Amdi Peter
Okay, so there is this girl that I only know through MSN, we somehow have each others. She's 16 and I'm 17, we just started writing by accident (neither of us could remember from where we know each other).

I showed her a pic of I, and she showed me a pic of her.
Then she asked for my number, and I gave it to her.
We texted for a bit, she didn't really seemed that interested in writing with me.
Then yesterday she texted me.

Her: "Hey ^^"
Me: "Hey ^^"
Her: "haha^^ you're so pretty I wanna have kids with you ^^"

Then I asked if she was being serious, and she said a bit.
Two hours ago I got a text saying "hey" followed with, and I quote,

I, again, asked her if she was serious, and she said it depended on my answer. So to sum it all up, I asked her if she wanted to have kids at 16 with a guy she has never met, and she said, "I know, but you are so pretty, and I don't wanna get old".
Now she's not answering my text, so she has either gone to bed or is refusing to answer me.

What should I do?
Un Moderador

Ask if you want to meet up. Thing is, how do you know it's that girl? Get her webcam or something. A pic is a pic. It's no proof of identity.

Meet up, see what she's like, fuck her. The babies part is up to you.
Amdi Peter
At the first text where she said she wanted to have kids with me and I asked if she was serious, she also said that she probably wouldn't have sex with me because we didn't know each other.
Now she kinda seems obsessed.
Un Moderador

Meet up with her. Jeez. Stop thinking about stupid texts and meet up.

sexting=/=real life hook up. go go go!
+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

Zimmer wrote:

Ask if you want to meet up. Thing is, how do you know it's that girl? Get her webcam or something. A pic is a pic. It's no proof of identity.

Meet up, see what she's like, fuck her. The babies part is up to you.
Make sure you come in her, girls love that.  Warm, smooth liquid, plus she'll get her babies.  Man up and do it.

Last edited by Winston_Churchill (2009-08-14 16:37:18)

Un Moderador

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Make sure you come in her, girls love that.  Warm, smooth liquid, plus she'll get her babies.  Man up and do it.
Yeah, that's the spirit.
I am all that is MOD!

Amdi Peter wrote:

At the first text where she said she wanted to have kids with me and I asked if she was serious, she also said that she probably wouldn't have sex with me because we didn't know each other.
Now she kinda seems obsessed.
You could always pull the sand out of your vagina and call her know, what phones were originally meant for.  Maybe a "Hey, I'm going to call you in a bit, will you be free?".  Talk to her, maybe you will hit it off. 

Asking if she is serious about having kids with you is a little weird though.  It's a joke dude.

Zimmer wrote:

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Make sure you come in her, girls love that.  Warm, smooth liquid, plus she'll get her babies.  Man up and do it.
Yeah, that's the spirit.
What she said. Stop being a bitch and come inside her.
Un Moderador


Amdi Peter wrote:

At the first text where she said she wanted to have kids with me and I asked if she was serious, she also said that she probably wouldn't have sex with me because we didn't know each other.
Now she kinda seems obsessed.
You could always pull the sand out of your vagina and call her know, what phones were originally meant for.  Maybe a "Hey, I'm going to call you in a bit, will you be free?".  Talk to her, maybe you will hit it off. 

Asking if she is serious about having kids with you is a little weird though.  It's a joke dude.
Don't ruin the fun!

It may not be a joke, and you could be BF2s' youngest father in a few days.
Amdi Peter


Asking if she is serious about having kids with you is a little weird though.  It's a joke dude.
Don't be so sure about that. I've met some pretty weird girls in my life.
Ie, one living 200km away from me, who desperately wanted to have sex with me, and her friend, who wanted the same (they even send pics of themselves nude).
Un Moderador

Amdi Peter wrote:


Asking if she is serious about having kids with you is a little weird though.  It's a joke dude.
Don't be so sure about that. I've met some pretty weird girls in my life.
Ie, one living 200km away from me, who desperately wanted to have sex with me, and her friend, who wanted the same (they even send pics of themselves nude).
Wanting to have sex with you is not weird. Well, when I say "you", I mean the general you. Not you you.

