
bennisboy wrote:

The older you are no one gives a shit.
Yes, but at his age it does, because 16 year old girls are largely still just kids.
Little BaBy JESUS
Meh. It could be worse. My friend was going out with a 21 year old when she was 16... (she still is although she's nearly 18 now)
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD

Rohirm wrote:

Is it wrong to date a chick 3 years my junior (well soon to be 2)?

I don't plan to make a move just yet. Quite hesitant in fact.

If it makes any difference im 19.
do it, canada doesn't have the FBI party van

and j56, that was fuckin hilarious

bennisboy wrote:

Finray wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

awww finrary is jealous.
Of those slags you pulled yes >.>
Lol they weren't slags. I know them all from uni.
Knowing them from Uni doesn't mean shit . Undergrads are the slaggiest and easiest group of 'em all!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

Finray wrote:

Of those slags you pulled yes >.>
Lol they weren't slags. I know them all from uni.
Knowing them from Uni doesn't mean shit . Undergrads are the slaggiest and easiest group of 'em all!
I concur!
Fear is a Leash
+85|6317|New Austin, Not

Lai wrote:

Rohirm wrote:

Ok, she is a no go then.

This is all rather interesting, considering there are even mathematical formulas on a touchy subject such as this.
Well, if you're serious with this girl, I don't mean to put you off. However, most times 16 year old girls simply dig older guys because they are older guys Older guys that date 16 year old girls usually do so because it is easy, easier than dating older girls and/or they simply take advantage of them.  However, if you genuinely have a thing for this girl and can establish beyond reasonable doubt she has genuine interest in you (and isn't just into you because you're older), in other words if the two of you just fall in love and she happens to be 16; I guess the rules could be stretched a bit. Still though, if you just "like" her and nothing more than that, I wouldn't bother with her. If you just want to fool around a bit, try somebody closer to your own age.

People often say that girls are emotionally more mature than guys, hence the often encountered age difference. From personal experience I'd say this is rubbish. Sure, yeah some girls may be more mature than some guys, but I wouldn't go anywhere near a general statement. People just differ between another, nothing specifically sex or gender related in this aspect. I know 22 year old girls that behave like 15 year olds. Spoiler (highlight to read):
Personally I tend to go for girls slightly older than myself, because I find younger ones to be immature. Then again in Russia I had this thing with a girl whom I suspect to have been younger, yet I'll tell you she was more mature than some of the older ones. I guess it is even more a cultural thing than a gender issue.
Well I was in for a serious relationship, nothing sexual.

If I wanted sex...see below. Hot Undergrads+University Bar=Score

Uzique wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

Finray wrote:

Of those slags you pulled yes >.>
Lol they weren't slags. I know them all from uni.
Knowing them from Uni doesn't mean shit . Undergrads are the slaggiest and easiest group of 'em all!
I can haz titanium paancakez?

Lai wrote:

Well, if you're serious with this girl, I don't mean to put you off. However, most times 16 year old girls simply dig older guys because they are older guys
Personally speaking, girls that go after older dudes are very insecure about themselves. They only do it for the status and the show-off.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
^Got dumped for a 19 year old
Hi, I am cybargs girlfriend. Please do NOT listen to any woman advice he gives you guys because HE DOESN'T KNOW SHIT!!! He pisses me off all the time :@ Somebody should be giving him advice on how to be a proper bf

And all you men out there, you will never understand women so stop giving each other advice on it. You all fail. Why can't you guys just ask your female friends for straight up honest and ACCURATE advice?

Unless, of course, you don't have any female friends
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
cybargs got hax'd
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+521|6884|Toronto | Canada

Cybargs wrote:

Hi, I am cybargs girlfriend. Please do NOT listen to any woman advice he gives you guys because HE DOESN'T KNOW SHIT!!! He pisses me off all the time :@ Somebody should be giving him advice on how to be a proper bf

And all you men out there, you will never understand women so stop giving each other advice on it. You all fail. Why can't you guys just ask your female friends for straight up honest and ACCURATE advice?

Unless, of course, you don't have any female friends
+2,187|6714|Mountains of NC

Cybargs wrote:

Hi, I am cybargs girlfriend. Please do NOT listen to any woman advice he gives you guys because HE DOESN'T KNOW SHIT!!! He pisses me off all the time :@ Somebody should be giving him advice on how to be a proper bf

And all you men out there, you will never understand women so stop giving each other advice on it. You all fail. Why can't you guys just ask your female friends for straight up honest and ACCURATE advice?

Unless, of course, you don't have any female friends
Still tim's girlfriend here...

You guys should stop making generalizations about girls. The advice you give you to one another just ends up failing epicly because of these lame and outrageous generalizations. Our personalities and traits differ under the influence of specific cultures, backgrounds, religions, societies... etc. It is complete bullshit to assume that 16 year old females tend to go for way older men- that's a fucked up minority & obviously a phase that they'll grow out of. All the teenage girls I know stick to guys around their age. It's the guys I know that are always out there dating girls that could be sued for child molestation *coughtimandcoughoneofhisexbestfriends* (im allowed to get back at you after finding this appalling shit about you on this forum- remind me again why I'm dating you?)

