Thread Ender
+58|6874|New Hampshire
1)  First and foremost, start out by posting.  A lot.  It's also helpful to never use the search function.  If you want to go for the gold, be sure to read a post, then instead of writing a reply, create a post directly above it asking a slightly reworded version of the question already asked.  Also, make sure that all your posts are in the wrong section - if you have a complaint, make sure you post it in the tech section, etc - you get the idea.

2)  Never read what everyone has to say.  Reiterating what's already been stated many many times is what your true aim is.

3)  Flame people for asking honest questions.  Flame people for asking stupid questions.  Generally, flame anyone for any reason.  Also, don't make your flames intelligent - the best flames are completely unbased such as "omfg you homo".  To REALLY excel at flaming, every flame you have MUST be a personal attack on someone, even though they're probably thousands of miles from you and you never have and never will meet them - i.e. "you're fat/ugly/pimply/socially challenged".

4)  Create posts that are unintelligent that you know will rile people up, such as posts like "if you're over 19 and playing video games you have no life" (I'm sure we all remember this post).

5)  Accuse players of hacking - constantly.  If you die in an FPS, it's most certainly not your fault - the other player is using a 3rd party product to gain the edge on your elite lance corporal skills.

6)  In conjunction with the prior, accuse people who you've played with who get good scores as stat padders.  Since your best round score is 56, it's completely unfeasible that anyone could beat your awesome Best Round Score.  It helps if you take a screenshot of the scoreboard and not of anything that could prove cheating happened, and then post it on the forums as "stone cold proof" that someones a padder.

7)  Did I mention personally accuse people of hacking?

8)  Be shur to completly avoyd propur gramr and punktuashun uv any sort?

9)  Type in 1337 - only the coolest kids do that.

10)  Make posts about the top 10 players in BF2.  Refer to them as cheats, hackers, padders, because even though they have maybe 1000 hours logged in the game, at LEAST 90% of that has to be cheating by your standards.  These people have no shred of skill about them, and if only you could play with them you could show the world their 1337 hax skillz.

11)  Have a gigantic signature that takes up an immense amount of space.  These can include (but are not restricted to), jack off material of a girl that you would give your left nut to be with, more than one sig that shows your stats (because the first one didn't get the message across to all of us), or some quote that shows how totally macho you are.

12)  Defend your ePenis on a regular basis.  Since the internet is pretty much like you're backyard, anyone who makes a personal attack on you must be brought to their knees swiftly by using your huge amount of insults that you've amassed just by walking through the halls at your school.  See number 3 for elaboration.

13)  Post screenshots of any mundane award you have, and never post them in the stickied awards thread.  It is important that you make an entire new post just to show off your shiny new basic ground defense badge.

That's about it.  If you do these things, you probably should refrain from posting on the forums, since you ruin the experience for us all.  I will update them if you give me some more ideas fellas

Last edited by TehSeraphim (2006-01-30 07:35:22)

"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
I know a few (I mean many) people who fit these requirements.
i know 2k ppl who meet your requirements
TehSeraphim....Sublime topic pal, read it and laughed all the way
TehSeraphim - omfg you homo you're fat ugly and a noob.  I don't know what score you have, but i bet you're shit.  And a noob.   I'm 1337. 

youre a crapy playar adn i dontt give a sheet aboot wat yous wills say aboot me.

Hacker - i bet yous haves no life and are aboot 50

Systray  - yous thinks your leet but i tink yous a noobking

Cyborgninja - yous never seen a nija so wat yous talkign aboot yous prob just a gyalord

Tsintzu - yous probably some weird freak who loves green tea.

ALL of yous: get a life dont play videogames - i've not played more than 3 hours total of BF2 (honest look at my stats) so i'm cool and 1337

PS. i actually had fun writing that - do you reckon all the idiots enjoy writing moronic comments?
Have a nice day!
kon je het lezen dan Gorkumpje...?

d11fdj wrote:

TehSeraphim - omfg you homo you're fat ugly and a noob.  I don't know what score you have, but i bet you're shit.  And a noob.   I'm 1337. 

youre a crapy playar adn i dontt give a sheet aboot wat yous wills say aboot me.

Hacker - i bet yous haves no life and are aboot 50

Systray  - yous thinks your leet but i tink yous a noobking

Cyborgninja - yous never seen a nija so wat yous talkign aboot yous prob just a gyalord

Tsintzu - yous probably some weird freak who loves green tea.

ALL of yous: get a life dont play videogames - i've not played more than 3 hours total of BF2 (honest look at my stats) so i'm cool and 1337

PS. i actually had fun writing that - do you reckon all the idiots enjoy writing moronic comments?
?  u a native?

Last edited by TheMajorBummer (2006-01-25 02:37:59)

a native what?
greek, lol you showed the best example of a n00b
+3|6853|Essen - Germany
TehSeraphim, u are a n00b hacking cheating exploit user!

But to answer your post with something more than a lame try to be funny:

You always have people like that on a board. Either they are pure trolls or too impatient to read 3 pages but hit the reply button at once.