Zimmer wrote:

Amdi Peter wrote:


Asking if she is serious about having kids with you is a little weird though.  It's a joke dude.
Don't be so sure about that. I've met some pretty weird girls in my life.
Ie, one living 200km away from me, who desperately wanted to have sex with me, and her friend, who wanted the same (they even send pics of themselves nude).
Wanting to have sex with you is not weird. Well, when I say "you", I mean the general you. Not you you.
Zimmer admit that you're gay.
Amdi Peter

Zimmer wrote:

Amdi Peter wrote:


Asking if she is serious about having kids with you is a little weird though.  It's a joke dude.
Don't be so sure about that. I've met some pretty weird girls in my life.
Ie, one living 200km away from me, who desperately wanted to have sex with me, and her friend, who wanted the same (they even send pics of themselves nude).
Wanting to have sex with you is not weird. Well, when I say "you", I mean the general you. Not you you.
We were 13 years old..

Amdi Peter wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

Amdi Peter wrote:

Don't be so sure about that. I've met some pretty weird girls in my life.
Ie, one living 200km away from me, who desperately wanted to have sex with me, and her friend, who wanted the same (they even send pics of themselves nude).
Wanting to have sex with you is not weird. Well, when I say "you", I mean the general you. Not you you.
We were 13 years old..
Drop your fucking balls already. Just do it.
+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

Cybargs wrote:

Just do it.
You forgot the √

Cybargs wrote:

Amdi Peter wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

Wanting to have sex with you is not weird. Well, when I say "you", I mean the general you. Not you you.
We were 13 years old..
Drop your fucking balls already. Just do it √.
Little BaBy JESUS
First, Confirm she isn't actually a 40 year old man.
Second, (assuming that she isn't a 40 year old man) ask yourself, "Is she hot".
Third, Fuck her.

Last edited by Little BaBy JESUS (2009-08-14 18:37:13)

Girls are worth nothing more than carnal ejaculation and booty calls.

If you take it any more seriously than that, you're a fucking worm.

Trust me... been there.

Fuck bitches, nothing more.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

Uzique wrote:

Girls are worth nothing more than carnal ejaculation and booty calls.

If you take it any more seriously than that, you're a fucking worm.

Trust me... been there.

Fuck bitches, nothing more.
I assume things didnt go well with your girlfriend then?
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North

Uzique wrote:

Girls are worth nothing more than carnal ejaculation and booty calls.

If you take it any more seriously than that, you're a fucking worm.

Trust me... been there.

Fuck bitches, nothing more.
so i'm guessing the unstable girl got the boot?
+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

Uzique wrote:

the unstable girl can fuck off; im still living with her but personally i hope she develops a heroin addiction and fucks off.

i still love her but that's just an overhanging emotional inconvenience; she's fucked up and isnt worth the self-degrading, mindfucking hassle.
So are you two still together or is it going to be a drunk hookup only type of thing?
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
well at least her ginger fuck friend is happy? lol

and no they're not worth the time/hassle
Red Forman

Uzique wrote:

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Uzique wrote:

the unstable girl can fuck off; im still living with her but personally i hope she develops a heroin addiction and fucks off.

i still love her but that's just an overhanging emotional inconvenience; she's fucked up and isnt worth the self-degrading, mindfucking hassle.
So are you two still together or is it going to be a drunk hookup only type of thing?
confirmedly not together and would take a helluva lot of absinthe to provoke a drunken hookup.

all the good feelings are still there but a lot of bitterness, spite and negativity arising from being the victim of selfishness and inconsideracy hangs over me. lots of other booty calls and hassle-free hookups; the tolerance, understand and patience with her emotional/mental baggage ran out a looong time ago. im 20 years old; fuck bitches, have fun, they're never worth it and certainly never appreciate it.
small penis prolly.  bet she is banging a big black dude.
Wiki Contributor

fuck bitches, get money

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