Meow :3 :3

JoshP wrote:
( =^_^= )

JoshP wrote:
Thanks, Captain obvious.

Last edited by HellMilky (2008-10-21 12:27:52)

Eat my bearrrrrrrrrrr, Tonighttt
+163|5859|Vancouver, BC, Canada
IT'S (sorta) OFFICIAL!!!

Today, I got to skip out of first block and stay home because I was "ill", and watching crappy morning tv, I hear this:

"The popular internet meme, Rickrolling, has now spread to life, Rick Astley will be performing on Thursday at the Europe MTV Music Awards! He'll be sharing a stage with the likes of Britney Spears and Mariah Carrey"
(From memory)

So yeah, MTV site doesn't seem to have any new updates, and noone's posted here in 7 days, so I'm assuming they're wrong, but

P.S. This was Breakfast Television on the Vancouver City channel, for the Canadians out thar.
( =^_^= )
That is
Looking for my Scooper
gj interwebs
Missing, Presumed Dead

LOL! Now thats
Support fanatic :-)


6th November cant come soon enough
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+778|5845|London, UK
Hurry up bastard date and time damit
+77|6818|respawn screen
This "rickrolling" thing is the best free promotion an artist can get. All those unsuccessful (but good) musicians out there would be thankful if they get hit by such a thing. He earns a lot of money through all the attention he gets now.

I can't support this.
+319|6534|Southern California

Bratwurstschnecke wrote:

This "rickrolling" thing is the best free promotion an artist can get. All those unsuccessful (but good) musicians out there would be thankful if they get hit by such a thing. He earns a lot of money through all the attention he gets now.

I can't support this.
I dunno about a lot.
He is getting some for performing, but how many people do you know who went and bought one of his cd's after being rick rolled....

Its not like he gets paid for youtube views...
+151|6371|NSW, Australia

well, seeing as its in europeland, <3

it will be the 7th of nov when its played (in aus), hopefully we might get it on tv here in aus? well either way if he plays, it will be on my bday

Last edited by Nappy (2008-10-28 23:42:54)

+947|6653|Gold Coast
Uh hasnt he won yet?
Eat my bearrrrrrrrrrr, Tonighttt
+163|5859|Vancouver, BC, Canada
I won't be on BF2s on the 7th(Most likely)

It's about time I say it, I may or may not make a thread about it tomorrow, but we're moving on Friday, and mom's not getting the internet or TV transferred over because of my totally crappy grades(~60 in ALL classes but PE, so much for UBC )

So yeah, if I find out they;re gonna run them all the way over here, I'll go to a friends house and watch, but I shall be nonexistent on BF2s and Trackr for the next month or 2.

It's decent timing too, following raphi, I was about to do the same thing as him, but couldn't bring myself to it, but my mommy read my mind so I'm getting exiled. So from now on I shall get out more.

BTW, what does one with no friends a little money do without internet?

Tomorrow is (almost) officially my last FULL day on the internet, I shall miss you all, but my life calls.

P.S> Send me some nice PM's to read 2 months from now, send them after the 31st when we officially get booted out of this apartment and I don;t has internet.

P.P.S. I sooo just derailed this thread, again, may make a dedicated one tommorow.

Last edited by TheDonkey (2008-10-29 00:22:22)

Fear is a Leash
+85|6314|New Austin, Not

TheDonkey wrote:

I won't be on BF2s on the 7th(Most likely)

It's about time I say it, I may or may not make a thread about it tomorrow, but we're moving on Friday, and mom's not getting the internet or TV transferred over because of my totally crappy grades(~60 in ALL classes but PE, so much for UBC )
What were you trying to get into? As in program wise at UBC.

Last edited by Rohirm (2008-10-29 00:18:34)

Eat my bearrrrrrrrrrr, Tonighttt
+163|5859|Vancouver, BC, Canada

Rohirm wrote:

TheDonkey wrote:

I won't be on BF2s on the 7th(Most likely)

It's about time I say it, I may or may not make a thread about it tomorrow, but we're moving on Friday, and mom's not getting the internet or TV transferred over because of my totally crappy grades(~60 in ALL classes but PE, so much for UBC )
What were you trying to get into?
Nothing yet, I'm still in 10th grade, but eventually hoping for some form of theatrical Lighting design, I haven't started looking into specific course names yet.
Fear is a Leash
+85|6314|New Austin, Not
Ok, don't worry about your grades for now...however you might still want to make sure you can get into "higher level" high school courses ie pure math 11 (or 20 in Alberta). Those are the requisites to get into 12 (or 30 level) courses that are all important.
When you get into Grade 12, that's when you start pushing for good grades.

