
How many million copies will LBP sell?

Less than 152%52% - 55
1-331%31% - 33
3-58%8% - 9
More than 56%6% - 7
Total: 104

jord wrote:

Then I gave up.
oh come on.  i want to share my sack with you
Cowboy from Hell

Zimmer wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Serge, you also realize that arguably the PS3's best title (MGS4) only sold 3.2 million?
The best title not the best seller.
Do you think it's THAT awesome? I mean, come on, calm down on the loving part.

The hype for MGS4 was HUGE. 10x bigger than LBPs hype, and it duly delivered and sold 3.2 million copies, yet you think LBP will raise eyebrows more than MGS4? Yeah, right. Come back down to earth. It will not sell more than 2 million.

You keep wanting to argue this is going to be the best game ever. Why? You have NO evidence. You haven't even played it. You can't judge this game, even with all the gameplay videos. Wait till it comes out and then say something; stop adding more hype to a game that doesn't deserve that much attention.
I hope you won't close the thread just coz you don't agree with me.

Miggle wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

You keep wanting to argue this is going to be the best game ever. Why? You have NO evidence. You haven't even played it. You can't judge this game, even with all the gameplay videos. Wait till it comes out and then say something; stop adding more hype to a game that doesn't deserve that much attention.
He's a mod, it's cool for him to be hyped about Gays of War.

Zimmer wrote:

Miggle wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

You keep wanting to argue this is going to be the best game ever. Why? You have NO evidence. You haven't even played it. You can't judge this game, even with all the gameplay videos. Wait till it comes out and then say something; stop adding more hype to a game that doesn't deserve that much attention.
Never added more hype, just though it looked epic. Note the fact that I kept it to ONE thread. I am quite sure there are more than a few LBP threads already... most of them by Serge boy.
And who the hell are you to tell people what to be hyped for?

Poseidon wrote:

Mek-Stizzle wrote:

lrn 2 search

I love how the people there are basically echoing what I and others here are saying as well. 1-3.
Lol, take a look again.  Those are PS3 owners.  Almost half the people think LBP will sell more than 5M, while half the people here said less than 1M.  That's why I posted it there too.

Last edited by sergeriver (2008-09-14 13:42:23)

Super Awesome Member
Holy quadruple post batman
Say wat!?

jord wrote:

usmarine wrote:

jord wrote:

What I gather you build objects and a creature.
sounds like the sims tbh.  except you have sack people.  lol.  sack people.
I thought it was like Mario on the N64 but without any objectives or storyline.

Then I thought it was like a map creator for any shooter but without any shooting or action.

Then I gave up.
Now use your amazing skills of deduction to figure out its a platformer with a level editor, allowing players to create and share as many levels as they want, thus making this game have pretty much unlimited content.

Why do you think CSS, DOD:S, TF2, Starcraft, Warcarft are all still successful even years after release. Ill give you a hint, level editors.
Cowboy from Hell

Vilham wrote:

jord wrote:

usmarine wrote:

sounds like the sims tbh.  except you have sack people.  lol.  sack people.
I thought it was like Mario on the N64 but without any objectives or storyline.

Then I thought it was like a map creator for any shooter but without any shooting or action.

Then I gave up.
Now use your amazing skills of deduction to figure out its a platformer with a level editor, allowing players to create and share as many levels as they want, thus making this game have pretty much unlimited content.

Why do you think CSS, DOD:S, TF2, Starcraft, Warcarft are all still successful even years after release. Ill give you a hint, level editors.
Forget it Vilham, it's a lost cause with these guys tbh.  It's just another platformer.  Lol.
+2,382|6998|The North, beyond the wall.

Vilham wrote:

jord wrote:

usmarine wrote:

sounds like the sims tbh.  except you have sack people.  lol.  sack people.
I thought it was like Mario on the N64 but without any objectives or storyline.

Then I thought it was like a map creator for any shooter but without any shooting or action.

Then I gave up.
Now use your amazing skills of deduction to figure out its a platformer with a level editor, allowing players to create and share as many levels as they want, thus making this game have pretty much unlimited content.

Why do you think CSS, DOD:S, TF2, Starcraft, Warcarft are all still successful even years after release. Ill give you a hint, level editors.
No I still don't get it. It should be a flash game to pass 5 minutes before you go out.

And the games you mentioned, the basic maps are the majority played anyway and not custom. So that point wasn't the best. Not to mention that on those custom maps for a FULL GAME, this game seems to just revolve around custom maps and not any form of gameplay. Be it racing or Shooting.
+2,382|6998|The North, beyond the wall.

sergeriver wrote:

Vilham wrote:

jord wrote:

I thought it was like Mario on the N64 but without any objectives or storyline.

Then I thought it was like a map creator for any shooter but without any shooting or action.

