well, the grenade launcher is a weapon like all other weapons. but people who cry about it are people that shouldnt play the game in the first place...go back to your Counter strike there are no t0000000000bs there.
the weapon isnt here to piss of players because some enemies are using them in their way like the knowing Hopperdyhop TUBE! ur dead, why did they put the GL on the Assault kit in the first place, well Assault is for player that go straight onto the enemy and clear the way for the other players to advance and what do the assault need, YES Firepower, so they give them an GL.
most people see Assault kits with the GL as player without any skill, WRONG! because if they don't have any skill they don't kill you because they miss!. the GL users have skills , and the important one the skill to kill you in anyway he likes. if they havent got any skills why bordering bitching about them...they wouldn't hit anything with the GL. and btw no-one has more skill then them....we all have 1 skill and thats too kill . the rest is pure tactics.
And anyone that is against the Grenade launcher and wants that EA/DICE take it out of the game
Your all a bunch of lying pricks you all love the gun and you know it!
I dont care if someone tubes me, i,m not going to bitch on the forum for it. IT'S NOT EVEN MY OPTION
what must i expect that EA/Dice wil say ''oooo poor little gamer , lets take the GL out it makes him cry''
Fuck no! they would think fuck'em but lets give the GL a little disadvantage but not too much coz i still want to see them cry!
another thing, i bought the game for 45 € / 50 $ , i wanna get tubed and i wanna tube them back! i paid for the game so i got my rights to use the Grenade launcher and otherwise i got my right to get my ass smacked by the enemy tubers! but i aint going to cry about it.
My Tube using :
1) When there are to many C4 hoppers around i take the tube to kick there asses .
2) when someone tubes me and it happend to many time i'll change kit and i tube them back a little bit faster and a little bit harder.