
Been playing BF2 for a while now and i dont use choppers and plains mutch.
I think chopper is fun but i like ground battle better than any air fights! But some times i get an urge to go massacre in the air. For some other reason, im not a good pilot so i wanna get better!

just wondering, does a joystick make it a LOT easyer to fly an airplain or chopper? If "Yes" does it matter what kind of joystick?

Noticed that many people playing online r really good at flying airplains or choppers, and they can be really anoying for the poor players in a vehicle on the ground at some maps.

I've got a joystick but it dosent seem to work on BF2. Maybe its to old or am i doing something wrong?
My joystick is a Wingman force 3D. Its years old cuz I have no games that joystick is usefull in! This joystick suits all my needs and is really a great one, so its a pitty if i cant use it at BF2! I have no problems with my computer, I've tested the joystick in the windows game controller test program and everthing seems to work the way i should do! I have no problems with BF2, just this tiny joystick problem!
When i go to comfigure the air controlls in BF2 this is what happens:
Choose key for primery fire: I press the button on the joystick i wanna use for primery fire (joy button 1) and that works!
All other buttons works to so the game knows that the joystick is plugged in!
When it comes to choose controlls for tilt up, tilt down and rest of the pitch controlls i need the damn "stick" I hold in my hand to controll where im flying, nothing happens!
the game dosent seem to realise that im turning and moving the stick around!

I dont know anymore, and thats why im asking for help here! Am I doing something wrong or is this joystick simply to old and cant be used for this new games? The joysticks name was "Wingman force 3D".

Hope someone can help! Just ask if u need to know more about the joystick!

Got milk?
Joy + plane = much easier.

Joy + heli   = easier for someone, but this one takes more skill than plane.

Make sure that you are setting controls for AIR.(plane)

when you see W : mark your 'alternate button choice' and push stick down to the end. Your control should show :       Primary                 Secondary
                    W                       Joy Axis #

Same with any other pitch controls. Sorry I cant tell you more, because I'm at work and trying to reproduce the controls menu in my head lol . But anyway I hope it ll help

Last edited by Dr.Battlefield (2006-01-25 11:02:10)

+557|6773|Oslo, Norway
much easier in plane, easier to shoot missles and drop bombs
Hmm, just tryed out what u told me Dr.Battlefield.
The joy axis's dosent work in this game, everything else works but not the axis's!
Its to old ore its screwed up...:S
Gues there's no hope for this poor thing:


I have to get a new joistick that is suitable for BF2! got any joysticks that u recomend?

Thx for trying to help me out!
+45|6783|Toronto, Canada
W and S are the the default keys for throttle control.  A and D are for Yaw.  The mouse is used to pitch and roll.

I definately would recommend a joystick for flying planes.  I now have a positive kill to death ratio as a result of it.  With helicopters it is another story, I find that I have a more finite control with the keyboard mouse, but it could be because I have been flying this way for dozens of hours.  I just find that the heli sways side to side even at the minimum sensitivity, so I immediately went back to keyboard and mouse as I was quite capable already on that control setup and didn't want to relearn how to fly a helicopter.

EDIT: just read your post about recommending a new joystick.  I am using a Saitek Cyborg Evo


It is completely ambidextrous (you can modify it for left- and right-handed players), lots of extra buttons and it is very responsive to your movements.  It also looks and feels great.

Last edited by CackNBallz (2006-01-25 11:28:43)

Cool, looks nice and EXPENCIVE!!

Is it very expencive or does it just look like one of those emtymywallet joysticks?
Gues im willing to pay for a expencive one tho. All joysticks that's good costs a bit, u still remember what u payed for ur Saitek Cyborg Evo?
Got milk?
Wait there is a program calls JoyToKey. It might help. You should look in Wiki

Last edited by Dr.Battlefield (2006-01-25 11:56:52)

+2|6763|Sacramento, California

Wargru wrote:

Hmm, just tryed out what u told me Dr.Battlefield.
The joy axis's dosent work in this game, everything else works but not the axis's!
Its to old ore its screwed up...:S
Gues there's no hope for this poor thing:
Mine configures fine, and it's a Logitech of about the same vintage; it looks just like yours.

