+0|7105|Omaha, Nebraska

SharkyMcshark wrote:

TehSeraphim wrote:

Who are you to demean the lives of 8 other people because this one girl has some sort of corrolation to you?  Each one of these people have families and people who love them, and just because someone might be of a different nationality it does not make them and their lives any more or less valuable.  I'm no fucking hippy, but I am going to say that we're all human, and theres truely nothing that divides us except for our own retarded attitudes.

I don't know much about Canada, but if this event caused them to "go to war" or whatever you guys are talking about - I don't see how one girls life would be worth sacrificing thousands of young men.  Does anyone remember Iran and Ronald Reagan's 444 days of hell?  Yeah, he won the Nobel Peace prize for that.

As for extremists - they're never going to get what they want; it's physically impossible to mold the world into how they want it.  For the one girl that may be beheaded is a travisty and an event to mourn, I would not be willing to put up and kill 8 more people who would be turned into glorious martyrs for their extremist friends.  This extremists have no humility about death - they blow themselves up constantly because they know in their minds they will go to some better place.  Would you really be teaching them ANYTHING by executing people?
Wow, great post mate. I agree with TehSeraphim
Me two.  What is this 72 virgin crap they believe.  I am sure they are surprised when they are meeting the fires of hell for killing innocent people

Last edited by DakotaDoc64 (2006-01-23 23:50:03)

Mass Media Casualty

Wow. Lots of flaming going on. I can feel the heat.

However, can't we all settle this by saying that we disagree with people killing people, for whever reason. We disagree with the terrorists killing innocents, we disagree with Americans killing innocents. That's the point we all seem to agree on, the thing that's the argument is if they should kill people.
No, of course they shouldn't kill people, but they are, both sides are, and both sides are fucking up the world through various means and for various reasons. They're valid, sure, but there are other ways to deal with that. It's not a matter of who attacked who first either, one group should be rightious enough to take one on the chin so things don't escallate out of control.

Lets stay away from critisising people's faiths though, tht lead the 'immigration' thread to ruin, and my continuing 'dislike' of xanthpi.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

Jack_Danger wrote:

we have invented/discovered almost all of the almost all of the most useful things ever
It is not part of this topic, sorry for that.
But i would argue with this statement...
Just look after some inventions, that who invented them...
Most of them were not Americans, but people who immigrated to the US from Europe because of the war.
Just to mention some things:

your freakin b-52 bomber
nuclear reactor
landline dispatch center
alternating current (the type of electricity that we use for almost everything now)
the first battery (Daniell battery)
penicillin (the base of most antibiotics)
and so on....
I bet Americans invented vast amounts of useful things too, but get your facts straight...

Last edited by (HUN)Rudebwoy (2006-01-24 16:41:30)

+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA

Krappyappy wrote:

the bitch will get what she deserves.
Krappyappy, I have disagreed with some things you've said on here in the past, but this takes the cake.  You, sir, are a fucking putz!  What did she do to deserve getting kidnapped and possibly beheaded?
So you all think that your above that girl shes going to be executed.. Shame you all [img]http://images.bf2s.com/resources/graphics/ranks/rank_6.gif[/img]

Last edited by kepp! (2006-01-24 09:12:51)

one thing i noticed by reading some of the posts in this thread...

GET ONE THING STRAIGHT... it was the right decision to go into iraq wether or not it was because of the right reasons.. THAT DICKHEAD of Saddam was nessecary to get removed.. anybody saying anything else should read more about the whole history..

but letting the US go in was not the right way to do it.. they shouldnt have been on the ground there at no time but since EU is just a bunch of sorry ass motherfuckers without balls once again the US took over showed they werent afraid..

and im still sure that if it was other forces than the US troops and under controll of EU or another big country it wouldnt be as bad as it is now down there..

