Amir Khan got brought to school last night

The question is now is he finished or is there a road back for Amir in professional boxing? If he is to continue at his current weight he will have to avenge last night's defeat but I don't think he can, that guy was pretty awesome last night.
+2,382|6804|The North, beyond the wall.
So he fought someone better than a punchbag finally?

I think he'll sort himself out and come back, he needed this.

Last edited by jord (2008-09-07 08:18:18)

I think its silly how boxers quit after they've lost one fight. This is Amir's first defeat in professional boxing. A new experience for him will do him good.
He got cocky, He needs to chill out and put more practice in, then fight someone thats better than him again.
You orrible caaaaaaan't

kptk92 wrote:

I think its silly how boxers quit after they've lost one fight. This is Amir's first defeat in professional boxing. A new experience for him will do him good.
He is crap full stop, he has a good ability to dish out punishment but can't take it at all. Shit chin can't be fixed some things aren't meant to be that shit chin should of been weened out ages ago. He can try and go for it and improve himself I doubt he can it's a big wake up call to the idiots who were hyping him up. He was knocked down by someone else someone who had 13 fights and not one knockdown until he faced Khan that shows you something.

He can improve all his defence all he wants but even the best counter punchers eventually get hit. Guy is shit in terms of looking at him all around besides he hasn't beaten anyone actually half decent maybe that Mario Kindelan but he was old and that was his last fight. Fast hand speed and good offensive means nothing to an opponent who knows how to control the pace of a fight.
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6590|Tyne & Wear, England
This is what happens when you actually fight someone worthy of a fight.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
I blame Frank Warren he is like the Don King of British boxing. All he does is have his fighters fight retards and pad their records and protect once they get outside with real opponents they get a shock.
Un Moderador

He got owned. Literally. 54 seconds of utter destruction.
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average
I would have been so pissed if i'd have paid to watch this fight. 54 seconds. Lol.
i g

Mint Sauce wrote:

I would have been so pissed if i'd have paid to watch this fight. 54 seconds. Lol.
arent you[r parents] rich?

Last edited by i g (2008-09-07 09:25:47)

James DeGale, defend your Olympic medal. Don't take on this shit
God Save the Queen
+628|6469|tropical regions of london
'Light 'em up!'

Khan wrote:

"I'm a world beater."

this guy was a world beater

Khan just got too high on his horse for his own good tbh. Maybe after this he won't take such a casual attitude to other fighters.
+3,611|6747|London, England
That's what happens when you don't fight proper opponents. I doubt he's finished. If boxers quit after one defeat then there would be a distinct shortage of boxers
God Save the Queen
+628|6469|tropical regions of london

M.O.A.B wrote:

Khan wrote:

"I'm a world beater."

this guy was a world beater

Khan just got too high on his horse for his own good tbh. Maybe after this he won't take such a casual attitude to other fighters.
worldfamousphotos beats worlds
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

i g wrote:

Mint Sauce wrote:

I would have been so pissed if i'd have paid to watch this fight. 54 seconds. Lol.
arent you[r parents] rich?
I'm talking about just a general member of the public going to see that fight, would have been pissed to pay, or even on Sky.
Waste Kid

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