last day of February, blizzard steps up. spring got owned, winter's back
today: tons of rain
tomorrow: nice and coolish 65F with sun
tomorrow: nice and coolish 65F with sun
PM me your mobile number...I'll rage text you and call you everything but a white man while stuck in traffic tomorrow morningRTHKI wrote:
56F tmrw. no snow. bugz overreacting
On second thought, I won't cause it costs me extra to text the US and texting while driving is a $280 fine and four demerit points
still not worth the 25cents/text to call you a dick when I can do it for free on hereRTHKI wrote:
if youre stuck in traffic you have plenty of time to txt
Bad in I live in Louisville and we have a state of emercency in some counties. The cold front brought multiple tornadoes and caused some deaths in Indiana. Louisville is protected by the Ohio valley so luckily where I was at wasn't to bad just some strong rain and horizontal rain along with wind gusts up to 40mph.
bit rainy
i love rainy weather
i love rainy weather
55 and sunny. if only every winter was like this.
Yesterday was cold and very rainy. Today started off pretty cloudy and chilly but now it's sunny and cool. Very nice.
Rain, sun, rain, sun, rain, sun.
and hot = fucking humid
and hot = fucking humid
It's sunny and fucking nice!
Fall seven times. Stand up eight.
60 and sunny tomorrow, 70 and sunny after tomorrow.
perfect weather.gif
perfect weather.gif
60 and windy as fuck.
I like how my local weather guy says that there is a 3% chance of rain and i look out the window to see it down pouring.