Do you have it configured and calibrated properly in Windows? Go to the Windows "control panel" and select "game controllers". Your SPECIFIC joystick should be listed there with a status of "OK" (i.e. mine says "Logitech Digital Wingman Extreme"). If not, you may need to click the "Add" button, and then select it from the list. If it isn't in the list, then you need to install drivers for it.

Once you have done that, go to the control set-up page in BF2. Select "pitch forward", then move the joystick all the way forward and all the way back. "Joy Axis 1" should then appear on both the "pitch forward" and "pitch back" control.

There is a very good post recommending how to map the buttons on a joystick for jets on BF2, "search and ye shall find".

Last edited by Vic42 (2006-01-25 12:14:57)


Wargru wrote:

Cool, looks nice and EXPENCIVE!!

Is it very expencive or does it just look like one of those emtymywallet joysticks?
Gues im willing to pay for a expencive one tho. All joysticks that's good costs a bit, u still remember what u payed for ur Saitek Cyborg Evo?
It's not expensive at all... about $35-40. I have one myself, I like it a lot.

Remember to set your roll/pitch/yaw for both helicopters and planes. If you click in the box to set your roll, and you hold the joystick to the left and it doesn't register any input, your driver and/or joystick is probably bad. If it's detecting the buttons but not the stick, it's probably the joystick.
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6725|Hell's prison
I got a Saitek ST90 pro, got it at Wal-mart for 20 bones.  I highly recommend it, its no cyborg, but it does the job.

Vic42 wrote:

Wargru wrote:

Hmm, just tryed out what u told me Dr.Battlefield.
The joy axis's dosent work in this game, everything else works but not the axis's!
Its to old ore its screwed up...:S
Gues there's no hope for this poor thing:
Mine configures fine, and it's a Logitech of about the same vintage; it looks just like yours.

Do you have it configured and calibrated properly in Windows? Go to the Windows "control panel" and select "game controllers". Your SPECIFIC joystick should be listed there with a status of "OK" (i.e. mine says "Logitech Digital Wingman Extreme"). If not, you may need to click the "Add" button, and then select it from the list. If it isn't in the list, then you need to install drivers for it.

Once you have done that, go to the control set-up page in BF2. Select "pitch forward", then move the joystick all the way forward and all the way back. "Joy Axis 1" should then appear on both the "pitch forward" and "pitch back" control.

There is a very good post recommending how to map the buttons on a joystick for jets on BF2, "search and ye shall find".
Did the comfigure test now and tryed it in BF2 and woah!! IT WORKS!
when i play it seems to be a bit screwed but i have to calibrate it some more to get it right!! Just one thing, what exactly is a Z-rotation? is it when u move the stick in a "Z"?
Im asking cus when i dont move the stick, i only turn it from side to side (think its joy axis 0) its totaly screwed up lol!

Torin wrote:

It's not expensive at all... about $35-40. I have one myself, I like it a lot.

Remember to set your roll/pitch/yaw for both helicopters and planes. If you click in the box to set your roll, and you hold the joystick to the left and it doesn't register any input, your driver and/or joystick is probably bad. If it's detecting the buttons but not the stick, it's probably the joystick.
Ok, im gonna go downtown to look after the joystick if i dont get my old one to work, or maybe il do it anyway:P

Think this joy im using now is a bit scewed or super sensetive! il do all i can befor i give up!

Thx to all u guys who helped!
+4|6868|Berlin, Germany
I bought Cyborg Evo Wireless. Is cool to have a joystick but atm its still easier for me to fight with the keyboard. BUT: I notice that im getting better with joystick (especially in bombing). You have to get used to it but once you did you will get better. For chopper: Ill never use the joystick for it. Easier with keyboard.
this is how i have my cont set up. hope this will help you out alittle more

+0|6807|Mannheim, BW, Germany

Wargru wrote:

