Veritas et Scientia
+444|6276|North Tonawanda, NY

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Pug wrote:

I thought this would be a good spot to ask this.

Wall of text time

Everything is ok with me (gift exchange.
Give her a pacifier and tell her to shut the fuck up....

No, actually it's easier than that.  Just don't invite her over.  Ever.  Tell your brother how you feel.  He needs to regulate or vacate.  Be tactful though.  Take a stand.  I did.  I didn't marry my wife's parents or her family, let alone my brother's wife.  It's your house.  Go on and prep your kids.  Especially if you haven't laid the smack down yet.  At their age they'll get it. "Now honey, you know daddy loves his family -but we need to talk about your aunt mcbitchy.  She's nuts.  Whatever she says we just feel sorry for her.  Her brain is sick and it makes her say mean things.  I know it's crazy but that how her god made her.  It's our secret thought  -for she'll throw the biggest hissy fit you've ever seen if she find out that you know about her.  Our secret."   Your kids are yours.  Mold them.
This is probably the best thing you can do. 

I hate dealing with intra-family conflict.  I've had far too much of it this year, and it's always worse during the holiday season.  Bleh!
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6688|Texas - Bigger than France

Today, went over to parents'-in-laws house.  In attendance, my parents (Mom's been sick, missed a trip so they came down), wife, my kids, sister-in-law and her two kids, grandmother-in-law, brother-in-law #2, and brother-in-law with bitch and her kid in tow.

Xmas dinner is at 5:30.  Brother-in-law and bitch show up around 2:30, sit around.  Bitch asks for one of my wife's famous cosmos.  She tells everyone in the room it's too strong, multiple times.  My wife tells her to put more cranberry juice in it.  Her response: doesn't drink it, leaves it for someone else to clean up.

My wife got her hair lengthened this week.  Bitch didn't notice.  I don't really care about her not noticing, but my wife did (why I have no idea why, since she could care less anyway...but little things add up).  Finally the wife says "like my hair?"  She says something like, "well, it's long".

Bitch and bro-in-law decided they are going to see a movie tonight.  Announce at 4:45 they are going to have to change clothes, since bro-in-law is still in his sleeping clothes (he wasn't).  He's told by his mom that everything is casual and they don't have to change.  In actuality, it was a cover story so they can buy tickets early.  So they leave.  Xmas dinner is delayed by 20 mins waiting for them to get back, for the third year in a row.  I tell him "I think its awesome you guys sat on your ass for two hours and then decide to have everyone wait to eat dinner.  I hope nothing is burnt."

Sit down for dinner, bitch complains about the burnt rolls, while they are the only ones that didn't help with dinner.  Plus we had three starving kids melt down before dinner. Nice.

Dinner topic (with kids at the table) chaired by the bitch - discussion on how birth control is considered abortion by the Catholic church (not true) and therefore it's a sin.  She did about three minutes before I cut her off, explaining the topic wasn't appropriate at family dinner, even without kids present.  Started by telling her "filter...filter....filter...." and then explained.

Yeah, small crap like that.  This is pretty typical...

As far as the advice, you guys are right, but it's falling on deaf ears.  We tell him, and he shrugs it off...afterall it's not a big deal according to him.  I need a new strategy, because they aren't listening.  The only option I see is to avoid the dinners, but then we have to entertain the family separately, which won't last very long.  We've also taken a stand...he doesn't see it as a problem, so nothing happens.  So our new tact is to make it uncomfortable for them as possible but calling them out on every problem that arises.

When we have a family event, we only invite the parents.  The problem is my in-laws end up inviting the rest of the family without us knowing.  Whenever it happens (aka every fucking time) I tell my father-in-law that they weren't invited.  Always its "oh, didn't know, I thought everyone was coming".  My father-in-law is oblivious.