Oh and...

You know what the problem is with most men? Their egos *cough above cough* are so up there that they will defend themselves no matter how blatantly the evidence says "pull that 10 inch dildo out of your ass because you're fucking wrong".
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black
Back to the kitchen pls. Let the men talk.
+3,611|6766|London, England

Cybargs wrote:

Hi, I am cybargs girlfriend. Please do NOT listen to any woman advice he gives you guys because HE DOESN'T KNOW SHIT!!! He pisses me off all the time :@ Somebody should be giving him advice on how to be a proper bf

And all you men out there, you will never understand women so stop giving each other advice on it. You all fail. Why can't you guys just ask your female friends for straight up honest and ACCURATE advice?

Unless, of course, you don't have any female friends
Are you one of those Chink chicks that love the white guys as Cybargs always talks about, you know, how all you Taiwan chicks love him up because he's half white, and how he's "Not really Asian"

You know, shit like that.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD

Cybargs wrote:

Still tim's girlfriend here...

You guys should stop making generalizations about girls. The advice you give you to one another just ends up failing epicly because of these lame and outrageous generalizations. Our personalities and traits differ under the influence of specific cultures, backgrounds, religions, societies... etc. It is complete bullshit to assume that 16 year old females tend to go for way older men- that's a fucked up minority & obviously a phase that they'll grow out of. All the teenage girls I know stick to guys around their age. It's the guys I know that are always out there dating girls that could be sued for child molestation *coughtimandcoughoneofhisexbestfriends* (im allowed to get back at you after finding this appalling shit about you on this forum- remind me again why I'm dating you?)

Oh and...

You know what the problem is with most men? Their egos *cough above cough* are so up there that they will defend themselves no matter how blatantly the evidence says "pull that 10 inch dildo out of your ass because you're fucking wrong".
$5 says this is just CN pretending to be his girlfriend

edit: and if you really are his girlfriend (and you really do feel 'underappreciated') then why do you stick with him? why do many women stick with men who treat them like shit? answer me that.

Last edited by Hurricane2k9 (2009-08-29 15:21:33)
+1,716|6878|St. Andrews / Oslo

Cybargs wrote:

Still tim's girlfriend here...

You guys should stop making generalizations about girls. The advice you give you to one another just ends up failing epicly because of these lame and outrageous generalizations. Our personalities and traits differ under the influence of specific cultures, backgrounds, religions, societies... etc. It is complete bullshit to assume that 16 year old females tend to go for way older men- that's a fucked up minority & obviously a phase that they'll grow out of. All the teenage girls I know stick to guys around their age. It's the guys I know that are always out there dating girls that could be sued for child molestation *coughtimandcoughoneofhisexbestfriends* (im allowed to get back at you after finding this appalling shit about you on this forum- remind me again why I'm dating you?)

Oh and...

You know what the problem is with most men? Their egos *cough above cough* are so up there that they will defend themselves no matter how blatantly the evidence says "pull that 10 inch dildo out of your ass because you're fucking wrong".
'sif you know anything about picking up girls
No, I am his girlfriend. And no, I'm not one of those retarded local girls that date low-level white guys just because they're white guys (oh herrrooo GI!). I grew up in fucking New Zealand so I've been around white guys ALL my life. I'm dating Cybargs because he's a mix of both of the cultures that I've become accustomed to. And unlike all his ex-gfs/flings/hookups/w.e, I can actually speak, understand, write, read and comprehend ENGLISH!

You want proof that I'm his gf?

Cybargs has fucking terrible grammar.
+1,716|6878|St. Andrews / Oslo

Cybargs wrote:

No, I am his girlfriend. And no, I'm not one of those retarded local girls that date low-level white guys just because they're white guys (oh herrrooo GI!). I grew up in fucking New Zealand so I've been around white guys ALL my life. I'm dating Cybargs because he's a mix of both of the cultures that I've become accustomed to. And unlike all his ex-gfs/flings/hookups/w.e, I can actually speak, understand, write, read and comprehend ENGLISH!

You want proof that I'm his gf?

Cybargs has fucking terrible grammar.
need more proof, can you take a photo?
^ I don't like to get into overly-personal details, but it's because I love him.

Not because he's an asshole, not because he's great at pickup, not because he's an asshole, because after these 10 months of dating him I have... inevitably fallen in love with him. Love does stupid things to women, and men I'm sure.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD
download gay horse porn onto his computer for epic win amirite?
^stop being such a politically correct cunt

and it's 7am in the morning, i'm a girl. I don't do photos at 7 in the morning.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD

Cybargs wrote:

^stop being such a politically correct cunt

and it's 7am in the morning, i'm a girl. I don't do photos at 7 in the morning.
that's a shitty excuse, we don't want to fap to you we just want proof

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

download gay horse porn onto his computer for epic win amirite?
Lol maybe some day... Wonder how many viruses he'll get from that xD
+3,611|6766|London, England
Well my plan to throw him in hot water has failed. Continue, members.

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