
I'm single \o/
Amdi Peter

Lai wrote:

I found out by accident a couple of weeks ago, while copying some adressess, that the girl I haven't seen for a year and didn't reply to my emails, might not have done so because I omitted a . in her email adress. She might have never gotten any email of me, while all her friends did. I felt like epic fail the whole day, and frankly I still do. I can still try and sent her a new email, but a year,..

Please all call me epic fail. Honestly, it will make me feel better.
Fail (j/k)

That is so bad luck mate!

Lai wrote:

I found out by accident a couple of weeks ago, while copying some adressess, that the girl I haven't seen for a year and didn't reply to my emails, might not have done so because I omitted a . in her email adress. She might have never gotten any email of me, while all her friends did. I felt like epic fail the whole day, and frankly I still do. I can still try and sent her a new email, but a year,..

Please all call me epic fail. Honestly, it will make me feel better.
I'm calling you an epic fail, but not for the reason you'd like... because you only communicate with your romantic girlfriends via email?

Drifting out of touch - give them a phone-call for fuck's sake, incompetent much?
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
lolerskates, that is a pretty epic fail
Amdi Peter

Lai wrote:

Uzique wrote:

Lai wrote:

I found out by accident a couple of weeks ago, while copying some adressess, that the girl I haven't seen for a year and didn't reply to my emails, might not have done so because I omitted a . in her email adress. She might have never gotten any email of me, while all her friends did. I felt like epic fail the whole day, and frankly I still do. I can still try and sent her a new email, but a year,..

Please all call me epic fail. Honestly, it will make me feel better.
I'm calling you an epic fail, but not for the reason you'd like... because you only communicate with your romantic girlfriends via email?

Drifting out of touch - give them a phone-call for fuck's sake, incompetent much?
Giving her a call wouldn't do much good since she doesn't speak a word of Dutch, English, French, German or any other language I can get around with and tbh my Russian is a little rusty. If I see her face to face, I can get around this by just using all possible languages simultaneously and using non verbal communication like waving with my arms and legs, but that is also a big no no since she lives thousands of miles away in the mountains. Hence I resort to email, allowing me to compose semi fluent sentences using dictionaries.
She's russian?!

God you're lucky!
+139|5572|Dublin, Ireland
I was with a hawt girl in a club in Drogehda last night -

Got her number, but have no credit.

What should I do BF2s?
+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

Oisín<3 wrote:

I was with a hawt girl in a club in Drogehda last night -

Got her number, but have no credit.

What should I do BF2s?
Three days rule

Amdi Peter

Oisín<3 wrote:

I was with a hawt girl in a club in Drogehda last night -

Got her number, but have no credit.

What should I do BF2s?
Borrow a phone, text her and tell you've got no credit.

Oisín<3 wrote:

I was with a hawt girl in a club in Drogehda last night -

Got her number, but have no credit.

What should I do BF2s?
Get a Fucking Job.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North

S3v3N wrote:

Oisín<3 wrote:

I was with a hawt girl in a club in Drogehda last night -

Got her number, but have no credit.

What should I do BF2s?
Get a Fucking Job.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Oisín<3 wrote:

I was with a hawt girl in a club in Drogehda last night -

Got her number, but have no credit.

What should I do BF2s?
get credit, but don't tell her that was the cause of the delay.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

Mekstizzle wrote:

Depends on the girl, you can't just treat them all like shit and do stupid stuff. Only stupid girls like that sort of stupid stuff, trust me. Obviously you can't be too much of a lamo with anyone though. Things need to be kept interesting

It's still pretty dumb to say treat her like shit, insult her and do things that piss her off, even I know that's terrible advice.
I always piss my girlfriend off by teasing and jokily insulting her, but I've always been a dickhead and she knows it, she just appreciates it more when I compliment her and occasionally bend over backwards doing stupid shit that she wants to do.

If you're confident enough socially, can pick up on cues and have a good sense of humour you can "treat her like shit" and still be a great boyfriend, and have a great relationship, it's not all about making her miserable.

I couldn't be with a girl who can't take being teased or pranked, that would be so boring.
Meow :3 :3
mmmk so last month i hook up with someone who i was seeing a few years ago but havent seen her since.  We lost our virginities to eachother while drunk when we hooked up last month and we kinda had a thing i guess for a few weeks but realised it was stupid since i'm leaving for school on september 2nd but it worked out because i didnt like her all that much as someone to date, just a friend.  now im into her friend and shes into me but heres the thing:

if i hook up with her friend then she says she wont want to hang out with us (our group of friends) because she is still not over me.  i actually like her friend though, much more than i liked her.  I can either hook up with said friend and loose a friend, or i can not hook up with her and just be friends with her and keep the other friend.  I am leaving for university in 2.5 weeks so keep that in mind.