Did the comfigure test now and tryed it in BF2 and woah!! IT WORKS!
when i play it seems to be a bit screwed but i have to calibrate it some more to get it right!! Just one thing, what exactly is a Z-rotation? is it when u move the stick in a "Z"?
Im asking cus when i dont move the stick, i only turn it from side to side (think its joy axis 0) its totaly screwed up lol!
Hey!! I got a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro and I love it. It also has a z-rotation. That's when you rotate your stick left or right. Maybe you have to unlock the "Screw" at the bottom of the stick to rotate your joystick. This rotation is needed to rotate horizontally what is a must with a heli or a plane to hit enemy troops!!!
Just keep your great Logitech joystick and enjoy the Force Feedback Function.
I consider myself a damn good helo pilot.  2384 kills in 53 hours of flight is no amazing feat, but hey... I fly for my gunner.  (Well... I gun too, but spend way more time flying.  I only like gunning for good pilots.)

Use a Joystick!!!
But make sure that when you calibrate the axes in Windows, don't push them to their limits (unless your joystick has a square, rather than circular... socket?)  I calibrate mine as such because with circular sockets, when you're at the diagonal you can't have both X- and Y-axes completely maxed out.  Some control is lost.  Do the same with your throttle, as it's unlikely that you'll be hitting peak throttle if you've maxed it out during calibration.  When you calibrate, push the axes only to about 75-80%.  Your aircraft will be much more responsive this way.

Get a Joystick with a Z (twist) Axis!!!.
You'll need it for yaw.  Need I say more?

I use a Saitek Cyborg USB Gold.  I set it up for left-handed flying, so I can still free-look with my mouse.  Map the hat switch to "Chase front, chase rear, and cockpit" cameras.  Use the hat switch to pull up your map, too.  I forget how many buttons are on the base, but be sure to use one of them for VOIP.  Gotta talk to your gunner, ya know.

(I registered just so I could post this.  I'll have a sig... sometime)
I had the old wingman attack joystick as well and it was a pain to configure...did it but even after numerous re-configs and alignment tests it was pulling to the left all the time...now i got a SAITEK ST290PRO (£19.99) special offer, it has a twist grip which is better for turning the jets or choppers...unfortunately im crap in slicks...oh well lol!

TC><Injecter wrote:

I bought Cyborg Evo Wireless. Is cool to have a joystick but atm its still easier for me to fight with the keyboard. BUT: I notice that im getting better with joystick (especially in bombing). You have to get used to it but once you did you will get better. For chopper: Ill never use the joystick for it. Easier with keyboard.
Cool cuz i just noticed that my joystick is screwed and i have to buy a new one now!
Figured theres something really wrong with the "joy axis 0" on my joystick, it sometimes just switches direction even tho im not pointing it in that direction!
Had a long praktice and this is what happens: For example I roll right and pitch back to make a quick turn to the right, sometimes it works but 50% of the time it just switches randomly direction and that makes me kill myself a lot lol!

Im gonna head down town tomorrow and have a look at the Cyborg Evo Wireless then:D
and some other ones people recomended to me!
im sure to find one now!

Thank u!

sHaDy6 wrote:

this is how i have my cont set up. hope this will help you out alittle more
Yea it did, Thx!

Fahrenheit wrote:

I had the old wingman attack joystick as well and it was a pain to configure...did it but even after numerous re-configs and alignment tests it was pulling to the left all the time...now i got a SAITEK ST290PRO (£19.99) special offer, it has a twist grip which is better for turning the jets or choppers...unfortunately im crap in slicks...oh well lol!
Hehe, im glad im not the only one whos gonna burn this joystick then:P
a friend of mine have got the SAITEK ST290PRO, why didnt i think of that one befor lol..
The Z axis is the "twist axis".

X is pushing the stick down and pulling it back. Y is pushing it from side to side.

Z is twisting the stick for yaw, or spin.

If you are hovering in mid-air, not moving, and you twist on the Z axis, your direction spins depending on which way you twist the Z axis.

It's pretty much a necessity to control the Z axis well to be a good pilot.

