friend zone doesnt exist

O M G jake! Thats so not true! She's saving herself until she's married to sh1fty, because thats what real American teen girls do!Jaekus wrote:
Borrow a car, or hire one even if it's such a big deal. Or find another girl.Mutantbear wrote:
no car no girl. You arent going to get a girl far away without a car.
stop looking for a way to get a girl without a car, just get a car
His tactic at the moment is to save up money, buy a car and then ask this girl out. By the time that happens she could've banged a few dudes and be in a six month relationship with one of them. Just a waste of time, and it's doing it backwards. He'll be in friendzone way before then; generally the longer you wait the lesser your chances are.
Wrong, you gotta get it from HERSELF.-Sh1fty- wrote:
Get her number? Well I do know one of her co-workers and added her on FB so maybe I can ask that chick if she has the girl's # I like.
lol yes it doesMutantbear wrote:
friend zone doesnt exist
Yeah. Guy is nice because he likes the girl, girl thinks "wow, this guy is nice. But I don't really feel attraction for him". Then when the guy tells her how he feels / asks her out / tries to make a move, the girl is like "you're a really nice guy and I'm sure there's someone out there for you".twoblacklines wrote:
Most usually the women want to be friends because there is no attraction.
She knows hes workin hard for her. Sure is a good thing I had a car to pick up girls, otherwise I would still be a virgin...Kampframmer wrote:
O M G jake! Thats so not true! She's saving herself until she's married to sh1fty, because thats what real American teen girls do!Jaekus wrote:
Borrow a car, or hire one even if it's such a big deal. Or find another girl.Mutantbear wrote:
no car no girl. You arent going to get a girl far away without a car.
stop looking for a way to get a girl without a car, just get a car
His tactic at the moment is to save up money, buy a car and then ask this girl out. By the time that happens she could've banged a few dudes and be in a six month relationship with one of them. Just a waste of time, and it's doing it backwards. He'll be in friendzone way before then; generally the longer you wait the lesser your chances are.
Last edited by -Whiteroom- (2012-01-16 14:12:56)
Well Ken, to get you up to speed here, I was explaining to him that if he has his sights on this girl he either better find an alternative to buying a car that I've already suggested, or find another a girl to fawn over and post about.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Do you guys not realize the availability of mass transit and suburban/urban sprawl may play a factor in the need for a car? What works in one city/state/country might not work in another. I know, it's a difficult concept to grasp, but one would think after 2 pages of various people saying he probably needs a car in southern California it would sink in.
You may not karma the same person in a 24 hour period.Jaekus wrote:
Well Ken, to get you up to speed here, I was explaining to him that if he has his sights on this girl he either better find an alternative to buying a car that I've already suggested, or find another a girl to fawn over and post about.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Do you guys not realize the availability of mass transit and suburban/urban sprawl may play a factor in the need for a car? What works in one city/state/country might not work in another. I know, it's a difficult concept to grasp, but one would think after 2 pages of various people saying he probably needs a car in southern California it would sink in.
I know, it's a difficult concept to grasp, but one would think after 2 pages of me saying he probably needs a to find an alternative to buying car in southern California as it would take him months from the information he's providing it would sink in.
I don't recall what he was saying eitherKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Huh, thought I read through the last ten pages or so and didn't see any alternative advice. Thought I was up to date but I guess I missed it. Fair enough
Huh, thought I read through the last ten pages or so and didn't see any alternative advice. Thought I was up to date but I guess I missed it. Fair enough
Short version: If you don't own a car then get a car ASAP either by borrowing or whatever legal means; if that isn't possible then find a girl closer to your area where you aren't reliant on transport.Jaekus wrote:
Borrow a car, or hire one even if it's such a big deal. Or find another girl.
His tactic at the moment is to save up money, buy a car and then ask this girl out. By the time that happens she could've banged a few dudes and be in a six month relationship with one of them. Just a waste of time, and it's doing it backwards. He'll be in friendzone way before then; generally the longer you wait the lesser your chances are.
Not what you said here, 14 minutes ago:-Sh1fty- wrote:
Well right now I'm working on the borrowing part and buying part. So it's not like I'm not taking your advice.
I rest my case.-Sh1fty-, in the GM thread in DST wrote:
It's not going to be my first car. How many times do I have to say that?! I said that I could have afforded it when you guys said I couldn't, but that was assuming I had taken a different path a few months ago, and I mentioned pages back that my first car is probably going to be this Ford Focus for 3.5k that I found nearby. If I can get into the military within the next few months I won't even get a car.rdx-fx wrote:
I'm not much into SchadenfreudeUnkleRukus wrote:
Let shifty make the poor decision. At least he will learn from the mistake of buying a 8000$ car at his age.
Oh man don't ask me thatJaekus wrote:
How are you going to ask her out, ie. what are you going to say?