Then I gave up.
Now use your amazing skills of deduction to figure out its a platformer with a level editor, allowing players to create and share as many levels as they want, thus making this game have pretty much unlimited content.

Why do you think CSS, DOD:S, TF2, Starcraft, Warcarft are all still successful even years after release. Ill give you a hint, level editors.
Forget it Vilham, it's a lost cause with these guys tbh.  It's just another platformer.  Lol.
If I wanted a condescending reply and a flame war I'd post in D+st. Keep those posts outta this section, no wonder we don't get new members when you can't just have a normal conversation.
Un Moderador

No. I disagree with you making several threads about the same thing, just like "how the PS3 is better than the 360" threads and the others. When you like something, you keep wanting to impose that shit on other people. When people don't agree with you or find a reason against yours, you always cry and moan and bitch about it.

I have news for you. We don't care.

I spoke about GOW2 ONCE. I have never spoken a word about it since - why? because I know nothing more of it. It has been quiet on the western front. Yet you, since anouncing LBP yonks ago, keep coming up with more shit to try and get us "reallyyyyyyyyyyy excited" about it, or in this case, wanting to tell everyone how it will sell 20 trillion copies in 3 milliseconds because it's so fucking epic. There are a few gameplay vids, a few "hands on" previews... So what? Have you played it? No. Have you seen the "inexistant" sales sheets of this LBP game? No. Can you stop speculating and giving hype to a game that isn't deserving of half of it? No.

I never, for one minute, said this is going to be a shit game; but you spamming constantly saying how fucking epic it will ( notice future tense? ) be and how it will be GOTW and all that bullshit is not only pissing me off.
Say wat!?

jord wrote:

And the games you mentioned, the basic maps are the majority played anyway and not custom. So that point wasn't the best. Not to mention that on those custom maps for a FULL GAME, this game seems to just revolve around custom maps and not any form of gameplay. Be it racing or Shooting.
By far the majority of CSS maps played are gg, fy or zm maps. Rarely have I seen servers playing valve maps on dod:s pretty much every server I have seen plays lots of community maps with maybe 1 or 2 of the valve maps. TF2 is about 50% custom map servers when I run filter with no requirements.

Starcraft professional players play on custom maps and so do most players. Warcarft has a majority of players playing "custom" and not regular games.

If you think you can't have whatever gameplay you want for this game then watch some more videos and be amazed. I had the same view as you until about 3 weeks ago, I thought it was just a platformer which I though looked pretty cool anyway but when I saw some videos out there I saw how diverse the levels are, you can pretty much do whatever you want, the things you can do with the editor are amazing considering its a console game.

Eg if you wanted you could make a super smash bros type level where players need to kill each other off in a super smash bros environment and only have a certain number of lives.
Cowboy from Hell

jord wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Now use your amazing skills of deduction to figure out its a platformer with a level editor, allowing players to create and share as many levels as they want, thus making this game have pretty much unlimited content.

Why do you think CSS, DOD:S, TF2, Starcraft, Warcarft are all still successful even years after release. Ill give you a hint, level editors.
Forget it Vilham, it's a lost cause with these guys tbh.  It's just another platformer.  Lol.
If I wanted a condescending reply and a flame war I'd post in D+st. Keep those posts outta this section, no wonder we don't get new members when you can't just have a normal conversation.
normal conversation?  Gimmie a break, all I get is a mod bashing me coz he doesn't like me.  I just made a poll geez.
Cowboy from Hell

Zimmer wrote:

No. I disagree with you making several threads about the same thing, just like "how the PS3 is better than the 360" threads and the others. When you like something, you keep wanting to impose that shit on other people. When people don't agree with you or find a reason against yours, you always cry and moan and bitch about it.

I have news for you. We don't care.

I spoke about GOW2 ONCE. I have never spoken a word about it since - why? because I know nothing more of it. It has been quiet on the western front. Yet you, since anouncing LBP yonks ago, keep coming up with more shit to try and get us "reallyyyyyyyyyyy excited" about it, or in this case, wanting to tell everyone how it will sell 20 trillion copies in 3 milliseconds because it's so fucking epic. There are a few gameplay vids, a few "hands on" previews... So what? Have you played it? No. Have you seen the "inexistant" sales sheets of this LBP game? No. Can you stop speculating and giving hype to a game that isn't deserving of half of it? No.