As far as my kids go, they are too young to explain the difference between a shitty or good comment.  It's coming from an adult, which they take as law at that age.  Yesterday I explained to my son that bitch isn't part of the family, and why.  He didn't quite get it (unspoken but I could tell he was thinking "well they are at every family dinner....").  Plus the problem is her daughter goes to the same school so she's airing my kids' dirty laundry (according to the bitch's opinion).  Imagine you are five or six, and your classmates are asking why you've been held back (which they haven't) or you are different because you weren't breastfed...when you don't even understand either concept.  Do you want your kids being taught about breast feeding when they are five?

I'm just thankful the ring didn't come in a package under the family tree...he's the kind of guy who would "share" this event with the family.  The only positive about that would have been seeing everyone's reaction and laughing about it later with the wife.

But it was a good Xmas...although the interaction was about the same.  We have another family event tomorrow...yay.

Last edited by Pug (2009-12-25 22:30:01)


Pug wrote:


Today, went over to parents'-in-laws house.  In attendance, my parents (Mom's been sick, missed a trip so they came down), wife, my kids, sister-in-law and her two kids, grandmother-in-law, brother-in-law #2, and brother-in-law with bitch and her kid in tow.

Xmas dinner is at 5:30.  Brother-in-law and bitch show up around 2:30, sit around.  Bitch asks for one of my wife's famous cosmos.  She tells everyone in the room it's too strong, multiple times.  My wife tells her to put more cranberry juice in it.  Her response: doesn't drink it, leaves it for someone else to clean up.

My wife got her hair lengthened this week.  Bitch didn't notice.  I don't really care about her not noticing, but my wife did (why I have no idea why, since she could care less anyway...but little things add up).  Finally the wife says "like my hair?"  She says something like, "well, it's long".

Bitch and bro-in-law decided they are going to see a movie tonight.  Announce at 4:45 they are going to have to change clothes, since bro-in-law is still in his sleeping clothes (he wasn't).  He's told by his mom that everything is casual and they don't have to change.  In actuality, it was a cover story so they can buy tickets early.  So they leave.  Xmas dinner is delayed by 20 mins waiting for them to get back, for the third year in a row.  I tell him "I think its awesome you guys sat on your ass for two hours and then decide to have everyone wait to eat dinner.  I hope nothing is burnt."

Sit down for dinner, bitch complains about the burnt rolls, while they are the only ones that didn't help with dinner.  Plus we had three starving kids melt down before dinner. Nice.

Dinner topic (with kids at the table) chaired by the bitch - discussion on how birth control is considered abortion by the Catholic church (not true) and therefore it's a sin.  She did about three minutes before I cut her off, explaining the topic wasn't appropriate at family dinner, even without kids present.  Started by telling her "filter...filter....filter...." and then explained.

Yeah, small crap like that.  This is pretty typical...

As far as the advice, you guys are right, but it's falling on deaf ears.  We tell him, and he shrugs it off...afterall it's not a big deal according to him.  I need a new strategy, because they aren't listening.  The only option I see is to avoid the dinners, but then we have to entertain the family separately, which won't last very long.  We've also taken a stand...he doesn't see it as a problem, so nothing happens.  So our new tact is to make it uncomfortable for them as possible but calling them out on every problem that arises.

When we have a family event, we only invite the parents.  The problem is my in-laws end up inviting the rest of the family without us knowing.  Whenever it happens (aka every fucking time) I tell my father-in-law that they weren't invited.  Always its "oh, didn't know, I thought everyone was coming".  My father-in-law is oblivious.

As far as my kids go, they are too young to explain the difference between a shitty or good comment.  It's coming from an adult, which they take as law at that age.  Yesterday I explained to my son that bitch isn't part of the family, and why.  He didn't quite get it (unspoken but I could tell he was thinking "well they are at every family dinner....").  Plus the problem is her daughter goes to the same school so she's airing my kids' dirty laundry (according to the bitch's opinion).  Imagine you are five or six, and your classmates are asking why you've been held back (which they haven't) or you are different because you weren't breastfed...when you don't even understand either concept.  Do you want your kids being taught about breast feeding when they are five?

I'm just thankful the ring didn't come in a package under the family tree...he's the kind of guy who would "share" this event with the family.  The only positive about that would have been seeing everyone's reaction and laughing about it later with the wife.