I slacked off a lot in grade 10, but i got my act together, and now i'm taking engineering courses at U of C. (I hate it so far...My talents would best be used in Law School tbh...I got a 100 on effective writing on my High school diploma test and 94 in Social studies FFS)

Last edited by Rohirm (2008-10-29 00:30:51)

Eat my bearrrrrrrrrrr, Tonighttt
+163|5859|Vancouver, BC, Canada

Rohirm wrote:

Ok, don't worry about your grades for now...however you might still want to make sure you can get into "higher level" high school courses ie pure math 11 (or 20 in Alberta). Those are the requisites to get into 12 (or 30 level) courses that are all important.
When you get into Grade 12, that's when you start pushing for good grades.
Depends on who you ask >.<

If you ask my mom, universities start looking at grades from 8 (...?!)
If you ask my already graduated friends, they start looking from 10,
If you ask just some random people that I overheard discussing it, they only look from 11.

Either way, I'm in serious need of a reality check on my life so I'm still pcz out.

P.S. We don't label our courses 10 or 20 or 30 level in BC(or in my 2 schools anyways) but I'm assuming you mean getting into what we call "Math Enriched" We have Regular, Essentials, and Enriched.
Fear is a Leash
+85|6314|New Austin, Not
Silly British Columbians and their wacky system.
Most Universities only care about you grade 12 marks...your previous marks are indicators, but if they see that u can be motivated, you're in.
Eat my bearrrrrrrrrrr, Tonighttt
+163|5859|Vancouver, BC, Canada

Anyways, enough threadjacking,

If you has more to share, PM would be nice, I'll make a thread tomorrow.

Sydney wrote:

Paste this in the URL bar on the vote site.


javascript:void(document.body.innerHTML="<big style=color:white>Votes: <span id=v>0</span></big><iframe style=visibility:hidden name=irick onload='document.frick.action=\"htt\"+\"p://!\";document.frick.submit();document.getElementById(\"v\").innerHTML-=-1'></iframe><form name=frick target=irick method=POST><input type=hidden name='fields[category]' value='Best Act Ever'><input type=hidden name='fields[artist]' value='Rick Astley'><input type=hidden name='action[suggestions]' value='Vote'></form>")
Dude.  Nice.  Still not sure how based on the code, but it creates a loop.  I moved this thread to a separate browser window and have 5 tabs open running that script.  30k votes in about 15 minutes.  Nice work.  Gotta say I'm glad for dual core CPUs, though.  Firefox is now eating one whole core on it's own running those. 

I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.  Thanks for the thread and laughs. 

Good luck Mr. Astley.
Lool, can vote as much as you want >_<

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Bratwurstschnecke wrote:

This "rickrolling" thing is the best free promotion an artist can get. All those unsuccessful (but good) musicians out there would be thankful if they get hit by such a thing. He earns a lot of money through all the attention he gets now.

I can't support this.
I dunno about a lot.
He is getting some for performing, but how many people do you know who went and bought one of his cd's after being rick rolled....

Its not like he gets paid for youtube views...
He's a theoretical billionaire according to South Park.
Meow :3 :3

Rohirm wrote:

TheDonkey wrote:

I won't be on BF2s on the 7th(Most likely)

It's about time I say it, I may or may not make a thread about it tomorrow, but we're moving on Friday, and mom's not getting the internet or TV transferred over because of my totally crappy grades(~60 in ALL classes but PE, so much for UBC )
What were you trying to get into? As in program wise at UBC.
*cough*UVic > UBC+UofC*cough
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

TheDonkey wrote:

IT'S (sorta) OFFICIAL!!!

Today, I got to skip out of first block and stay home because I was "ill", and watching crappy morning tv, I hear this:

"The popular internet meme, Rickrolling, has now spread to life, Rick Astley will be performing on Thursday at the Europe MTV Music Awards! He'll be sharing a stage with the likes of Britney Spears and Mariah Carrey"
(From memory)

So yeah, MTV site doesn't seem to have any new updates, and noone's posted here in 7 days, so I'm assuming they're wrong, but

P.S. This was Breakfast Television on the Vancouver City channel, for the Canadians out thar.
Rick has OVER NINE THOUSAND times the talent of those two combined. Travesty that we had to write him in.
Wiki Contributor

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

TheDonkey wrote:

IT'S (sorta) OFFICIAL!!!

Today, I got to skip out of first block and stay home because I was "ill", and watching crappy morning tv, I hear this:

"The popular internet meme, Rickrolling, has now spread to life, Rick Astley will be performing on Thursday at the Europe MTV Music Awards! He'll be sharing a stage with the likes of Britney Spears and Mariah Carrey"
(From memory)

So yeah, MTV site doesn't seem to have any new updates, and noone's posted here in 7 days, so I'm assuming they're wrong, but

P.S. This was Breakfast Television on the Vancouver City channel, for the Canadians out thar.
Rick has OVER NINE THOUSAND times the talent of those two combined. Travesty that we had to write him in.
Britney Spears, but not Mariah Carey

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