I never understood the flaming and bashing part in a board. Why does it happen? Because someone has a different opinion on the topic? So what? Everybody has the right to his/her own opinion on a subject. If you do not agree you can state it of course, but why can't it be done in a polite manner?

Ah well, I won't throw the first stone to people that open a thread although "search" would have shown several topics already. When I am "excited" about something I forget that as well.
Doubleposts seem to be a reason for flaming as well, but sometimes it is a glitch in board software or in the internet connection. This can happen and should not be reason for flaming.  I really do not think that many people do it on purpose (although some probably do so just to be annoying, but here I ask again: why? )

See ya,
Hehehe i think i might occasionally write in nooblanguage just to amuse myself!....

But honestly, good post - hopefully some people will read it and stop themselves next time they're about to post their crap.

FAO vonSteuben: are you saying my attempt was lame?  omfg you gay haxor noob
Have a nice day!

d11fdj wrote:

Hehehe i think i might occasionally write in nooblanguage just to amuse myself!....

But honestly, good post - hopefully some people will read it and stop themselves next time they're about to post their crap.

FAO vonSteuben: are you saying my attempt was lame?  omfg you gay haxor noob

Native...   and  labile...
+3|6853|Essen - Germany

d11fdj wrote:

FAO vonSteuben: are you saying my attempt was lame?  omfg you gay haxor noob
WTF d00d? I was referring to my own try, u n00b +00b3 6u|\||\|y |-|0pp0r
(ok, this is just some 1337-like stuff I made up, since I don't really know it )

See ya (hopefully first hehe),
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|6881|Uhh... erm...
What the hell do you guys mean when you say he's native? And what's labile?
Wtf is native?? And labile??

Jeez dude, being called names that don't exist isn't really going to accomplish anything!

Majorbummer may i suggest an english course at your nearest Berlitz?

Also (being a 'native' brit) i know what bummer means.  Do you?
this is a stupid post. The real question is clearly: d0es NE 1 kn0w wh3n teH patch is cumming 0ut? hahahahlolz

By the way, you forgot double posting. It will aid you in your quest for becoming elite forum postar!
this is a stupid post. The real question is clearly: d0es NE 1 kn0w wh3n teH patch is cumming 0ut? hahahahlolz

By the way, you forgot double posting. It will aid you in your quest for becoming elite forum postar!
Raiders of the Lost Bear

1|\/| 50 1337 j00 a|| <4|\| +ry 2 F1g|_|r3 0u+ w|-|4+ 1 \/\/4|\||\|4 54y/

polarbearz wrote:

1|\/| 50 1337 j00 a|| <4|\| +ry 2 F1g|_|r3 0u+ w|-|4+ 1 \/\/4|\||\|4 54y/
Yes i figured out what you want to say.

Afro - i have a very strong (obviously with no real basis) feeling that the patch will come out on the 1st of February.  I have contacts in high places.  Remember  - 1st Feb.

d11fdj - 1337 forum poster
Have a nice day!
Thread Ender
+58|6874|New Hampshire
rofl - or you can add annoying redneck themed things too, that works.

TehSeraphim wrote:

-First and foremost, start out by posting.  A lot.  It's also helpful to never use the search function.  If you want to go for the gold, be sure to read a post, then instead of writing a reply, create a post directly above it asking a slightly reworded version of the question already asked.  Also, make sure that all your posts are in the wrong section - if you have a complaint, make sure you post it in the tech section, etc - you get the idea.

-Never read what everyone has to say.  Reiterating what's already been stated many many times is what your true aim is.

-Flame people for asking honest questions.  Flame people for asking stupid questions.  Generally, flame anyone for any reason.  Also, don't make your flames intelligent - the best flames are completely unbased such as "omfg you homo".  To REALLY excel at flaming, every flame you have MUST be a personal attack on someone, even though they're probably thousands of miles from you and you never have and never will meet them - i.e. "you're fat/ugly/pimply/socially challenged".

-Create posts that are unintelligent that you know will rile people up, such as posts like "if you're over 19 and playing video games you have no life" (I'm sure we all remember this post).

-Accuse players of hacking - constantly.  If you die in an FPS, it's most certainly not your fault - the other player is using a 3rd party product to gain the edge on your elite lance corporal skills.

-In conjunction with the prior, accuse people who you've played with who get good scores as stat padders.  Since your best round score is 56, it's completely unfeasible that anyone could beat your awesome Best Round Score.  It helps if you take a screenshot of the scoreboard and not of anything that could prove cheating happened, and then post it on the forums as "stone cold proof" that someones a padder.

-Did I mention personally accuse people of hacking?

- Be shur to completly avoyd propur gramr and punktuashun uv any sort?

-Type in 1337 - only the coolest kids do that.

That's about it.  If you do these things, you probably should refrain from posting on the forums, since you ruin the experience for us all.
+31|6839|Phoenix, AZ
- if you are {HMS}Sir_Del_Boy, just replying is enough; anything you write will be a flame directed at the poster, no matter what it is...something like..."you noob, lmao yf 1337 PWND"
+0|6942|Torrance, CA.
my BF2 stats haven't updated yet, ftw?
Raiders of the Lost Bear

+1|6881|79605, TX
feature post!

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