But it was a good Xmas...although the interaction was about the same.  We have another family event tomorrow...yay.
I would talk to your parents in law if I were you, it's probably easier to get them to quit inviting the bitch over than to get your brother in law to dump the bitch. You've probably already tried, but you should try again. Talking from experience here

Pug wrote:

I call the bitch up and ask how come her kid is talking about my kids.  She explains "We are open about everything".  At which point I say, "That's fine, but I don't think it's appropriate for that age.
Well, I don't agree with you on that. I was raised pretty 'open' as well. Then again I was also raised with a sense of diplomacy, so I never pulled something stupid as the bitches kids do. I had a friend whose father I knew to have a bunch of other kids with some other women in another country. He still thought his mum and dad were happily ever after, so I kept my mouth shut about it.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
bitches be lyin

that is all
Looking for my Scooper

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

sheesh women have such double standards

Let's say my girlfriend and I are watching a movie. Guy comes on screen. She says he's hot. I'm supposed to grin and bear it.

Girl comes on screen. I say she's hot. She gives me a glaring look.

So true. So annoying. My girlfriend calls actors/singers/whatever/ hot all the time, and I am supposed to accept that, however when I call a specific person hot I get the glare.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5934|Catherine Black
I'm allowed to call women hot.......... so long as Jenni agrees. If not, there'd be hell to pay.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6688|Texas - Bigger than France

Lai wrote:

Pug wrote:

I call the bitch up and ask how come her kid is talking about my kids.  She explains "We are open about everything".  At which point I say, "That's fine, but I don't think it's appropriate for that age.
Well, I don't agree with you on that. I was raised pretty 'open' as well. Then again I was also raised with a sense of diplomacy, so I never pulled something stupid as the bitches kids do. I had a friend whose father I knew to have a bunch of other kids with some other women in another country. He still thought his mum and dad were happily ever after, so I kept my mouth shut about it.
I don't have a problem if she's open with her kids.  I don't have a problem if her kid decides to talk with other kids about adult topics.  I do have a problem if the kid puts the problem to a name, and then discusses the problem with the person it impacts, especially when it's not true.

Now, I called the mom, and she doesn't agree or see a problem because the discussion was meant to educate her own child.  When I tell her her daughter has been telling her classmates that my kids are "unnatural in the eyes of God" because they have been bottle fed, she says she's just trying to be completely open with her kid. 

I'm pretty sure she didn't sit her kid down and tell her not to talk about this stuff at school after my phone call.  She thought I was crazy, because it's within her right to instill her POV in her kid.

So my options in that situation is to piss off the Mom by proving her wrong by debating her kid (yay, parenting someone else's kid) or let it go because the damage is already done.  So we gave the shot across the bow and overreact when it reoccurs...reinforcing the error.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5847|College Park, MD
How do I make my girlfriend's vagina smell better? It's not putrid, but it doesn't smell wonderful either. I'm not sure what it smells like to be frank... almost like sweat, honestly. I'm incredibly hesitant to go down on her because of it.
Un Moderador

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

How do I make my girlfriend's vagina smell better? It's not putrid, but it doesn't smell wonderful either. I'm not sure what it smells like to be frank... almost like sweat, honestly. I'm incredibly hesitant to go down on her because of it.
Fuck that made me laugh so hard.

She's willing to go down on you, make the same sacrifice. Don't be a douche.

Also, pussy mints... lulz.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
get her to shower right before

i'm sure your balls don't smell much better lols
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6683|Long Island, New York

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

How do I make my girlfriend's vagina smell better? It's not putrid, but it doesn't smell wonderful either. I'm not sure what it smells like to be frank... almost like sweat, honestly. I'm incredibly hesitant to go down on her because of it.
hah, I lucked out with my ex. Hers always tasted amazing.

