ghettoperson wrote:
tuckergustav wrote:
I guess I never understood why guys would want to deal with those silly games. You guys sure do put up with a lot of dumb shit just for the remote possibility for a little somethin somethin.
It's nice you can see it for what it us. Unfortunately, we don't really have a lot of choice unless we want to be foreveralone.
We don't want to deal with it, we don't want to play games. Most guys are far too simple minded to want that (in a good way)... but we have to if we want to keep the girl interested.
I've asked hundreds of random women (I do it for fun in bars and clubs) what their thoughts are on "who texts first" and other shit like this... and it's ALWAYS the same answer. To the "who texts first" it's always "The guy. Always. We never text first and if he doesn't text we don't text him, it makes us look desperate."
I mean.
It's mind boggling, but that's how girls work in this current society, and it's sad to see it that way. Girls have only ever said they text first if they're officially in a relationship, but a build up to that they never do. It's fucking basic communication, but for girls it's a game.
Welcome to our world.