I pretty well know i cant be anything more than friends with her because i have so little time left and its not worth all the drama but it sucks because i havent like someone as much as her before so it sucks that i cant even spend a little time with her before i go

CanadianLoser wrote:

i have so little time left
what do you value? my wife and i are friends, after sixteen years of marriage. i'm not saying anything about any of your relationships, i'm saying ask yourself "do i value my time?" "do i value my friendships?" "do i value knocking off a quick one before i go?"

the last is as valid as the first or second. just be honest with yourself first, be honest with whomever, and realize you don't have ' a little time' you've got your uni years ahead.
and alot of partying, as i remember mine . . .
+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

Trust me, everything changes after university, especially first year.  Go for this girl if you want her, your friend will forgive you.
+786|6266|Ontario | Canada
Just bone her lol

CanadianLoser wrote:

i actually like her friend though, much more than i liked her.
Imo if you can asign different "levels of liking" to each of them, you don't really like either of them. Considering the I'm flying away argument goes just as well for her friend as for her, I wouldn't bother going after her friend. If you just want a fuckbuddy, pick someone outside of the group and everyone will be happy.

Don't expect too much from Uni. It might be great, but it might also suck balls. It is a personal thing and you can't really know how it will turn out.
Just do it. The other girl will get over you after a year at university and probably won't even remember why she was mad at you.
Without all the bullshit when you call your exgirlfriend out of boredom and she doesn't pick up and the next day she calls you while using the bathroom at work and you talk for a second and you ask her what has she been up and she says "just a lot of drinking and some other stuff you probably don't want to hear about" now considering the female mind that means without a doubt fucking every dude she can or does that mean you really don't want to hear my bullshit?

i don't know.

Macbeth wrote: … s_630x.jpg
Without all the bullshit when you call your exgirlfriend out of boredom and she doesn't pick up and the next day she calls you while using the bathroom at work and you talk for a second and you ask her what has she been up and she says "just a lot of drinking and some other stuff you probably don't want to hear about" now considering the female mind that means without a doubt fucking every dude she can or does that mean you really don't want to hear my bullshit?

i don't know.
It means she's playing mind games, ignore it, it's probably all bullshit unless you happen to know she's a gigantic whore.

ghettoperson wrote:

It means she's playing mind games, ignore it, it's probably all bullshit unless you happen to know she's a gigantic Vietnamese whore.

ghettoperson wrote:

Macbeth wrote: … s_630x.jpg
Without all the bullshit when you call your exgirlfriend out of boredom and she doesn't pick up and the next day she calls you while using the bathroom at work and you talk for a second and you ask her what has she been up and she says "just a lot of drinking and some other stuff you probably don't want to hear about" now considering the female mind that means without a doubt fucking every dude she can or does that mean you really don't want to hear my bullshit?

i don't know.
It means she's playing mind games, ignore it, it's probably all bullshit unless you happen to know she's a gigantic whore.
eh fuck.
One more question when you go to your other exgirlfriend the one before this one to drop something off that she left at your place awhile ago and you don't stick around for very long and she calls you a few hours later asking you why didn't you stay for longer what does that mean?

That she wants your dick.

I wouldn't hook up with an ex though, always struck me as being a bit complicated. There are only two reasons why you would do so. Breast. Implants.

ghettoperson wrote:

That she wants your dick.

I wouldn't hook up with an ex though, always struck me as being a bit complicated. There are only two reasons why you would do so. Breast. Implants.
Ok sorry but one last question, now considering you are transferring colleges should you A. Cut off all the women you used to mess around with back at that old college or in HS and go after the new womenz at your new college. or B. Or try to keep an even balance between your old ones and any possible new ones?
Did someone say tea?
+112|6381|S.A. Australia

Macbeth wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

That she wants your dick.

I wouldn't hook up with an ex though, always struck me as being a bit complicated. There are only two reasons why you would do so. Breast. Implants. … 54zcnc.jpg
Ok sorry but one last question, now considering you are transferring colleges should you A. Cut off all the women you used to mess around with back at that old college or in HS and go after the new womenz at your new college. or B. Or try to keep an even balance between your old ones and any possible new ones?
Heres an idea, rather than posting every single little issue on here, go and live your own life for once.  Make mistakes, learn lessons...dont just come on here seeking advice on such trivial issues because you're afraid of doing something wrong.

Serious Flex

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