Well Loyalists are calling for their minions to bring their weapons onto the streets to make sure the soldiers can parade & also the Film "Hunger" opens a few days before the parade which will be a republican catalyst, looks like we could have scenes like bloody Sunday again on our streets the start of November - there is fierce opposition from within Republicanism circles, could be the proverbial straw with the current impass over Policing and Justice and other issues like the Irish languageWith the Parades Commission delaying a ruling on the British military parade through Belfast, now to include a bomber and fighter fly past [of course it isn’t military triumphalism - ed ], and the Sinn Féin counter-demonstration. Unionist politicians have been raising the spectre of associated violence if either SF or éirígí are allowed to protest while both have responded with their intentions to hold peaceful protests (eirigi statement, not online as yet, is below the fold). So just who is going to kick off these violent incidents?
http://sluggerotoole.com/index.php/webl … -violence/éirígí Defends the Right to Protest
éirígí spokesperson Seán MacBrádaigh has said that unionist scaremongering
around next week’s demonstration against the British military parade in Belfast
city centre undermines the right to peaceful protest.
Seán said: “Much has been made of the fact that éirígí has not applied to the
Parades Commission in the Six Counties for permission to hold a demonstration.
“It would be ludicrous for an Irish republican organisation to apply to the
British occupying authorities for permission to protest against the British
“The Irish people’s right to oppose the British occupation of Ireland is a
fundamental right that cannot be left to the whims of a British Government
appointed commission to adjudicate upon.”
Seán continued: “Certain unionist politicians have also irresponsibly raised the
spectre of violence in Belfast on Sunday week. This is a reprehensible tactic
that is deliberately intended to undermine the right of the nationalist
population of Belfast to engage in peaceful protest.
“It is ironic that the same politicians who invited one of the most vicious regiments
in the British army to coat-trail through the streets of Belfast are now
attributing the threat of violence to those who are committed to peaceful
“How did unionist politicians think nationalist Belfast was going to react once
it was announced that the RIR, an organisation that terrorised nationalist
communities for years, was going to be paraded through our city centre?
“How did unionist politicians think that the tens of thousands of people who
marched through Belfast city centre to oppose Britain’s imperialist wars would
react once it was announced that the RIR, the Royal Air Force and the Royal
Navy were to walk through those same streets?”
Seán concluded: “In a further insult, it was announced today that two RAF bomber
jets and three military helicopters are expected to stage a flyover during this
already provocative parade. It now appears that the British government are
intent on a provocative and triumphalist display of British military might on
the doorsteps of tens of thousands of Irish republicans and nationalists.
“Unionism needs to get real – it is the British army and their supporters who will
be bringing the weapons of war into Belfast city centre on November 2, not
Irish republicans.
“We are calling on all republicans, socialists and democrats to join us on
November 2 to expose the violent ones as those wearing the uniform of British
http://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/Commis … 4617619.jp