Another reason I'd recommend the Cyborg Evo is because of the software driver. Most joysticks have software that let you calibrate the joystick. The Cyborg Evo has a driver that is always calibrating the joystick. So, if you are playing for the first time in your gaming session and you notice it's pulling to the right, all you do is move your stick in a full 360 degree circle and it automatically recenters the joystick. It's very convenient to be able to calibrate it while playing, and in a matter of 2-3 seconds no less. If I take off in a jet and I notice it's pulling up while the joystick is centered, all I do is a full 360 degree circle or two, twist my stick to the maximum left and right and tada, it's perfectly calibrated again. Beats having to bail out of the plane, exit the game, go into the joystick software, calibrate it, etc.

Anyways, can't say enough good about it. But, like all 20-50$ joysticks, it is not made of the highest quality parts, so after about 6-10 months of hard gameplay, it will start to break down. I'm on my second Cyborg Evo now, but it's been worth it. My Microsoft Sidewinder and Logitech 3d Extreme did the exact same thing after the same amount of time. What's kept me sold on the Saitek were the drivers and ease of calibrating it.

So there is my joystick review.

Torin wrote:

The Z axis is the "twist axis".

X is pushing the stick down and pulling it back. Y is pushing it from side to side.

Z is twisting the stick for yaw, or spin.

If you are hovering in mid-air, not moving, and you twist on the Z axis, your direction spins depending on which way you twist the Z axis.

It's pretty much a necessity to control the Z axis well to be a good pilot.

Another reason I'd recommend the Cyborg Evo is because of the software driver. Most joysticks have software that let you calibrate the joystick. The Cyborg Evo has a driver that is always calibrating the joystick. So, if you are playing for the first time in your gaming session and you notice it's pulling to the right, all you do is move your stick in a full 360 degree circle and it automatically recenters the joystick. It's very convenient to be able to calibrate it while playing, and in a matter of 2-3 seconds no less. If I take off in a jet and I notice it's pulling up while the joystick is centered, all I do is a full 360 degree circle or two, twist my stick to the maximum left and right and tada, it's perfectly calibrated again. Beats having to bail out of the plane, exit the game, go into the joystick software, calibrate it, etc.

Anyways, can't say enough good about it. But, like all 20-50$ joysticks, it is not made of the highest quality parts, so after about 6-10 months of hard gameplay, it will start to break down. I'm on my second Cyborg Evo now, but it's been worth it. My Microsoft Sidewinder and Logitech 3d Extreme did the exact same thing after the same amount of time. What's kept me sold on the Saitek were the drivers and ease of calibrating it.

So there is my joystick review.
Ok, then i know for sure that my Wingman's Z axis is not working anymore after playing some rounds singleplayer and a lot of calibrating etc.
Just had a look at one of my city's best gaming store's website and read a bit about all the Evo joysticks and figured that they r probably the best joysticks for BF2! think im gonna go fot that one!

and thanks for ur joystick review there:)

and thank u to antin0de!
i have the same joystick as cacknballz and i love it. its only about $30 now so it wont empty your bank. im gonna private message you with my email. if you need help gettin it set up email me and ill send you my teamspeak info so i can tlk you step by step. if you dnt have teamspeak just google it and download it off a site. its a small safe file. i think the joy stick you have now will do the job you might not be settin it up right.
Just got the Cyborg Evo today!!!

After I noticed my Wingman Force 3D was broken, I went downtown and had a good look at every joystick I could find. I fellt in love with the Cyborg Evo!
Have been playing some singleplayer after I came home now and this joystick is fantastic!
Makes airplain 50% more fun and mutch easyer!
I love the design to:
I could use nothing but....

+39|6776|Amsterdam,The Netherlands

Wargru wrote:

Hmm, just tryed out what u told me Dr.Battlefield.
The joy axis's dosent work in this game, everything else works but not the axis's!
Its to old ore its screwed up...:S
Gues there's no hope for this poor thing:


I have to get a new joistick that is suitable for BF2! got any joysticks that u recomend?

Thx for trying to help me out!
i have almost the same version as u wargru and my does work fine cuz i have an logitech wingman Attack and it works good i use it for planes and choppers it heaven for me
You don't need much... you only need this:


Cheap, sturdy and works like a charm... especially the throttle... Does the trick very well and the hat is very usefull for switching views...

Since I use this baby people have a hard time shooting me down...

Now I need to learn to bomb, because flying for 30 minutes is just not enough.

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