Try this guys and let me know if you feel the burn!! Also, it is only necessary to do one rep of this. The whole point of stopping and reducing weight is also to give your muscles that 20-30 second rest. Anyways, let me know if you try it.deeznutz1245 wrote:
Back and soulders tip:
-Find out what your max weight is for 10 shrugs
- minus 50 lbs from that and do 20 shrugs
- stop, add 5 lbs and do 19 shrugs
- add 5 lbs, do 18
- etc, keep adding 5 and do one less until you down to your last shrug
- Do the last shrug with your max weight and HOLD it as long as you can.
- Intense, you should be burning and if you do that routine twice a week you will have great shoulder strength in a few months.
Malloy must go