly dont know much about monolights, other than that they are the way to go if you are trying to over power the sun. It really depends on what you are trying to shoot, because monolights will slow you down a lot.

Closest thing to fast action Ive done is swimming lol... For bikes, prefocus if possible so you can concentrate on composition, and really watch your timing if youre using the speedlight since you will probably have to fire at full power. Make sure the riders arent backlit by the sun either. Since youre using a wide angle, see if the riders can kick up more dirt (within reason) when they pass you since it will often make for a more interesting picture. If you are gusty you can always strap the camera to someones bike and use a remote to get some long (1/30 - 1/20th) exposure shots while they ride. Thats all I can think of really

If you are going to be doing a lot of mountain biking photography, you might want to look at Adventure Photography by Michael Clark. Someone gave it to me as a present and it has some good ideas in there for biking

[shameless plug] our project needs pictures! [/shameless plug]

here's how it looks;

let's get out and shoot
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

Xbone Stormsurgezz

i started a set, for my favorites of my pictures, 2010.

ok, so i took alot of pictures so far, but here you go … 2596/show/

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