I never, for one minute, said this is going to be a shit game; but you spamming constantly saying how fucking epic it will ( notice future tense? ) be and how it will be GOTW and all that bullshit is not only pissing me off.
I said 5 million, there's no need to be offensive.  You don't like the topic, don't read it.  Period.
+2,382|6998|The North, beyond the wall.

sergeriver wrote:

jord wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Forget it Vilham, it's a lost cause with these guys tbh.  It's just another platformer.  Lol.
If I wanted a condescending reply and a flame war I'd post in D+st. Keep those posts outta this section, no wonder we don't get new members when you can't just have a normal conversation.
normal conversation?  Gimmie a break, all I get is a mod bashing me coz he doesn't like me.  I just made a poll geez.
Well respond in kind. Alls I've said is my disapproval for your blind defence and voiced how I don't think this has any playablity, never mind re-playability.

If someone bashes you, bash them back. If someone offers a reasonable point, respond with one. I'm an asshole to people and can post text walls with uzique in d+st in the same 5 minutes.

Last edited by jord (2008-09-14 13:58:59)

Cowboy from Hell

usmarine wrote:

look at the poll serge.  you seem to be the clueless one.
I made the same poll on another forum, and you guys have no clue.  Shhhhhhhh.


And I don't get a mod bashing me either.
Un Moderador

I'm not bashing you. I am bashing your approach to showing this game to everyone.

We all get it: It looks incredibly promising and astounding, but it doesn't deserve all this hype. I don't doubt that it will be a good game, but I don't think it deserves this much attention. It's interesting, innovative and looks fun, but it certainly shouldn't be meeting expectations of Halo, GTA, GOW, MGS4. It's something fresh to the gaming community, but it's not something that every single PS3 user will run out and buy.
Cowboy from Hell

jord wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

jord wrote:

If I wanted a condescending reply and a flame war I'd post in D+st. Keep those posts outta this section, no wonder we don't get new members when you can't just have a normal conversation.
normal conversation?  Gimmie a break, all I get is a mod bashing me coz he doesn't like me.  I just made a poll geez.
Well respond in kind. Alls I've said is my disapproval for your blind defence and voiced how I don't think this has any playablity, never mind re-playability.

If someone bashes you, bash them back. If someone offers a reasonable point, respond with one. I'm an asshole to people and can post text walls with uzique in d+st in the same 5 minutes.
Ok, you are right, I didn't address your post in the proper way, sorry.
Un Moderador

sergeriver wrote:

usmarine wrote:

look at the poll serge.  you seem to be the clueless one.
I made the same poll on another forum, and you guys have no clue.  Shhhhhhhh.


And I don't get a mod bashing me either.
That's interesting, a PS3 forum? Wow, now there is a completely unbiased, balanced and clear view on the subject.

Bash me if you want Serge, I never said you couldn't. If you think I have addressed YOU ( not the topic ) in an inappropriate manner, then say so and if need be, shoot back at me. I haven't banned someone for having an argument with me... yet...
Cowboy from Hell

Zimmer wrote:

I'm not bashing you. I am bashing your approach to showing this game to everyone.

We all get it: It looks incredibly promising and astounding, but it doesn't deserve all this hype. I don't doubt that it will be a good game, but I don't think it deserves this much attention. It's interesting, innovative and looks fun, but it certainly shouldn't be meeting expectations of Halo, GTA, GOW, MGS4. It's something fresh to the gaming community, but it's not something that every single PS3 user will run out and buy.
That's a more respectful response.  I can disagree with you if we all keep it civil.  Yeah, I know I'm not the best example of it.

ps3 forums?  lol.  bias much?

most of those people responding have to wait until mommy buys it for them anyway.
Cowboy from Hell

Zimmer wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

usmarine wrote:

look at the poll serge.  you seem to be the clueless one.
I made the same poll on another forum, and you guys have no clue.  Shhhhhhhh.


And I don't get a mod bashing me either.
That's interesting, a PS3 forum? Wow, now there is a completely unbiased, balanced and clear view on the subject.

Bash me if you want Serge, I never said you couldn't. If you think I have addressed YOU ( not the topic ) in an inappropriate manner, then say so and if need be, shoot back at me. I haven't banned someone for having an argument with me... yet...
Those people are buying the game.  That's all I want to point out.  The game is coming out for PS3, so PS3 owners are the ones buying it.  Duh.
+3,611|6941|London, England
my mommy said she'll buy me little boy planet, only if im a good little boy also
Cowboy from Hell

usmarine wrote:

ps3 forums?  lol.  bias much?

most of those people responding have to wait until mommy buys it for them anyway.
The average PS3 gamer is 25 and older.  And the game is a PS3 exclusive, PS3 owners will buy it.  Geez.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6810|Gogledd Cymru

I just ordered a PS3 dunno if i'll get this though.
+3,611|6941|London, England

The Sheriff wrote:

I just ordered a PS3 dunno if i'll get this though.

you're getting a ps3?


that's awesome
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7010|Tampa Bay Florida
Still dont know what the fuck LBP stands for.

PS3 still sucks.

Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

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