FoodNipple101 wrote:

Look frankly bitch. Our country doesnt have to tell anybody shit or why we do it. WE OWN you get over. I mean do you WANt the b2 and f117 over your house. You know the ones that cost more then your fucking queen? Or what. I mean honestly we dont have to answer to shit. WE CAN DO WHAT WE WANT WHEN WE WANT DONT LIKE IT JOIN WHATEVER YOUR SPACE THINGY IS AND LEAVE. O wait you probably dont have one or cant afford one.
Oh My Fucking God. Seems like you have smaller brains than Sponge Bob.
That just proves to me how retarted some Americans can be.
Yes it is true that you could destroy whole world with ur atomic bombs and shit..
But it doesnt mean you own us all. Most of you Americans cant even drive with normal car with no automatic gear on it.
Best wishes to the hostage girl.. Though I dont really give a fuck. You attacked to Afghanistan to kill Osama.. Well did you get him? No. You attacked to Iraq to get oil? Well did you get oil? Yes I think you got some amount.. But in the meanwhile many many Americans died for almost nothing. So once again you got 0wned like in the Vietnam and now you have the hates of many ppl around the world.
I dont like them either but you just cant go and '0wn' them and take their oil resources ''bcos u need them''

Would you send couple of your Princesses of the air over my house.. Havent seen B2 or F117 never in real life
+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA

Festina wrote:

That just proves to me how retarted some Americans can be.
Okay this really irritates the fuck out of me.  Do you think we've got a monopoly on retards?  There are idiots everywhere!  You just proved "how retarted some" PEOPLE "can be."

sapoisk wrote:

but letting the US go in was not the right way to do it.. they shouldnt have been on the ground there at no time but since EU is just a bunch of sorry ass motherfuckers without balls once again the US took over showed they werent afraid..
The EU is an economic and cultural union, not a militaristic one.
The EU had absolutely nothing to do with the whole Iraq scene. (well it does affect the US economically, and through this it affects the EU if that counts, but not much)
I dont think it is about showing who is afraid, and who doesn't (afraid of what anyway?To start a war? The NATO wouldn't be afraid to start a war either, it was just not in it's interest. So no more blame on US and EU and whatever, we all know that anyone would have started it if it  was in their interest)
I dont like when people are pointing fingers at each other, stereotyping each other without reason.
No one is a saint.Hate only the asshole who is leading the country, but dont hate the people.
I want the pink mist
Its sad to hear about the reporter and everything, but I don't see why you're all getting worked up over it.  These kidnappings have been happening in Iraq for how long now? I'm sure she was well aware of the risk and she took it. The generalizations here about how people in that area are all evil and twisted are disgusting. A lot of the other comments are just as disgusting, especially those claims that America owns the world. I, myself, am an American, and quite frankly whenever I see comments like those it embarrases me.  Look at the current state of our country and how much we can't get straight, then make those claims about how we own the world.

Last edited by oJmHo (2006-01-24 16:23:43)


(HUN)Rudebwoy wrote:

Jack_Danger wrote:

we have invented/discovered almost all of the almost all of the most useful things ever
It is not part of this topic, sorry for that.
But i would argue with this statement...
Just look after some inventions, that who invented them...
Most of them were not Americans, but people who immigrated to the US from Europe because of the war.
Just to mention some things:

your freakin b-52 bomber
nuclear reactor
landline dispatch center
alternating current (the type of electricity that we use for almost everything now)
the first battery (Daniell battery)
penicillin (the base of the most antibiotics)
and so on....
I bet Americans invented vast amounts of useful things too, but get your facts straight...
Those people still became American citizens, I never said they were all people that were born and raised in the U.S. and they came here(like I said) in search of a better life, and because they did they could do all those great things that they did. Some of them would/could of been imprisioned, prosecuted, or even killed in their country for their beliefs so they fled here and had the freedom and opportunity to express their ideas and thoughts. By coming here they had more resources and a better environment to work and experiment.

Last edited by Jack_Danger (2006-01-24 17:39:57)

The reason why Adam is making a big deal is because shes from his area if you knew a girl / liked a girl that was being held hostage that you knew / lived in you're area you would make a big deal about it too but for the people that dont know her or care shes just another hostage and theres been tons of those so i guess it "doesnt matter shes just one person etc etc"

Even though shes American and that automaticly makes her evil I dont want her to die but im wondering whats going on you should post Adam and let us know whats up.

and yeah the evil part was a joke well not really but more like a friendly truth
Don't Flame
+20|7057|St. Paul, MN
I've only read a few posts from this thread, but man. It feels like there's gonna be some cyber riot in here, loosen up a bit. It's terrible that this person is likely going to be killed, but there is no reason to start your own little religious/nationalistic war with your fellow man. Now I have never met this girl but still I don't believe she would want us spitting hate and prejudice at each other over her kidnapping. How about instead we tell one another why we're above such vile and inhumane practices and will not give in to fear. Let's not get Islam or Christianity or religion into this. It is not the will of Allah that's killing innocent people.
I want the pink mist