My friend with benefits, well... almost like rubber. Gross.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North

Zimmer wrote:

Don't be a douche.
douches aren't always a bad thing

rubber? what kind of rubber?

krazed wrote:

rubber? what kind of rubber?
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
those are latex

oh, sorry - it's what i thought when i heard 'rubber'.

i'm going . . .
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6683|Long Island, New York
Dental Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
Like I fucking care
OMG just buttfuck all of them till they bleed on your penis.  Then tell them you has AIDS.  No more girl problems. 

butsecks feelz good
be nice
+2,646|6599|The Twilight Zone


butsecks feelz good
I'm sure you know all about it...
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6768|Little Bentcock

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

How do I make my girlfriend's vagina smell better? It's not putrid, but it doesn't smell wonderful either. I'm not sure what it smells like to be frank... almost like sweat, honestly. I'm incredibly hesitant to go down on her because of it.
If you've been out all day tell her to have a shower first?
Un Moderador

Right, ok.

So basically I don't know what I should do with my Ex. There's two options - I either communicate with her when she communicates with me, or never text back and never reply to anything she has to say.

Background story -
Broke up 1.5 months ago, she broke up with me by text.
She then expected my to keep being best friends with her, not giving me any time to recover.
Proceeded to tell me her best friend kissed her the night after we broke up when I went to see her.
I bought her Paramore tickets as a promise - All I got was a "thanks" - When she went down to see them, I never got a text about how good they were or anything. We were meant to go together, but I got an FB message a week before saying something along the lines of "you don't NEED to take me anymore, I'm gonna take my best friend (girl) with me to rekindle old bonds".
- From this, I tell her I'm glad that it's the last thing in her life I do and that it will be something she remembers forever
   - I get a text back saying "YOU ARE the one making this the last thing in my life" , as if accusing me of being the distant one.
     - So I text back saying "I'll always be there etc etc". Nothing much was said afterwards.
I send her Xmas cards (primarily because I needed to thank the parents for being such fantastic people at times, and they were like family at times). I got a text back with something along the lines of "weird and stupid. I'm not wearing rose tinted glasses anymore, I've moved on." I found that a bit weird when she was the one that got angry at me for moving away. She got passive aggressive and all that shit. I said "ok" and moved on.

*Please note* That throughout all this happening, I never felt bitter or angry or annoyed. It's not in my nature to feel that way, and I'm sure she had her reasons for it all, not that I'll ever know them, but this isn't a "bitch about my ex" post, this is a genuine "this is what happened, down to the exact detail" post.

So then I get a totally random text a few days after Xmas (she also sent me an Xmas text) telling me I should go watch this movie because she cried in it, smiley faces etc. I don't reply. I don't because I feel she's now truly toying with me.

So then I get bottled at New Years, and she comes on at 1:20am and start an FB conversation asking me if I'm okay and all that. I don't reply.

Now, for both these actions, I feel like I've gone against my own code. I feel terrible for not communicating back with her, truly sick terrible. But was it the right thing to do? I feel as if she doesn't want me to ever make a move at friendship again, but she thinks it's okay to keep dangling me whenever she wants and communicating. If you had read the texts after the Xmas cards, you would have thought she wanted absolutely nothing to do with anymore - Which is totally fine, it's not my business to know why - but now this?

What do I do? Do I communicate or do I simply never reply. The general consensus from all my girl friends is I never reply, because she wants to hold on and doesn't know how to do it, so she's just toying with the idea. I don't know though, I feel like a right douchebag doing this.

A bit of detail - She lives quite a bit away (25 minutes by car) so our paths never cross. It's not as if I bump into her in the street.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6768|Little Bentcock
Reply, keep it short, to the point. Make sure she knows that you aren't there just to be strung along because she doesn't know what to do.
I'd have said don't reply for at least a month, letting you get each other out of your systems properly. Then after that if you have to, talk to her.

EDIT- But talk to her like Adam said

Last edited by JakAttaK (2010-01-03 04:17:45)

Never regret anything that ever made you smile.
if she starts crying about how bad she feels and all that crap, ignore it.
if it's just normal everyday conversation like "how are you", then reply but as adams said:

Adams_BJ wrote:

Reply, keep it short, to the point. Make sure she knows that you aren't there just to be strung along because she doesn't know what to do.
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.

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