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

The reason why Adam is making a big deal is because shes from his area if you knew a girl / liked a girl that was being held hostage that you knew / lived in you're area you would make a big deal about it too but for the people that dont know her or care shes just another hostage and theres been tons of those so i guess it "doesnt matter shes just one person etc etc"

Even though shes American and that automaticly makes her evil I dont want her to die but im wondering whats going on you should post Adam and let us know whats up.

and yeah the evil part was a joke well not really but more like a friendly truth
Assuming that first part was directed to me. I didn't say it wasn't a big deal, and no she's not just a hostage. My mother's uncle was killed because he was the driver to those Japanese diplomats early on in the war.  The fact that he took it out in such a negative manner is what sparked my reply.
I'll take two
+132|7099|Perth, Western Australia

sapoisk wrote:

one thing i noticed by reading some of the posts in this thread...

GET ONE THING STRAIGHT... it was the right decision to go into iraq wether or not it was because of the right reasons.. THAT DICKHEAD of Saddam was nessecary to get removed.. anybody saying anything else should read more about the whole history..

but letting the US go in was not the right way to do it.. they shouldnt have been on the ground there at no time but since EU is just a bunch of sorry ass motherfuckers without balls once again the US took over showed they werent afraid..

and im still sure that if it was other forces than the US troops and under controll of EU or another big country it wouldnt be as bad as it is now down there..
Were there car bombs and suicide attacks every other day under Saddam? No
Was there running water, and working power? Yes
Did the children have schools to go to? Yes

Now dont get me wrong here. Saddam was one of the baddest bastards in the world, and deserves whats coming to him for his genocide and war crimes. However, it was none of Americas business to be going in to Iraq and deposing him, especially not under the excuse of weapons of mass destruction. Where are these weapons? Have they been hidden in some deek dark underground Dr Evil esque layer? No, the simple answer is that they never existed. The best proof that American and independent intelligence agencies could come up with were a bunch of copper pipes that were said to be suspicious and a phone call, where one guy said to another "move the stuff".

I have noted that it is the standard American patriotic answer to say that they had to show the world that thety could do something and were not pussies (like the EU apparently). The bottom line is that Iraq is the hell hole it is today because of the American invasion.

Oh yes, and on another point most of you would consider yourselves better than terrorists, right? To all those people who say "lets torture and execute the bastards at gunpoint", you should probably remember that what makes us better is the way the we act as opposed to the way they act. So if you do the same that they do, you are no better.

Last edited by SharkyMcshark (2006-01-24 21:05:12)


Jack_Danger wrote:

(HUN)Rudebwoy wrote:

Jack_Danger wrote:

we have invented/discovered almost all of the almost all of the most useful things ever
It is not part of this topic, sorry for that.
But i would argue with this statement...
Just look after some inventions, that who invented them...
Most of them were not Americans, but people who immigrated to the US from Europe because of the war.
Just to mention some things:

your freakin b-52 bomber
nuclear reactor
landline dispatch center
alternating current (the type of electricity that we use for almost everything now)
the first battery (Daniell battery)
penicillin (the base of the most antibiotics)
and so on....
I bet Americans invented vast amounts of useful things too, but get your facts straight...
Those people still became American citizens, I never said they were all people that were born and raised in the U.S. and they came here(like I said) in search of a better life, and because they did they could do all those great things that they did. Some of them would/could of been imprisioned, prosecuted, or even killed in their country for their beliefs so they fled here and had the freedom and opportunity to express their ideas and thoughts. By coming here they had more resources and a better environment to work and experiment.
That's one of the most stupid things I've heard so far.They are American because they spent about 5 years in the States?Because they have a paper that states they are American?
So you think that when you gave the native Americans blankets contaminated with small pox(or whatever, i dont know) it wasn't really you, it was us europeans, but when someone from europe flees to your country and makes huge inventions/discoveries then he/she is an American?What kind of twisted logic is this?!
Man please decide from what point are you really an American!
Yes you had the equipment and the money, bot those British/French/German/Hungarian/Russian etc people had the BRAINS!!!!!!!
Who cares if they didn't do their inventions in their motherland?(So the first landing on the moon was not an american discovery because it was not in America?Yeah Armstrong is a Moon-Dweller!)
Please man dont steal these scientists.These are not American inventions.
by the way an interesting article:

Last edited by (HUN)Rudebwoy (2006-01-25 04:28:26)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

wow...7 pages already...how could I miss this thread ?

what's the update on the hostage situation ? this whole discussion has been getting out of hand lately...
+69|7022|th3 unkn0wn

B.Schuss wrote:

wow...7 pages already...how could I miss this thread ?

what's the update on the hostage situation ? this whole discussion has been getting out of hand lately...
While I haven't got any news about wot's happening to the girl I did hear rumours that (HUN)Rudebwoy is emigrating to America...
Nah, that is not true.
I like it here.
If I have to choose which country to emigrate to, then I would choose Switzerland.
You flaming me or what?
+69|7022|th3 unkn0wn

(HUN)Rudebwoy wrote:

Nah, that is not true.
I like it here.
If I have to choose which country to emigrate to, then I would choose Switzerland.
You flaming me or what?
Chill dude, chill. You're taking things too seriously. I did say "rumours" after all didn't I? I bet if I said that there's a sniper outside your home with a laser sight pointed right at your head you'd believe me too. *(HUN)Rudebwoy turns around to see if it's true....The End*

Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2006-01-25 08:03:04)

+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA

B.Schuss wrote:

wow...7 pages already...how could I miss this thread ?

what's the update on the hostage situation ? this whole discussion has been getting out of hand lately...
The deadline has passed.  The last I heard, a number of muslim groups, etc. were asking the hostage takers to let her go, but I haven't heard anything for a few days.  Does anyone have more recent info?
I've checked it.
There were no sniper outside.Damn you sat me up!It took 3 damned hours to search through the whole forest and question everyone if they saw anyone suspicious!
I'll send a sniper to your house to take you out I swear!
I'm not excusing kidnap and possible cold blooded murder (hopefully it wont come to that for Jill Carroll). I haven't seen any evidence that she doesn't have the interests of the Iraqi people at heart and care about their suffering (unlike a minority of racists in this thread).

But WTF??? They're innocent now? They shouldn't have been held?? Not enough evidence??? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4649714.stm

Another addition to the mountain of evidence, that the short-sighted policy's of the washington neo-cons, is fuelling this war on error (sic) and them-there-darn-terrorists.

On a side line, in our brief history we call people who did similar things for our cuase "patriots and freedom fighters" (yes kidnapped, murdered & butchered 100-k's of innocents). But they were true blue....... right?
Independence, mexican, civil and Injun wars to name a few.

To be hypocrites now cos we're the colonial occupying empire, kinda devalues/make a sham and a lie of our heritage and history.

I for one like what the USA stands for, and wont be joining that particular war.

PS. the only good thing to come out of all this is saddam is out of power, but wouldn't it have been better using the trillions of dollars to get Bin ladle, and smearing him slowly to oblivion (after a genuinely fair trial of course). The change could have been used to build proper levees in NewOrlns, Hospitals to give free basic health care to ALL Americans,

PPS, probably still have some cash left over to buy/influence saddam for national security reasons (oil/power)

PPPS. Why is everybody slagging off Al jiz? Get off the fkn bandwagon. Do you watch it? Did you hear about the hate they're spreading from fox or fox wanabee networks? They don’t do any worse than the rest of the media. In fact most media analysts in the US (right and left) think they’re pretty balanced. They show the bad and good, it's just our media  who choose to inflate the bad (and it's pretty dire in the middle east). If they were that bad, they'd be banned/bombed……... right?!? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/tv_and_radio/4318284.stm        http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,,1590885,00.html

Now howbots we get back to killin stuff online (anyone help with getting my knife badge????)

Last edited by Accidental_Dizcharge (2006-01-27 03:06:33)

If i could go any where right now i'd probably be New Zealand damn that country is beautiful it reminds me of medieval times back then with those big open grass lands (at least i hope its still like that)
+11|7002|Port Elizabeth, South Africa
New Zealand is still like that. Its my home country its rocks. And theres only 4 milion people there.

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